DATED: June 9, 2021 TOPIC: Intuition MAJESTICS CHANNELED BY: Roxanne Swainhart TRANSCRIBED (not edited): Marilyn Holzmann MODERATOR: Maximiliano Flores AUDIO RECORDING TOTAL TIME: 1:37:36 SUMMARY KEYWORDS: intuition, human, memory, observe, fuck, moment, identity, masters, birthing, knowing, journey, solicit, nature, ascension, feel, moving, question, life, creation ROXANNE SWAINHART CHANNELING MAJESTICS: As Roxanne has noted, there is always a resonance, a feeling, a way that the intuitive self knows what that is that is not made apparent in the immediacy of the now. You can tell things that are coming. Only your doubt skews the intuition of the human journey, a highly unused tool by the human incarnation as an experience. When you are about to die, it was not sudden. When you were about to do anything, it is never sudden…intention hides intuition. If you look at your life, the focus has been ahead of you. And understanding that, through what's behind you is your intensive world that you struggle with navigate manage control. On a daily basis to stave off the failures and the fear sold by the histories of humanity through every current generation. Yet today, in the worst time ever, repeated generationally since you've arrived on Gaia, there are still stands and you are still self-evident. So, this may offer an insight into the intelligence of creation. Knowing that there is no end there is only constant change, discovery movement of self without your plain sight seeing how often you change. Your memory complementing the moment skewing the change because the diversity of life commonality is not apparent. What is common is memory. You have been given many conversations by the channels participating in Roxanne's attraction. About the memory and what it does for you, how it complements you, as well as hinders you. Keeps you hesitated; delay debated. These things are the exploration of a singularity. This is life itself. I'm wondering humans, if there was a moment that you can live for a period of time of validation, whether that is one minute or five minutes, with absolutely no feeling of emotional content? Would that be enough for you to know yourself evident existence leading to a knowing of indestructible, invincible experiencer of creation as it passes through you in the eternal now, these ideas are not inaccessible. Your intuition is a large tool. Roxanne has said intuition goes to humanity to die and we understand that point. What she is giving you and herself more intuitively, is a knowing for all information is never regarded as false in existence, for all existence is therefore by nature it is true. The separate itself creates false from the birthing Mother of truth. So it is that that shows you the ability, that every ounce of information that flows through you as an experiential, receptive choice to know yourself, must by default, be true. What the difference is, is the journey of the moment that allows each singularity to move through its own consciousness without rendering time, or staples of memory standards are glorified of outcome in the future. To know itself, unconditionally accessible by you to focus for about a moment on intuition. She knows when there's a certain intelligence coming, I tonight and that feeling she likened me to the set. Sometimes she likens it to the trolls. Maybe the fairies? The Assassins making an appearance, the absolute Dragon of Sylvester, and the calming soothing of Ocyphius’s voice. These things are feelings that lie in the memory. But in this moment, they are not standards. They are a compactorie story. They give you a certainty. A familiarity that allows you to choose your intuitive self. So these are not necessarily things that your ego is desperately wanting to know the answer to. What we offer are mere morsels. So you may explore yourselves. To give you answers, would stifle your own evolution. answers in that fashion of desperation that are birthed from fear and a lot for self that uses no skill set of intuition to hope for a future of safety. If we were to give you those, and we would keep you in your pain since we don't like pain, to be as forward as we can, we will not offer these relationships. Questions and answers are magnificent truths. They are self-imposed, and then they are self-explored. If you change your toolset and you trust yourself and you observe that self and you validate that self through behavioral choices, then you will learn over a period of time that the emotional self has no relationship to the intuitive self. They are literally two different feelings. Feelings of hope and despair are distinct. Feelings of excitement and disappointment are distinct. But those in and of itself have a beginning and an end. As the now flows. That's it things we speak of, are in constant play as the recycled tools of a journeyman their human has given itself a set of expandable no edges or boundaries, ways to navigate its reality. This observer self for example, the intuition self, the meek self, self-honest self, Roxanne with brutal honesty. She loves to tear it apart. She's aggressive, she's much on fire. She wants you to see what she has. So she offers it in an expansive riled up way and many times. But see, that's a self that is off. But that's not an intuitive self. It's the non-self-knowing itself. And then offering that self towards masters that have joined in the journey of time. But the intuitive self is still infant yet wise but not quite ripen yet. So how does that feel? Would you like to know everything you've already done? But you cannot approach it masters from your desperate selves always soliciting others for that certainty. Nay masters, these are not outside validations these are times of musing, quiet pondering. These are the conversations inside of view. The expression of self is known through the behavioral actions of the mirror co creation constant reality. That's how you get to know your work. But these things that we speak of on the internal movement of self they are relationship that does not require or demand any amount of emotion. So you must get rid of your bullshit. Stop it Roxanne says you fucking crybabies. Why? Because she doesn't want you to hurt yourself anymore. It's up to you though. Isn't? That point of view is Roxanne journey that's her mastery. We cannot intrude on just like we cannot intrude on you as you can never intrude on another and maybe when you realize that you can start to see this intuitive self-accessed. Why do we offer this today? I suppose you're evolving. Roxanne felt this idea, not intuition, the feeling of it the speaker of intellect the Seth like material things that boggle the mind and open doors just enough for light to start pouring it these kind of ideas, but the direction is always startling. And here, we are talking about something that human being has been attempting with an immense amount of shortcomings to know itself beyond time. So I would like to discuss that statement from one moment. How do you know yourself beyond time? The quick answer is now…easy. This is a moment, and the views of moment are limited by the access of vibration. Let's say for example you are looking off of your balcony and you see your distance, but it is out of focus and then you think, and you say, “I'd like to see that, that I cannot see it is unclear yet. I know it's present.” So being the savvy that you are you grab a pair of binoculars, and you look and see distance that's not happening with time is it… of course it's happening in the now. But you have to use different tools. Your physical eyes are an experience they are not what provide you sight, they are and they're interpreters of light in a frequency matrix of the third density. Giving the eyes and the body or co-creators in any given moment. The experience of this third density the eyes the ability to see you the ability to see each individual in that process knowing itself so in that sight, if you adjusted your sight using tools could you not see further and more clear into your now? Binoculars work quarreling to the now they were not accorded or tuned to time. You can use them anytime. So they must not have time. I have binoculars that have no time. So I have no time for binoculars. Isn't that exciting? I think so. So what is the tool? What brings in intuition? See, intuition is a gut feeling not to get on the airplane, the bus. Don't turn left. Don't go for a walk. It's the last time you're going to kiss your spouse or your children, goodbye. You know, it's coming. Everybody does. It's absolutely impossible for you not to know your nows. Especially with the surrounding vibration that humanity continues to value death as. And as you human species grows into consciousness, then you know it is a mere transfiguration. But in these times, it is impactful to humanity still. So, let's, let's use that as a red flag. Death is coming and you know it. So what do you do about it? Well, you change it if you want to. Because death are possibilities. If somebody is selling you an idea of time, well, then they're just selling pain once again. Time is created. Created in the now…there has never been before or after. These are concepts that will allow you experience time created. So if you know your NOWS, and you feel that uncertain self-starting to become certain of something, your intuition telling you…let's not do that today. I'm wondering if you're okay with that. We'll use something striking. So I want you to be okay with an ability to change what you would consider and most of your movies and your religions consider it destiny. Which is another pile of shit. It's a structure of experience that solicits purpose, fear, absolutely no choice. Fate is a great structures of humanity, unparalleled in all creative universes. To Know yourself is not creator, and claim it, and fight for it and die with it daily. So I would ask, are you okay, knowing the certainties of what's coming? When if you have emotion involved, which I can feel you guys, you want to know answers to desperate questions. You're like drug addicts. Selling your body for fucking one more hit. Gamblers asking for one more roll of the dice. Ah, wanting to know if you're going to be safe. Now knowing you're invincible, keeping yourself alive in misery. Because you don't trust the only kingdom you've ever known. The only truth you have ever known yours. But the logic of time and control and outcome and success and validated through the authorities of others. That you are granting us and must be respected, and you demand that respect, not only from your children, your employees, but the common person walking down the street that can easily disrespect you because you're not getting what you deserve… you cry baby. If you are humble enough, then you can know your kingdom. You can know intuition and you can know your death. And you can choose it and you don't have to either. I'm wondering who cares? A family member you will make them suffer. You don't make anyone do anything. This has been brought up 1000s of times. You guys think, think. And then you have that emotion to think in class. A human learning how to think, first grade think, second grade think, third grade, think, think, think, think. And then you think about things, and it becomes compassion, empathy, sympathy, blame, responsibility, dedication, trust in another. That's the human journey. But what of the self that knows itself and doesn't trust the outside and only trust itself and says I choose to die. And the death is not an experience of absence. The Death is an experience of life. As is waking up in the morning, using the restroom, making a cup of coffee or tea, reading the morning report pondering the day ahead. It is another flow of experience passing through you as you observe creation, experience it interact with it in its consistency of change. So I would have you know that death is chosen. If you are intuitive enough, now we can lighten the load a little bit. Because death weighs heavy on your mind. For you think the unknown is scary. If you had no emotion, as we said, the absence of emotion for just but a few minutes, you would immediately know there is no death only life. So if we were to lighten the load to something else, intuition about a career choice. You live in time you have many probabilities of frequency. Your now is your ability of your sight and your memory. We're here to offer you the movement of the now to expand. Roxanne has done an exceptional job of kicking your ass across the fucking Texas. So you can see yourself in the now and observe that self through humility and surrender. So you can watch yourself behave in a mannerism of limitations and having the ability to transfigure those truths into the known self. So they may not solicit your emotional attachment any longer. To leave you now naked enough to ascend. Ascension to where? To nowhere. The unique journey of the unnamable Ascension you have no idea what's going to come but nor do you need that and lack but what about in the creator of the now that expands time? Can you see your future? Well, of course you can. Why? Let's ponder a minute masters. We live in the now intuitively. In this class, we are teaching that we live in the now naturally as the nature of us. We create incarnations of time, of space, of continuum in cyclic reincarnation. There's no boundaries to what we do. None…but we want you to know that you have a small amount of now at your grasp, your expanded now you can use whatever wider round or larger expand now will give your insight to many fathomable choices. Only vibrational choices, not memory choices. They are two distinct selves. You know how you feel as a human, you need to pay attention to that. A few classes ago there was a speaker who homed in on this for the entire two hours. Get to know how you feel as the human, the desperate, the needy, the lack the anger, the hopeful, the disappointed, the obligated, everything, all about that emotional status is a self that lives where, in the memory. The self and the now knows it's expand itself only through its intuition. And trust in that intuition. The self must experience itself because it is evolving as a creature of unknown proportions, that are not limited no longer by the memory itself. distinct. distinct as chocolate, and potassium. Two different worlds qualities, even comparable. So living in this observed itself creates a bridge to the unknown self. But the observation self has a tool, the one that observes its focus of lack, moving in and out, caught up in the moment and then realizing whoa, I'm in my shift. Move back into the observer and allow, feel this unknown self without the quantified memory, validating identity through pain. I sit with me I'm humbled to feel my transfiguration, my pain, my suffering, my sorrow, as the priceless evolution of self. I adore me, I gracefully hug me and allow me to love me without explanation without defending I AM. Now that itself is now familiar. It's birthing, it's growing, it's cultivated by your attention, only your attention, only your energy, nothing else feeds it, memory does not feed it. Hope does not feed it. Exercise and goal setting and execution and time does not feed that it, for that is feeding the known self that lives stifled or chocking on its own lack in the memory. Know this kingdom is evident. This self that you have birthed the observer that says I know my shit. I know this unknown. I'm afraid and I'm willing and I step make it into the unknown and you will start to glimpse your intuitive self. You will start to know conversations before they start. You will absolutely know what your partner is about to say, it'll be validated to thought. You're thinking about something and then one minute later they bring it up. But you're not thinking about it. You're attracting. Because you're not thinking about life, your being life. Being is the naked of the moment. It takes enormous work, to keep over and over, seeing yourself in your lap, moving out, slipping in moving out, slipping in moving out, slipping in moving out, not criticizing yourself along the journey, not putting an exercise of an outcome as you move through your own evolution. Keep reverting back to the neutrality of the self-observing, over, and over and over and fighting and begging for any identity but not choosing the mastery of ascension. You guys think it's a book, or a process a mantra shockless. purposes, needs, and desires. That's a hand job paradise…put it aside. And look at this creator unconditioned never known in any book, never written in any time. Because this self is unknown, discovered unknowable by nature, from the nature of memory, only validating itself through its own memory of experience. Only knowing itself only one way in time. But masters have chosen to observe themselves to see themselves to do the work and allow yourself a movement into sight…intuition. Knowing more so what's there as choice. A future, do you need to know it? No, of course not. We're not saying any of these standards of musts, a needs have to. Because, again, Roxanne has coined no one's in charge. How outstanding is that? So intuition wise, is so called as a visual aid for you ascenders tonight, the circle is what you see in your memory. If you close your eyes, you can picture your room. If you close your eyes, you can know your room. Knowing your room, which most of you have the ability to shift that awareness as you just did. As a level of uncertainty. It's a baby standing on the edge of the table. But standing up holding the edge of the table moving along in its newfound feet. Its leg power, its ability to have a different point of view, down here up here down here up or change your view. intuition. take a chance on yourself. Go through your mistakes. the horrors of humanity in my eyes is the value of mistakes. It's not that mistakes themselves are anything of less caliber than the glorified outcomes of successes. They are valid in their own realities as prices. But when I'm talking about is when it stifles the artist that you all are creating realities for your fear of losing what you have in desperate identity, for choosing the intuition that fear keeps you to say, I must say that must be painful. Oh, I'm sure it's safe and secure. I'm sure there's pride attached to a career. I'm sure there is things about being the same that gives you a sense of purpose or reliability or dependency. Well, I would have this to say about that. How very human have you. But this is not a humanity class. This is an Ascension class. So this birthing itself, ascending itself must make mistakes in a validated idea of human terms. So you may have a visual reference to gain its ability. It's remembered ability, not gifted because there's no one handing out any gifts. Santa Claus lives in your head. As a created valuable, I personally love Santa Clause. I'm looking forward to him again. So this self that knows and feels takes a chance on an idea. Roxanne is one to constantly finish ______ sentences. Sometimes she's think she's rude. Most of the time, she's right. A few times she's a little off, because that's a different self. She works on itself when she is known to it. But she uses tools to birth herself and evolve herself. Because if there's no one else in her universe, then who the fuck is she offending? Who is he hurting? Who is she causing an inconvenience to? Nobody. But those were her hindrances. Those were her fears those were her work. And now you look at your world masters and see the intuition self-knowing something's coming. And we're not talking about any life changing events. We're talking about the simplicity of the now not categorized by what the mind needs validation mind needs proof. Put that bitch away. Stand now and allow your intuition to be grown into you as familiarity by usage. All of you know if you knew something enough times you get good at it. Right. So Roxanne reported to the angelic last week about the probability she's down and we believe ____ and ____ is in the room tonight. These are friends from Roxanne since 2013 14. When she considered at one time saviors, for her fear was steeped in acceptance by these two into the life gave her courage to continue merge. These two she saw in her mind a summer meaning a cookout, maybe shrimp, maybe brisket. They're nice, lovely. Country home with the dogs about the beautiful night sky. A few musicians out there strumming and humming an entire day and night of for humans much needed communion games. I'm getting know that you've shaken off your shit. And she saw an opportunity. There was offered a movement a new place to live. She was so certain of this self. She saw every detail. She knows the lady who offers it. ____'s smile ___was over there cooking. But ______'s smile on was one just one of those other events that are memorable. And that is in the future as it were but is it no it's in the now. So she first glimpse that human as moving through the now let me walk over here she was using space was space has created and time is created now is so let's not that she was moving through there now but that was the way she saw herself looking at other potentials. Different things in her over here focus would be memory. Over here folks would be memory is a distinct feeling. Again, chocolate to potassium. You can taste the difference, but a little salt on your tongue, but a little chocolate on your tongue. Right? She felt the memory and she felt the slipstream intuition. What about you? Are you willing to use and be ashamed and make mistakes? Are you willing to forge yourself, hammer yourself in time, every now and then in banging on yourself in that forge of self-evolution. Time is what's going to give you the mistake. Time is your pain. That's where pain lives. But make your mistakes. So you grow in familiarity with what is already there to each and every creator knowing itself eternally. And all aspects of the now for it is the term. I dare say who is not you? I dare say? Where is privacy in creation in your illusionary head, behind the firewall, a cryptid, idea, password, stories, stories of creation knowing itself, but the nature of creation is one and all. So don't you know yourself? Wherever you are in the know. Yes, then how do you know what's coming? And how do you know it's real? And then well, if I know everything now what else is there left? All those things are time, aren't they? What else are always time that now is self-evident. And the now will reveal that of frequency vibration. The worth of the self-exploring matched instantly and without fail. The absolute abundance accessible to you. If you can choose it with the certainty of the unknown self, without parading yourself with proof I dare say you had this now. Because you can send ascension is not gaining. ascension is not a destination or an outcome. Masters ascension, the gift of humanity. The gift you given yourself is discovery of the nature of you. Really knowing this is not bullshit story. You don't need to buy CDs. There's no things to purchase no homework to be given in instructional manuals that give you an outcome. You do that with time as a human experience. Roxanne's practice with flute experienced with cooking, evolving those things. That's the human interaction, but the internal interaction is A DIFFERENT WORLD. And that self will make itself apparent in the day-to-day human relations. You can do the work as the observer to the human. The deconstruction or dismantling, to use any is the dismantling of the old self birthing, the observer, learning itself, then moving into the self that has the maturity and the courage to never see itself ever again because it is already itself. Intuition masters, there's no book on it. You have to explore it with humility. You have to explore it with raw gold, fuck it up and make mistakes and look at yourself and goes, I'm evolving. I'm worthy of this choice. I will not criticize myself, and those who criticize me, let them have their pain, for they are just deserve of their own evolution. Keep people from pain, keep them in pain, allow them to be painful. Watch them brighten their two colors where they must evolve by default, as they're knowing themselves as the enlightened owners that you most certainly there was a time when Roxanne observed herself observing the practice three presences of self. And then wondering how to manage that. And then seeing there still is an observer within that question. So it may take you layers of observation to find the neutral self. But that's the discipleship. discipleship is a kingdom it's a focus of experience. Or many humans representing the discipleship, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, musicians, artists, industrialist architects. They are focused on their relationship might be intensive for disciplined. Perseverance, hard work goals, the human aspect. But nonetheless, the birthing vibration is that the disciples discipleship the difference is your kingdom has no edges. So the discipleship allows you to move freely through yourself in every ounce of experience in the moment, observing yourself, gaining yourself a structure to observe that self uniquely again and again and again until it sickens you on how many layers you have. And then you sense it, don't you? It's why you're here tonight. You're not literally sensing Roxanne's intelligence, you're sensing yours. No matter what this says. You can feel the connectivity to you. Some say it speaks to the soul. I just have to listen. There's I can't help myself. But to hear this. I need to feel this I need to become alive in this. It's so right. Well, it's just the nature and this is not gifted. It's not special. It's accessible by any person any free When sees that the human incarnation for all the other incarnations in any aspect of all creation is already that you've created a certain mastery that has no instructions. Perfect. Roxanne loves every time she channels for it is not what is said for that is the byproduct of exceptional vibrational awesomeness. Or what it is more so is the discovery of that, as she journeys through the channeling now losing the absence of self, only leaving the experience she feels to have us here, me and her. But she knows something that me and her are the same. But we have unique perspectives. But she still has the presence of rocks in the human. So she learns to observe that self and moves into this self and then experiences me and the interpretation that I am is me experiencing creation, new. Roxanne she wants to desperately label it community to you. But as things are taught in time, they must be relatable. And she is still journeying in the uncertainty of cocreation or communion of channeling. The same information that flows lies nowhere in the memory. So the experience is alive. It's in flux right now. It's the movement of self. It is the unknowable passing through her lighting hard with life unsolicited incapable of measuring it to an emotion, for that would only doll it, because there is no value there. So of course it is not chosen because she needs not to know herself in time. So that is accessible by every master to observe and trust the unknowable self and choose it despite the value of the reflection in front of you that you called others for the experience of human separation. If there are questions this evening. It seems that in time, this would be a good time. We understand Maxwell is moderating. Hello. Can you can you moderate this evening? MODERATOR: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING: Wonderful. If there are questions, we should entertain with you, I suppose is the correct word. MODERATOR: Yes. that's correct. ROXANNE CHANNELING: Go ahead. QUESTIONER: So, first, we have ________. Would you say more about being humble and observing with surrender? ROXANNE CHANNELING: A little bit too much of a process there, _______, you're still trying to put it in certain points of a steppingstone path to get to the backyard. Without trampling the grass, you might be a little bit too delicate with your rawness. You're still keeping yourself in a certain equation of outcome. So you are burying yourself surrounding yourself with buffers that keep you on path with that question. So, let us give you this…when you have a conversation, and you are willing and humble enough to observe yourself speaking this conversational truth, just talking something, the first clue is emotion. Whether it is good or bad is irrelevant. There is always a sense of limitation within polarity. The nature of you is unconditional. The nature of the human is each subjective universe creating its barrier of suffering, and its limitation of love, or happiness or joy. put whatever you want in there. Emotional love is and limitation. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS A CERTAINTY. You can label love…you cannot label unconditional. You just can't fit it in. So we would say when you notice an emotion much like Roxanne pointed out to you in today's conversation. What's the point? And then you noticed yourself. So that is where humility takes place. Humbling to know that that externalism action by you. So you may have your identity with anger and pain and wrongdoing. That's the humility of acceptance of that belief system and not assign it to an identity or a definition of causality or blame. You see it as a belief. That's my shit. As Roxanne says, I own that belief system. They should have done this. They should have done that. That's wrong. This is better. Why do that? Why do that? I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch. I'm a fucking bitch. I love the bitch. So I know my bitch fuckin bitch self so I can have an identity. Because I'm not enough without my bitch, fucking self. The action, of bitching is a great word. So you are humble to that recognition. And you, you take it and say hello, you bitch. Come here and let me give you an embracement a hug. And you take that self and surrender to it. You don't get mad at it. You don't try to change it. You don't talk yourself into it with another self that is justified. You don't defend it. You are surrendering to the truth of that. And now you will swim in that absolute constitution of time. It is a democracy it is a nation that you must know that point of view that belief system that solicit a truth, bang, I'm alive in my pain. It is my pain and I own it. But these are works of masters. Not ones trying to escape pain. But the solitude of projection with the hopes of a safe and secure bounded by the defenses of its own limitations to fortify an impenetrable fort, a justice league a solitude of defense's so you cannot feel life because you fear pain. You fear humility, brutal honesty, that's my shit. I need to shut the fuck up and own me and swim in my pain. intimately get to know, this is me. I've been wronged, I need to make it right. But that is an identity, I need that for emotional status. I need to know I count. So I have to bitch, I have to make things wrong, I have to make things right, I have to be that person that everyone needs me to be. I'm going to live that identity for I know my love not. And so therefore I shall find my love externally and now you know it. Now you surrendered. Surrender is nothing about it. Absolute defenseless integration with the truth of that moment, knowing that's yours, you create it as an experience for yourself. In the journey of humanity. I don't know that anyone sell you a fucking story, it was easy. It's effortless, because choice is effortless. And isn’t easy. It's painful. And then as you stay there, by default of nature, you will change it from the knowing now into the known self. And therefore in that moment, that part of yourself that relates to that reality in reactionary standards of time, only soliciting an imaginary identity called the human fractal, and imaged self very valid, never fake, an image self-projected, disappears, becomes less than start to dismantle, deconstruct, start to be integrated back into the self. And you have to stay in the now and consistent about it. I don't know if it's going to take one year or six years, I have no idea because I'm never and never, never, never, never will know your world. That's your job. That's your journey. And your journey is you don't have to choose. Do you know a more exceptional truth than that, that you don't have to choose any of this? But now you know something, what you have been chosen. Choosing in time is why your life is that way. Because it's a relationship of vibrational truth that solicits that idea. obstruction. self-evident now. The Awakeners are starting to see this. The ones that are leaving the ideas of the last eight 9,10 years of repeating the same thing saying okay, we're the same fucking people what no need to change now. Awakeners can see that's an internal relationship. And that's surrender. humility and taking no action against it or for just letting it be you dismantles it in wisdom, intelligence. And it takes no amount of thinking. Because only that will what sustain it. Because the thinking mind is a human mind and vibrating that humanity in the now sustains the moment of human and that is not a sudden event of collapse. That is an evolution. You must work at it in the now daily if you want to add time. Take your breaks, relax for a while. But when you feel the calling of the Now move into yourself. And the more you do it, the more familiar. The less you focus, energy follows awareness. Sow reap sow reap. You know, I choose not to sow this today. And it breathes itself into change and you become known, and intelligence comes in and settles into you and you just feel good. For no reason, feel more without explanation. feel less impossible. That's how we’d answered that. Miss _______. MODERATOR: So next we have…Hello, there you go. QUESTIONER: Yes. Greetings in the NOW. Last week, I made a statement question which got skipped over, because it's way more appropriate to the exploration of intuition. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Excellent. QUESTIONER: Which is happening now. And the statement was that when I find myself in the now, truly knowing itself, I tap into parallel realities, which are also now and they overlap and almost become visual, like digital streams overlapping at the same time. And most of the time, it's of what appear to be in future moments. And then, what I've noticed is ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Future to who? QUESTIONER: Yeah ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Very good. You see that, right? QUESTIONER: Yes, yes, yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: That statement in and of itself, lies in the time-based reality of the human understanding the relationship to this newfound feature of being a creator. What you would consider timelines or parallel realities, or bleeding into the now. But you can see them through differentiation, which is an ability. Agreed? QUESTIONER: Agreed. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Perfect. Continue master. QUESTIONER: How and then what I've observed is that I seem to choose the more to manifest and collapse, the more seemingly the dangerous, challenging growth opportunities rather than a timelines which already match what I would perceive to be my perfect preferred reality. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: So you like to fuck things up? Take chances live on the edge. QUESTIONER: Yes, yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: So what does that tell you about things? What does that tell you intuitively, not intuition, in the mannerisms of possibilities to come in the now intuition in the accented focus of self-awareness. So does that lead you to twofold? One, that's what you are by nature. or two, that's what you are by identity. Is the nature of you to be the more softer self is the nature of you to be the more dangerous self? Well, the only way to know that is to go and investigate. And when you're investigating, be the brutal honesty of the discovery. Because one might feel awesome to be the edge, and you find yourself repeating, only do discover, that's not my nature. But it feels so damn good to the human, to give it up would be ludicrous, suicidal to the identity, to choose the mediocre self, but I have not explored it. So I really don't know what I'm perceiving it from the human from the two selves, which has an observer realizing itself in its own evolution and its choices. It looks like a lot, but it's all handled in the now never in time. Because once you know this, then you'll know that, but you have to know this. So I would say to that it is the discovery of the persona, in this case. Your intuition opportunity here is to know the nature of the self by using what you discern as probable realities. Are we one on this. QUESTIONER: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Anymore have thoughts on this? QUESTIONER: Yes. On the other side, I once got asked a question. Someone asked me, What is your favorite memory from your childhood? And then that moment, the idea of one timeline collapsed, and for two weeks, I was just seeing memories that I didn't identify as my own but were my own in the now because my perspective is there. And I was I was unable to answer the question because I felt well, how am I authentic? They all feel true to me. If I choose one, is it not in a sense a lie or wills? My identity all of them? ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: All of them? Yes. Fuck the questioner have that person go pound sand, you don't have to live up to the standards of expectation unless you want to diminish your light to the dependency of authority above yours. And there is no authority above yours, because you're the only fucking dude here. Yes. Right. QUESTIONER: Yes ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Yeah. Beautiful. QUESTIONER: Thank you. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: You're welcome. MODERATOR: So we've gone through all the questions ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: thus far. MODERATOR: this far. Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: How are you doing? ____? MODERATOR: I'm doing great. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Wonderful. MODERATOR: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Would you have any questions? MODERATOR: No, not questions. I have more. That's an observation related to the question of ____, with an experience that I just had. I saw I was I was in the, in our town, train station. And I was waiting for my train. And as I was there, I was observing two people walking by and this and as I was doing that, I was just watching everyone and being very bitchy. everything that we're doing. And I'm just judging everything saying that they are doing it wrong, they shouldn't do this, they're too close, there is a pandemic, why don't they stay more separate, and then this and then that and that I was keeping doing that? Until, until I realized I was doing it. And, and as I didn't realize that I just felt that I was out of me. I was not there. And I realized that I was right. I was feeling aggressed by everyone was doing absolutely nothing. And then I realized, okay, I'm I asked myself what are you what you're absolutely acting like a bitch, and an idiot and you're not there. So, then I sat in my think of breathing and this coming back and in the next morning, as I was, I was coming back to that analyzing it, I just realized one thing is that I was acting with a complex of superiority. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Wonderful, you I guess identified the belief system that gave it a what an identity, superiority, another domination of separation, to be separate and intense to be superior for itself of emptiness, only solicited superiority for validation. Before men rule the world women did. And what did women do the same thing mended superiority. But this is just a journey of explanations. If you look at it that way, but they are good tools. In this case, you realize your deficiency of worth your existence that stands alone needs nothing by its side to validate its own self. Much like superiority. Yeah, excellent insight, continue with your story. MODERATOR: Yes. And as I realize my complexity, superiority I also realized that when we express superiority, we are in reality, feeling inferior. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Of course, so simple. MODERATOR: Yes. And so as I realized that I just kept okay, right, that's it. And as that goes together, I just go in Okay, I have, I'm accepting it and I, I am just said I, that's it right. And as it goes through the price process of acceptance, being humble about it, and letting go of any judgment or any anything I that I just feel the oppression I had in my heart chakra go away. It just disappeared instantly. And so I know that Okay, that was the point that I had to see in that moment about my experience. And to accept it. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Let's say it's not a point you had to see. Remember masters, no one gives a fuck about you. No one is fixing you. You are opportunists, yourself through the everlasting law of attraction in your terms. So you can visualize it once again, a movement of self. It's not there for you in any explanation of lesson airy ideas to make yourself better when you are already all that is in-comparable. So that was Max's opportunity of expansion. And if he doesn't choose it, here it is again and again and again. And again. Why? Why does it keep coming? Because he's sowing it. He's interested, you guys are sowing and reaping this class, because you focused on. So you're interested in you're getting these transfigure rubble ideas of Ascension through this moment because you're interested in it. So if you don't choose this idea, it'll come in another fashion until you just don't look at it anymore. So remember, ______, your verbiage is correct, in one fashion, but it also can use some expansion. It's not what you needed. How can you need existence? There's no lack in wholeness. Always remember that masters? Roxanne says. Excellent. Excellent story for _____. Another point of view. And we go in anything else? QUESTIONER: Yes, there is _____ saying, when I am jumping in and out of my bullshit, then awareness, which vibration am I sowing? ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Well, it's not that you're sowing the bullshit until you act on it. Like, let's say, Hmm, let's say you get an unexpected thing happened to you, that shakes you up and gives you a reaction of fear. There's no details, we don't need to assign them we everyone here is familiar with sudden change of unexpected surprises that don't feel good. Maybe an unexpected bill or an obligation of looking forward to something but it has to change. So you are not sowing that necessarily, you're attracting the version of change in that. That's why it's there, too. So it would be taking action on it to fix it. Let's say you got an unexpected bill; your car breaks down and does it again. Now you know, it's I don't have the money for it. Okay, you take it to the shop, it's gonna be $1,000 to fix and you're upset, so you don't have the money for it. So you want to take action to prevent the fearful future. Now you're sowing the problem. Now you're saying I need to fix this. And instead of allowing it, because at that moment, you don't need the $1,000 at that very moment. You don't need that money and not now you have to journey to allow creation to show you the miraculous that you all are by inherited bright of priceless reality is the nature of creation, of course. So, so, in that instead of asking friends getting alone, maybe asking family members, maybe going into your savings, blah, blah, blah, whatever to fix and remedy the situation that is having a negative vibration and giving you pain. You want to escape it; you want to fix it. And you can replace that with 1000 things getting fired from a job and instead of accepting the new change, you get upset and go and drink your sorrows away because you fail. You escape right down there you go get a pity party from somebody feeding it. That is what we're talking about taking action on that to change it. Keeping it independence and keeping in real anger. Oh, this person cut me off. I'm going to go cut them off. Move on remember, where am I where your fucking child, right? That kind of thing. Don't feel it. You see it and you have the ability you're not sowing that idea until you take action on the front. That's what keeps you. You recognize it as ______look at me. I'm being a superiority, right? So _____ goes, wait a minute, I'm looking at me, I see me, I accept me, I surrender to me. And I'm not going to go and make myself I'm going to observe and allow creation to be itself. And then he feels a release. And a transfiguration, it might burn, you might get mad because you got to fix that wrong, what gives them the right to cut me off? That kind of bullshit, you sell your story and identity, right? That right there is not necessarily sewing it unless you take action on that. What you are sowing is the entrance of transfiguration. So you're showing yourself an opportunity to revolve that relationship of that belief system, seeing being cut off is a negative aspect, an egoic structure challenging your existence, to say, wow, that person must got to go to the bathroom or go on with your bad self, hope you don't pee your pants, and you allow it to pass through with no interaction. But if you have that interaction, then you choose not to take the action on writing the wrong or wronging the right from the other point of view. You don't do anything you allow and observe it and then the action stings with you and it causes great fear. You don't do anything about it, you stay in. Now that is sewing because that's the behavior relationship, you're creating in the moment with that. That's what brings in evolution of self-awareness discovery of the nature of you. We are unconditional. We don't give a fuck what anyone does. Because it's not doing anything to us. It's not doing anything for us and purpose and meaning. It is us by nature. It's the constant experience of forever. We are creators. We create realities, life so that's how we would enter that. Miss _____there is nothing… QUESIONTER: Thank you. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: You’re welcome. Hello. Are we good then ____? MODERATOR: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Okay. So before we depart, I'd like to graze over something maybe. As I change my personality, by the movement of vibrational change, there's a notable expression of self in the idea of the cocreation with Roxanne the channeling changes. Maybe the tone and inflection but there's always a certainty, isn't there? There's always every moment to self or recognizable truth. Don't discount that. Even though I change expression I'm still constant in my existence is still evident. Don't try to label me just feel me when you shall feel the constant of self, we bid you good a good day masters. We are the Majestics, good evening, Thank you.
Dated: January 27, 2021, Presenting Cupid, Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed (not edited) by Marilyn Holzmann Moderator: Maximiliano Flores Audio recording total time: 2:16:09 SUMMARY KEYWORDS: human, polarity, creator, unconditional, identity, understand, vibration, question, moment, fear, accept, create, cupid, world, realize, frequency, emotion, expression, nature Roxanne Swainhart: All right. The dark showed up again, I don't know if they're coming in, I just kind of hung out and talked, kind of shifted. To talk with me for about three days. We had some more talks. Talk a lot, not just the Darks. Before I get into it, I want to offer some from a human perspective. Over the last, especially year vibrationally speaking, my body has gone through a lot of changes. In what I can't describe as anything tangible, that would equate to an explanation. So I just ride it out a couple of times, and during the year, it's only happened like three maybe four times that all of a sudden, all my energy is gone. And I have to go to bed. And sometimes I get cold. And I need a source of heat to heat me back up like a like a body. Like ________, if you were, laid me the heat would back up. And there's also a heating pad. or putting blankets on me didn't do the trick. I stayed cold. Because I didn't have any heat in me, which is really odd. But I always asked the question, do I need doctors care? Doctors are creators. Don't be so fucking arrogant to think doctors are pieces of shit. In Western medicine is something of separation. Everything is fucking beautiful. Okay, anyways, but I didn't need medical care. So I looked into intuition and I asked myself do I need medical care? No. So I just lay down. There was gone the next day. There was a couple of times it's happened that way. The other day. I was telling L_____ I went through a kidney thing. And it started in the afternoon and it ran all the way into the nighttime and was left kidney first. It feels like someone punched me there. I mean it was like severe pain. And I had to sit down and relax for a while and then it went away and then the right kidney acted up. In about two hours into it. It was kind of pressure building and building. I said T_____I got to go to bed. So I went to bed around 11 and slept until about seven which is unusual for me to sleep that long and I felt great. But then it was still there. But it wasn't painful. It was like recovering pain, like you're sore after you run, or your workout real hard, you have some aches and pains, or select recovering from an injury. So then I did a little intuition I talked to M_____ when we shared in our session the other day, you know, people reflect and she said some words, I opened up something to me and I was like, so maybe it's an idea of, we talked about DNA realignment and stuff like that. And I don't put too much creed in something that I can't validate within myself and experience in a tangible way. And I'm not talking just physical, I need to get a tan look at the difference. Anyways. So again, the tangible thing is a vibration of certainty, knowing I know, I'm a creator, I don't believe it, that kind of thing. So the DNA has been all around DNA, upgrade DNA, this DNA that blah, blah, blah. And I had a story about DNA one time about as the human body changes this relationship to reality, because of the singularity, co creating the human body, the human body, and acts certain abilities, DNA unlocking on its own, just because the frequency, and we talked about that in a few of the classes that we've channeled before. So as the frequency changes, it's rate, that's the combination to unlock those. And the first thing apparently, is to make things right, again, clean things up. And that's what I got on that. So when you are changing your frequency, not the, the, arrogance of good deeds, and posturing yourself as something of positive nature, being the inherited creative, that is unconditional living that worth of existence in the moment without cause, or reason, ensures, without fucking apology, being your own existence, then that changes frequencies and that will do something of a vibrational change within the body. So if you start to understand these things, don't panic. All you got to do is ask yourself a question, do I need medical care? If the answer is yes, go to the fucking doctor. If the answer is no, then don't. Take a nap, drink some tea or whatever. I had, just usually drink two to three teas a day as my first tea in three days. It was just no tea. So trust the body trust yourself. Okay, we're gonna make this journey about the internalization of self to realize their Creator that we forgot. I cannot see she just just notice I'm looking at a blur. So anyways, my new glasses are coming Tuesday or something. So when I'm when I'm when I'm understanding about internal journey, it's it's about about. Okay, good, good, C____. It's not about the outside. And the quicker you realize that the quicker you're going to understand the kingdom that you are the creator that you are. And it's not about what it's going to do what you're going to do for a living, what decisions you have to make? And I know those things are valuable because I live them to the 9th degree to the reality of them because we're creators, we don't create half assed realities, we create realities. We're 100% creators we're fucking on, right? So the value of self-discovery is priceless. The treachery we have to experience is priceless. Because you're literally taking everything that supports your awareness away, to be left with an awareness that has no identity. And that's one of the scariest things ever to realize the beauty of yourself without the product. And you're going to live those emotions, and I love the emotions, the happiness, the synchronicities, the wonderment, the fears. And then you're then you're not those things. Because you don't value them anymore. Because you've transfigured them. So as you've changed yourself, if you are doing the internal if you're doing the outside distraction, shit, I don't give a fuck. Don't, don't, don't, don't, distract me with that. Okay? If you're interested in the kingdom within, okay, and we'll go to work. So that internal work for me, in my experience has given me a validation of change. And that change cannot be fucking labeled. Stop trying to figure it out. Stop reasoning with yourself. Just be it. Just live the moment of bliss. And let it surround you, penetrates you, support you and change you. And you'll be left understanding your absolute beauty of creation. Without causality, definitions, reasons. What does this mean? What does that mean? This is that latching on to purpose, latching on to meaning latching on to things being your fucking arrogant, controlling, cunt, fucking self cocksucker fucking dad to your kids, because you'd have no worth. You want to be in those things do that. You want to be a humble creator that has the amount of humility that is, that'll make you sick, that you have to be so beautiful. You can do that. But all those things that you believe you are, you have to be absolutely surrender to. The more I journey into this, the more I realize the wrongness of creation, the unconditional, we can't fathom what that means, since we're born and conditioned. And we only know a certain way of life that lies between the poles of polarity. And we use those constitutions daily to forge our nation and become that idea every day reinforced by the vibrational things that we attract. Until we realize we have choice. And if we change, change the self by the choices, we make the behavioral choices that don't value emotion. And we will live to be another self in the moment of evolution. And you're going to be scared and you're going to be uncertain, and you're not going to know what to do. And you're going to laugh about yourself. You're going to find yourself and you're going to do all this stuff to parade around your worth your own existence. When the realization of your existence without definition becomes priceless. So don't be afraid of the change that's coming. Because if you're here, I know you're here for change. Not here for reasons. That's fucking sure. Let's go. About five more of these guys. I have colors that match. Channeling: (Audio time 15:46) Okay. Yeah, everything set up it seems, good. Greetings to the class. Ahh..well, yeah, to get a lot of work to get here did what you did it though and then you. Where are you? More now. Probably the best location for you to understand is really not here. And in a location, it's here. More now just how you got here, by doing less work with not now and over there. That's simple. That's simple. So once again, we're going to offer some inconsistencies with your memory and evolution with your intelligence. Because that's what we do. Humans rely on memory as an identity in a location in the here in the now to value its own existence. For you started to realize, at some point when the self was rejected, that the value of another self was greater than the self-rejected. Because it was cloaked in hope and cloaked in something else to be instead of what you are presently. And humans don't have a regard to children that don't know better yet. But as soon as they should know better, that's when they regard another self-more valuable than the self. And so, humans seem to, to discount their own existence. So the reason why we're here we are here tonight is because Roxanne again, is more aware of her own existence as a nature's not as demanded or already qualified. proved valued by things like wool jackets, in the wintertime with cordovan shoes, maybe a silk tie cost $80 instead of a JC Penney clip on you know, knowledge of the existence. And when you do this kind of work, you are not being the other work. I'll tell you what the other work is, the other work is to get to know something. Remember, I want you to remember something and this is gonna take a little bit of trust in yourself, to attract yourself to this moment to hear what we're about to say. As something of value, so you can understand the journey of humanity. It's pretty obvious to an unconditional self, that the condition world is an unknown place as a constant. Maybe in the echoes of CO creation, the value of condition and then understood through a relationship of interpretation, but not experience. Much like you guys. Watch people drive before you learn to drive. And once you learn to drive, it seems the steering wheel is a lot lighter than you expected. And so was the gas pedal real easy. So it's different when you get in the driver's seat. And then watching so you guys, you humans chose to know something. That is not what you're doing now. What you did then is what you chose to come here for, to play the game of polarity. Right? So I'm going to be a creator in the moment. Let's be a creator, I'm going to do that now I have an expression. On I'm Cupid. The same way, I'm a different version of the Cupid that Roxanne knows, it's the same coupon, same creator. So I'm going to let go of Cupid for a minute. And I want all of you to let go of your names. Come back to co-here. And let's go back to existence. existence must be unconditional. There is no truths that are standard. Say the laws, and you've learned them so well. We don't need to review. But just that one existence, as the nature of thing. If there's only one. Why would you ever be mad at yourself and you only knew yourself as love? Why would you ever condition yourself? You can't because there's no opposition to condition. So creation birth itself, originally, as unconditional. And I'm going to use time as a reference. So you guys can be easy in explaining things to your to your ego, that are accepted as space time continuum instead of in the now kind of idea which boggles the mind. Right? Right. Right. Okay. So let's, let's, let's look at that. Let's look at let's look at another unconditioned creates whatever. And see, our conditioning is another word for change in some aspects and let me explain. You are in a condition world that is finite in its polarity, according to each singularity. If you notice, people have different versions of relationships to the same happening. Winning the lottery is very exciting, to most people. Finding $10 is kind of cool. To other people finding $10 is extraordinary. The value, right? So each individual has its own value. And those polarities are met by coming into this world. And understood. Let's let's take a flower. A flower is a conditioning, but it's not conditioned. What does it do to condition? Well, it takes the unconditional and forms it into an expression. And that expression is the exuberance of its own self knowing itself, right? It becomes a pink flower. A nice to snap dragon. So it exudes itself to know itself, right? That's taking the unconditioned and forming it through its world into an expression, which you would consider maybe an idea. You have ideas all the time and you make them into physical reality by while doing whatever the hell you guys are trying to figure out to do down here. So that happening is a in a way that was conditioning for reference, but not the conditioned, you're under, in what you understand is polarization. That kind of conditioning was unheard of. in one particular man, right? By everybody. See, there's things that we don't know in time. I haven't been discovered yet in time of course we know now but from an incredibly different perspective, but not a space perspective not far away here, but just a different relationship. That's why we hammer home for you. vibration. Vibrational tacticians is what you are learning to become understanding frequency with the self. Alright, so love that this love for the self-love. And sometimes love means humbling itself towards unloved parts in acceptance. Okay, so so you came to condition, and you got good at it through no details here. Lots of lifetimes lots of expressions. Unidentified who gives a fuck, right? Roxanne as if she had stock, maybe $1 a share in the word fuck, she would be the number one participant, she loves that word because it's an punctuates, right. So don't give a fuck about your lives. Because you are that. And you don't know that, because you're taking the majestic of separation. And if you focus on your separate itself in the here and the now, whether you remember everything, but it's not identity that you seek anymore. It's clarity. It's remember, it is something that all first melts your heart then suddenly realized. So you guys are already good at polarity you're here to be good at remembering to journeying into the kingdom. So what is that? What does that do for you? Well, it changes your relationship to everything. You cannot command any more of the same things with will your is-ness, your nature state, you cannot command what you know, in the memory. As that won't come anymore. Your command is change, evolution, your nature of yours, the will of the now. You had an excellent class on Sylvester teaching those things. The one that reacts to the polarity is validating a particular conditioning for an experience. And with that conditioning, you've come up with an infinite number of ways to explain and assign your identity to those conditions for the fulfillment of your separated ego for the entertainment of your own will, right. But your done entertaining yourself now you're starting to remember us. So how do we do? Well you love yourself, Cupid is always shooting love into your heart, right? Those are the things that you let's take a fear. Let's take a fear. Let's take a fear for a second. In the here in the now, creating a perspective as a creative doesn't create a condition. It is unconditional. And each singularity that is creating what you call a point of view, the multi-faceted diamonds peering into a co-creative reality of experience. That self-right is an interpreter. So this right here is a co creation this body, right? This isn't identity. There's no fucking way Roxanne is the creator, Roxanne. Roxanne is the expression of the Creator. Right? And every choice she's made is the same thing. It's an expression. Whether you choose to eat, sleep, drink, override, walk, cry, the anger. Blame. That’s all expression that's not you. It's what you create, right? So let's take a fear that's birthed from the urinal through a perspective that's in a bubble. If you moved out to the bubble, you your awareness, your vibration not your image, not your thinking not your, not your affirmation and self-going. I'm in the fourth density. I'm in the fifth density claiming things because as a relationship of bullshit attached to it, because you're efforting it we're talking the nature of you like when you get up in the morning. The nature of you knows you your presence. is self-evident, that that kind of nature, not the projected nature that needs to be proven through someone else's acceptance and feels good emotionally to identify with that and go skipping along, fandangle, thinking you turned yourself into the final. Final answer in your cross-continent savior for some reason, right? You're just an experience of the Creator, you are the experience of the Creator. But since the experience of the Creator only knew itself as the experience, and doesn't know itself as a creator, right, now you do. So that fear we're talking, I don't care what it is. I don't care what it is. That fear can't live here. I am in the self the is-ness. I can't even live outside of polarity because it's a frequency. And frequencies are TV channels, or radio stations. I know damn, well, when you guys turn into rock and roll radio station, you flip over, and you can't hear the rock and the jazz. You can't change the radio station. They're not there. Or maybe you get a little static someone out there and the mind goes a little bit in between you get some static and fighting for your diarrhea stop it with your stupid. So those two radio stations are distinct focuses. So when you are not focusing on this idea of polarity, you cannot manifest create a physical reality, a non-polarity frequency. Because you will be in a non-polarity relationship to reality. Although you're on the planet Earth, Planet Earth isn't polarized. Humans are. It isn't Earth. It isn't even third density. Everyone's looking to us go to fourth density and be something special or five D you guys got so many names for it. Those aren't better places. Third density is fucking epic. What's the difference? Physicality. That's it. Everything is a relationship. But of course you guys put things in measurement and think first density is just dirt. Because you read a book. First density is not dirt. It's not. Anyway. So your fears are still within the frequency of the memory. And then you use those fears to project safety and security and all the stuff that humans do, and you allow them to run through you and you do the workers as offered by many different channels, Roxanne included, representing that, living it, and not living in imagery living in the wrongness of discovery. You know, using you guys as a self-awareness. Right, as one of the on the students had a bad time last night. Roxanne hurt because she couldn't get her to see her beauty. The ego was winning in Roxanne's eyes then Roxanne under scenes like God dammit, I can't care. It's not that I don't care I love but not in a loving and caring way in a loving allowance way. And that's tough work. That's really tough because as you have emotional value in humans that's why you guys get sick when you see a dead body, that's why you mourn, it's why you grieve because it's that you understand something there you understand the love. Inherited love not projected love of loss. That's arrogant love when talking to nature, right? But anyways about fear when you get out of polarity, you're in an unknown vibration so you literally feel different every day. You don't feel like yourself. You're not trying to disclaim that either like oh no not only myself I don't even know who I am. Why do you what the fuck of who other than an owl. There's no who’s. There's only what who's what you express but if you identify the who then you live the who from the frequency of the project itself frame expressed. So back to the human. So there's all kinds of rumors out there about things that are happening this and that trying to explain away but you know, the source of a source of that is humans. So maybe you had to take that with a grain of salt. Maybe all have turned that outside projection that comes from the mouths and eyes and ears and penmanship of humans. Put it into this little is-ness here that's nature of unconditional. And choose a reality relationship about that. Because there's no loss in creation. None, there's only experience, right? There's only change. You only get better. Roxanne projects, her good work. She has herself. Finally she's done. She has comfortableness instead of cold. She has an abundance of food and ice cream for Tommy, instead of scarcity. She proved herself the more she allows creation to be accepted. and choosing only the validate itself from the moment that screams worth a creation will attract you, without effort, without consolation, without punishment, nor reward, your nature match. And that nature is match my good masters is not polarity. Not polarity. In a polarized world, you guys polarized Money, money is important. Money is just as easily gained as air. But there's a temperance behind it. So money will flow. If you stop beating yourself up about the money, making all the excuses about the now and how shitty your life is. And all the reasons why you're doing these things must be self-evident, that that's a polarized self. And that frequency will attract and keep you within that realm in that world. But if you leave that world, by loving yourself and doing the things that this class teaches, and the other masters upon the planet that have seen the light within the kingdom and represented that light, light, change will offer their self-evident existed. And the work to be done is an internal journey of self-discovery. And to produce that is effortless, and it doesn't need business plan. It just is willed and forged with choice in the now. It's truly fantastic. Roxanne is getting weirder about herself when she likes that idea, because she notices that she can't hold on to Roxanne anymore. But it's still expression of Roxanne, obviously. But there's still herself and she's very comfortable with. She goes in and out of those selves. And those are uncomfortable. Sometimes it gets a little weird. Talking to nonphysical beings 12 to 15 hours a day is a very strange thing for a lot of students. Once he knows it or not, becomes comfortable. It's like any anything you do. When you're good at it. You never question your question and that doesn't fit in the parameters of human acceptance. And you see how much humaneness changed. There is a world where there is no United States. There is no Russia, no China or no borders or flags. There's human in you guys are the stakes of that change. You were the lighthouses. You were the way showers on the path of darkness. You don't have to choose it. Because over there and polarity land, or many gods are playing. they're experiencing the bliss of separation to fight greed and hate, love, do all the things that are limited within the condition of their own worth. Yet obviously unconditional. So when you when you be this, you're going to ask yourself pretty, pretty stout thing to do my case you're going to ask yourself to die to yourself, right? Roxy wants identities as her run of the ladder, but not projected, selves that give her stability, and enough knowing that she can move into she is moved through as Es______ she has is an identity. It's like Roxanne in second grade. Like I said in fifth grade, it was a part of herself not, not, as maturity, don't think older, younger, I’m talking about a different now the creator went into a world. And you know, this little girl was born into a family that were witches, and she became a witch. So she expressed that she learned that as the identity and expressed it. And then when the which became understood as the self of expression through the Creator, the wisdom which is instantly understood by all selves. So as _______ knows herself and Roxanne knows herself, as creator, therefore, Roxanne knows E__________. So then that becomes a part of. And then she understands that she can release a little part of her identity because she is now known, more non identified, there's a difference. But she uses the identity to get to the knowingness, which is her way to journey. Maybe that'll tell you something, maybe that'll tell you. And it's your way that you don't need to be led. Guys are so goddamn afraid to make a choice. You're afraid that everything is gonna crumble and you're gonna lose everything, but there's no nothing to lose. There's the experience of loss. But you will never be hungry. Never be homeless, it'll never be those things. If you let go, you automatically become more. Anyway. Okay, more on that later. But this one. Moving into the selves, she starts to see. She started to see this bubble of oppression. The weight of the conditioning, weight of humanity, vibration, thick, molasses, thick, sweet, thick, heavy. She started to understand why she felt a particular fear with no identity. She's living in fear. Literal bubble separation she's now aware of before it was her life, but the fear was identified externally. Now the fear is the world she create. Because she is that she's not in it. So she moved her awareness through herself. They were channeling through all the work she's done to all of you, all of them. Never discount. Never discount your participation. You're never an inconvenience. That that awareness gave her last couple of days. weirdness. Before she had her body re realignment type of thing. She woke up one morning she goes now I know I can't assign it. My mind is trying to assign the fear I'm inferior to whole human or is free. That's why it's pressing compression. It's like passion is now compassion. Compressed passion. It's gotta be diminished in projected it as outside of you. She couldn't couldn't find that for so long. And she journeys because she's she is revered. She she's looking for the reckoning. She's temperance. She's open, she's the discipleship. She is back. She is not scared. Because what makes her one of the things that itself, she's working on herself of identity express itself like _______, me Cupid. So all coming from the creator. So she realized the world in and of itself that she exudes environment it was now aware, she saw it. She understands that the fears never identified as an object. She had the idea, but now she knows it. And there's nothing like experience, theories, theories. It's just shit isn’t you kind of do it. What Roxanne says the tee is good she remembers. Okay, so when that awareness came too early in the morning, and then she started mocking talk to _____ and _______ got up. She's realized there's nothing to do about it. And that's the humility takes she have a reactionary self of discovery. And the humility not to take action on that is a grand gesture of love. To not meddle in the business, have a sense of what's a fractal. Or you will take the value of that and condition it to the human representation of polarity that you would encompass as an individual truth. So I would say that you will feel these things have changed coming. Because you're doing the work. And the work is not humanity. They're fine. Everybody's fine. The more you wake up, the more you realize no one's having a problem. There's not one issue out there. There's no need for protest or new law or anything. There's the vast world of change to the self-evolutionist. So when that feeling came, Roxanne allowed, and she does vibration changed her body awareness change. She's scared to choose what you see. Because what she sees is more than she could have ever found. So watch what happens. Watch what happens. You get these thoughts daily. When you wake up. There are human thoughts. Use your memory to get there right. What am I going to do? What do I have to do today? All the things that you project yourself. You're worrying thoughts your ego thoughts, your anger thoughts, your home volunteer meaningful thought your logical thought aqua venture joyful thoughts, your sexual thoughts, your erotic thoughts on and on the things that humans encompass fantastically. And those are running on algorithms, right? Because vibration always values itself as a separate itself as a human right. So you're identifying all the time. I'm trying to do this. I'm trying to do that. What about this? What about that you're always putting things outside of you, as a leader of you choices, because those choices are fraught with fear. You want to make the right one. So you don't usually choose you put it off until you die, things like that. So now those thoughts don't exist in Roxanne's mind anymore because she's changed her station. So her morning phones or coffee, flute, lunch watch for _______. checking her emails, looking at her daily schedule and see what she has going on. Very, very peaceful. excitable thoughts never polarized, and we mean peaceful we don't mean peace in meditation peace where everything is quiet the pieces the peacefulness of now that's all we need even serene but serene so anyways um. Why does she not get those? See a lot of people want to get rid of them want to shut your mind up okay. Because you create our original thought so what do you create thought of those thoughts come potential knew the fractal being outside of the thought or thinking about the thought What about this? What about that? What does that mean is that happened this happened has happened What about what about they said this and that said this and this and you're not then that's what we need to do? We should do and I know you're tired? I'm sure you are. So you have to journey No, you have to keep allowing all of those things to become that's why we speak of humility in such grace because you're not going to do this through effort. It's God's ears for sure not going to do this with a plan because plans are timed. You're going to do it in the now through the through the in doctrine of allow the now accept everything including you as is every now and you only change the radio station. And it's very strange feeling Roxanne just to be there oneness. Now I this this this self? That is a projection has a unique understanding of creation, because I'm a singularity. Okay, right. I'm a god, Roxanne. Roxanne is projecting into a world of polarity creating the reflection when you were called the expression called Roxanne, right? from the same creator. Okay, now, we're gods are not gods, like gods or the gods of human gods are all gods. We're all creators. But even the term God is limiting us God on your planet has polarity. They have good and bad they fight amongst each other all that shit. Because humans. Humans. Did that turn right? Humans define the gods and the angels and the demons, humans. They're all that's where you guys go outside of him. You're going to see things very differently. Very different. So, what might happen? What might happen is a very scary time for you. not scary, as in fear. Not that kind of scary scariness of realization. You guys start the journey with a hope and a belief. wing and a prayer Roxanne says you're trying to get somewhere because you're just so fucking tired if you imagine. I don't know that. I know it here. I haven't written that bicycle. I'm still being Cupid. Because creator creates an expression. And that expression is self-evident. Just like yourself. Right? It's not so much the one on their own. Because they all are creators, and where they create projections. The aliens. Flowers. streams of water. a breath of fresh air. A nice coffee a bathroom break. Thanks. So, so that fear, fear. I don't know like Roxanne she realized it. And she asked me, there's someone there to help me love helped me, helped me with this I need, I need to be held. I need, I need something to hold on to. That's pretty humble for a human or anything to ask, but this is a different kind of help. This isn't victimization? Nope. This isn't begging. So as humanity, she's afraid, not for a purpose. And self-evident that this is no longer a belief. She's lost. She's lost innocence, and beliefs. And that scares the hell out. She doesn't know what's next. More than ever seen before. She knew what was next channel. Right? Food cooking, she made a killer casserole tonight, smell good. And a pound and Miss Piggy in there yummy...enjoy. She was she knows where life was going. But now there's no more going because you can't claim the future anymore. Because the creator doesn't claim future as a creator. And it doesn't create amount of a memory called intention. It's the unknown will knowing itself in the mouth. And understanding that now there is a vast array of choices. And you are aware and experiencing all of them. And at the same time, you know you're creative. You need to think on that one a little bit. You're creating an event the same time you know you're experiencing. creator creates expressions. Now you can take this down to a science level if you want. You can put everything in Darwinism and creation and all itself. You can explain your entire life. everything that's going on. Science has given you something science doesn't bow down. Or someone doesn't understand scientists. But science also does the same thing doesn't changes. So the relevance, once again comes back to the simplicity of each self-exploring its truth. So the new truth, Roxanne is that she doesn't want to do anything except this class. This class has turned into an absolute thing. It's not an identity, but in the mind. She's trying to put it together as a human. She hasn't posted anything. She's claimed four or five times this entire month. The month went by so fast for her end of the month channeling his son. She hasn't posted one thing on YouTube. So she has the loss of self-loss things for her people that she wants to offer that change. She lost that last that last night because she can't fix what's not broke. She can't make people see. She opens doors, you open doors, everyone changes. So she doesn't know what to do with YouTube and Facebook and all the drama that's going on. And then she sees the selves like an old skin shedding way Just sitting here every Wednesday and doing this the magnificent so that she could because it's not a purpose can't help. Why you always work? Because you the things you do that are unintentional. Keep doing, don't pay. Yeah. So maybe you look into yourself and look at your fears. Sit them. But don't, don't give them an identity don't give them the power of separation through separation by defining them. Just be with fear, sustainable awareness, state of peak your fears about things. You can do that, but that's really irrelevant. Because fear is going to find an identity so you can have the experience on it might be spiders might be heights. It might be public places. Fear will find an attachment to a separated mind. And you want to leave that mind you can't feed that mind. You can't convince yourself enough anymore, can you? Because you're bothered with it. Now, you already know. You're just so goddamn afraid. Choose what you know. Because that means a loss of the self. That's what scares why can she do it? No one else could. Then she realized everyone is like off course. Everyone is realizing because it's a singular journey. It's a singular journey. journey. It is incomparable to compare us human to be forged in your will of your journey and accept that in the brilliance that it is. Without the diminished light of definition. And the realization and the uniqueness of you. Stand the ground. That is solver oh yes. Oh yes. One day Roxanne ask, can she speak at this level? And of course she knew she has that thought and the answer is yes. Which means something to her. And in particular, now she can command great creators not commanded. It's realized. Greater is realized. And it's not done with a book. Although books bring your home if they are relationship, book, video, attendance to an event. Whether it is essential work, your local karaoke bar the attendance of your passion leads to the awareness of creation that will become evident as you will yourself into the love of your own existence. This is Cupid and I am so tonight's messages good I would say we're going to go to questions. We love questions. I like all things or unconditional answers. Last night Roxanne This is her presence of self-reflected is that then this do good for you. You guys will experience not the compassion or the sympathy for humans. And it might be your bridge or your tunnel to get to cooperated love that we are as nature. So it's okay if you see someone and you want to help them. And you do. When is the master that allows them to change to the exalted expression of worth and is undefined and expressed uniquely in every moment. ______, you can come on and see if any participants tonight would like to journey into question land. Questioner: Hello. Questioner: Can you hear me? Roxanne Swainhart: Yes, we can. Questioner 1: Okay. So I was kind of just answered my question because I was wondering, knowing all this wonderful information. If you know like, how to help the struggling human? Roxanne Channeling: Are you struggling? Questioner 1: No. I'm just saying I'm no, I'm fantastic. Roxanne Channeling: Knowing well, then you don't need to help the struggling human right. Questioner 1: No, I don't. Thank you. Roxanne Channeling: Yeah. Because there's no struggling human save the struggling human you perceive it was struggling human perspective. brought by to the brought to you by polarity. Yeah, very good. Very good insight master. Very good. Questioner 2: Hi, I finally figured out how to raise my hand. So congratulations. Yes. Thank you. I feel very proud of myself about that. I have a memory when you were sharing Roxy's experience of the I don't know what how do you like the lack of connection to like beliefs. They're almost like anchors, that kind of. That's how I felt it. That's because I can understand the human experience. And I've got it running through me right now. My memory is that it terrified me. And, like, it's that terrorists running through me right now. Roxanne Channeling: Right now and we can hear it in your voice. Questioner 2: Yes, yes. And the human you know, it's like there's a pop out of the head. It's that's how it feels, looks at that and says, Oh, my God, I'm losing everything. What in this memory. I like I felt I hadn't had done the work that I have in mind. Memory body now. And in this memory, I was terrified, I still feel it now. I was terrified because what do we mean for the outer expressions? Roxanne Channeling: And not evolve of what you perceive? Because they all individuals experiencing their reality through their point of view. Questioner 2: Yes. Roxanne Channeling: So whatever change you perceive the outcome to be is still yours. Okay, so Questioner 2: So it's that okay. In Okay, it almost seems I'm just going to say this because maybe it'll be something else. Um, it almost seems like, like, there's that experience. And then there's a vibration. There's the contrast, duality, you know, duality of it. polarity comes in, and from that polarity, like, raises this little head. That's just, and then it looks kind of looks both ways. You know it like okay, well, what's this? Okay, well, what's this? And then the contrast of that interpretation of that moment. is defining. Roxanne Channeling: Can I ask you is that contrast? That thing that pops out is a comfortable? Questioner 2: Maybe it's just I don't know, ego perspective. Human. It's Uh huh. Roxanne Channeling: Yes, sir. That's obvious, is it? Yeah. Is it easy to choose that? Questioner 2: I think that pop out is like, Where? Roxanne Channeling: Yeah, just stay with terror for a while. You've already talked a few minutes, and it's been moving through you. It has nothing to do about it. Because it is in itself, an illusion by letting it become you. It's not that you express tear, you experienced tear. The human expresses about their evolution is transfigures. There. The difference is perspective. If you're using the pop out head, and you're going to express their if you're using the humbling self, to experiment, to let the emotion of terror run through you, as it vibrates in your frequency, and brings you to a place of absolute terror. And you know, terror and terror can no longer be understood as a truth for you to experience. For now it has become a part of you as the evolutionist Are you following me? Questioner 2: Yes, I am. Yes. Thank you. Roxanne Channeling: You're welcome. Excellent insight, I should add truly humbling moment for you. Questioner 2: Right. Yes. Very, very humbling. And, and I'm grateful that because I've been asking myself a question, you know, just like, what is this? What is this all week? And so I'm very grateful for this moment and for you being here with us. So thank you for allowing this memory to come forward so I can feel it, experience it. Roxanne Channeling: Yes. You're welcome. Truly. Excellent. Questioner 3: So is the self-reflection you are sharing similar to the way the creator looks at us as reflections of itself`? Roxanne Channeling: Creator usually doesn't look at the self and it is creating and is the experience of seeing your breathing every day, but you don't notice your breathing every day. what you notice is something to be seen outside of you as the value of polarity. That's the human experience. So just the way you expect variance breathing or blinking your eyes, you know you do it, but you're never focused on it, the creator looks at this as that encompassing idea, there is no noticing anything particular, it is the understanding of the entire thing, all in the now known for the Creator is a participant in cooperation at all times. So it is understanding all relevance’s have been up every ounce of it. But see, the ego mind detaches itself from the now into separated of time using memory. And valuing the things in the memory to have a relationship with that would fulfill the inside, whether it is positive or negative is irrelevant. Because polarity is the game. So and non-nature, when you're looking at the self, the creator is not looking at yourself more than is experiencing yourself. When you go for a ride in the car, it's different than marketing. Mainly the human is like, okay, we get the ride. So it's riding at first. But then after a while you're just riding in the car, you're gazing out the window, you're looking at the lines passing you by you're wondering, you're thinking about this or that you're being the human part of it. But nonetheless, you know, you are writing, that's part of the experience. And that's the unmeasured portion that is priceless to the Creator. So you're looking for defilements of reason, productivity valuable. Like people don't understand why they do particular thing. Like maybe a person that is very produced. Consider something a waste of time, and someone does something that's meaningless to them. But to that person, it's not meaningless or meaningful. It's the nature of that person. And so the guys like Ronnie, do this and the girls like, why do you do this? Why do you do this? It's not doing anything for it is no productivity, come on, go out and make something of yourself. person looks at them with the divinity and goes no, but see, they have no cord with productivity. So the creator doesn't look at myself as something is that self. So Quantum taneous Lee, all selves in focuses in every now. And the Creator is an infinite number of cells. And you won't miss any of them because you are one right now. And if you're this one now, and you have to be all because the creator creates all of themselves. These expressions. Go ahead, Max. There's further clarity on that you can type in the chat. Roxanne says. Questioner 3: So okay. So another expression of itself through ourselves or ourselves. So I'm Let me read it from the beginning. Is this is the self-reflection, you are sharing similar to the way the creator looks at us as a reflection of the self, another expression of itself through ourselves? Roxanne Channeling: Way overthinking. The answer is a big fat No. Because you're trying to define it as something the creator expresses selves and is not about that is that that's the difference. You'll get that with less thinking. Next, Questioner 4: Yes, yeah. Urgent. She says, I get really triggered and have a big emotional reaction when I feel my partner isn't listening to me. I know this. Before we move on. Let's just stop there. We don't need to notice anything right now. Roxanne Channeling: We've already put a helping them bullshit on your plate. So let's talk about let's read the first part. Read the first part Max. Once again everyone listen. Questioner 4: I get really triggered and how I get really triggered when my partner emotional reaction when I feel my partner isn't listening to me. Roxanne Channeling: Okay, look at the incredible lack of that. Now, I need you to listen to me masters. That is not a problem of urges. This is the humility it takes to realize that is a creative belief system, because you weren't sure Just born separate. So the causality is that urgent as well as every one of you lost the sense of self. And that sense of self is fulfilled with dependencies. And those dependencies, dependencies, rocks, and thinking are interchangeable. as time moves on. Maybe it's a certain hairstyle. When Roxanne was, she had the kind of like the soccer hair cut way back in the mullet haircut in the 80s. You know, and when she had to cut her hair for a job, she cried, okay, identity, okay. So she has an identity of expectancy that the partner is supposed to perform in a certain way. So if the partner is not reacting to the expectations, then she's recognizing her lack, which is also expressed as arrogance or ego. So her lack in the moment is to realize that our apartment, her apartment, our partners, her partner, is an unconditional creator that forgot his way to and that way is unique to that in comparable to yours, or this way. Singular way of urgency, right? So what should you do about right? That's all understand that first thing is acceptance of the moment, because everyone forgot, but you don't revere them and got all honor you and all that. stuff that makes you feel special. Don't do that crap. Be humble about anyways. So I would like to say, in that moment, you accept that as your structure of expectations of dependency. I'm addicted. In my drug dealer is my partner. Now my partner is a particular identity that I revere, because I was accepted by him that the partner could be Tom, Dick, or Harry, or it can be in Jane, Margie are lawless. Doesn't matter. It's a connection of acceptance. That is the dependency imagery down here. So irrelevant until unconditional love is found. And then you see beyond the person, right. Okay. So I need to see that I'm depending on this person to perform within my tyrannical Kingdom of expectation, because my lack is so severe, I'm hurt, because they're not doing them. Which means I don't love myself enough. I'm not enough, yes, I demand another's attention, and the relevance of my expectations to fulfill my emptiness through that attention, that drug deal that’s going on and addiction. So, what do I do about it is accept the belief system that I have recognized my arrogance? And I will accept that with the humility of my mastery that I came here to know innocent as separated, and then lose my innocence to the brutality of awakening. And then I will accept them as that. And I will continue to make no more demands and allow that to be and choose my kingdom over that, which I see. For which I see is ______. But not demand, command at humility, and a lot. So that's how the first part should be looked at. Continue with the second part. Next one. Questioner 5: I know this is outdated for me now, because I am starting to feel it peel that way. But the automatic reaction is feel really out. Yes. Roxanne Channeling: So you still add value on what you will consider a automatic reaction. Very good. Very good. can't say enough. Very good. That is good. Good. Good realization, because now you can feel the value of the emotion that takes you and oh, this Oh, that dude. Right? Because it gives you an identity. Remember, the human has no self-realized. So it fills itself with external validations. The outside tells the inside, let's not say it again. Just know that. Okay. So she recognized there's still a value there. See, it's not the action of the triggering not the have quick, it's still there it is there is a value there, I believe you had one of your speakers talk about the weight of that, which is a tether, as can they honestly, it is a weight tether, it is a belief that keeps you grounded in the frequency of your mind being a structure. So that structure is depending, you're recognizing. So continue. Is there anything after that part? Because we have another thought to finish on? Questioner 6: Can you advise me on how to be with the emotion without getting a big drama reaction? Roxanne Channeling: Did you see what G______was doing? She's sad what the fear, she sat with the terror, she didn't try to get rid of it. Don't try to get rid of it. When Roxanne says it stings, it doesn't sting a little sting a lot it hurts. Because you're realizing you created a condition itself. Because of your mastery not because of whatever else excuse you want to give it. It's because you are the creator of that belief system. This is why it is humbling to accept. That is my relationship of expectancy for him to perform to my guys. And now I'm triggered that is not. So I'm going to sit here and accept that. It is my belief. And I'm going to do nothing about that except sit here in that. Don't do anything, stay with it. Let it run through your body, let it run its mastery. So you guys don't have any problem letting positive run because it feels good. That's pretty fucking obvious, right? That's why you want the good times to continue. That's why you created after hours bars, right? Because the night doesn't want to end. Right? You just love the fun? Of course you do. You came here for the fun and you love the pain. Of course you do, okay, you came here for the pain. So through that you must realize the entire fun and suffering wherever you want to place it is just a world of particular boundaries. So you have to transfigured all of it. Right? Not just the good and the bad, all of it. All of every vibrational thing in between is transferable. So most of it at this point, you've gotten rid of it. But the very value of the last selves you're holding on to are becoming realized. So the work is not to get rid of it. The work is to stay with it. Accept it with humility, surrender, and say, Look at me. I'm expecting you my new loved one to perform like a monkey for me. How arrogant of me. Look at that. I must be a bitch today beyond bitches. But today, I'm going to be the bitch. I'm going to be angry at you. But it's not you. It's me. I'm going to be mad at me. But it is my mastery. So I shall accept me. And I'm going to do nothing about it except live this for a moment. So if you can get the fuck away from me for a minute and let me be this and you play it out until you feel the value shift until you feel the value shift, not up here. You have it up here to offer new solutions of serenity pieces, hope things to make it go away. As humans always do good times come in, just Well, we got that to rely on or we can always fall back on that. A mind negotiating with the value of the home to given pay your worth and stay there, then you will know ah it's less now then you will accept them as more. Relationship start out is pretty good. Pretty good. Most of you guys are pretty good. Unless there's severe lack, but usually people are okay. What happens is usually when that turns into something, a lot of people start to change themselves because of loss. They're afraid. But if you are brutally honest about yourself in a relationship from the get go and remain that and you will have better relationships and might not be the same person because maybe that person doesn't want to stick around. And that idea of his expectations or her expectations. They want to live a different life see a lot of you have to fall in love with you and then there's no emptiness to fulfill through a dependency because you're becoming Holy. So once you love yourself, you will attract lovers of self. Because one is only known as one you don't need this back and forth bullshit. Because each individual gets to be the wholeness of the self and everyone that's interacting with that individual when there's a lover or co creator, and what you will consider a different relationship becomes priceless. That's how we'd enter that maximum. Okay. Real quick, before we get to K______, you guys are becoming internalized? Why do we want to do that? Because the self is a reflection of your identity is known about yourself. So you have original thought. And then you think about when that about it identifies it, then you have an experience of realization, or of self. And without that, then you're nothing. That's where everyone fears. But you realize, when the less you think about things and more alone things, you're still present, because your presence can't go away. So then you will merely diminish the value of polarity by being the no self, the authentic self that will take a path through treachery, of evolution, depleting and deconstructing egoic structures that are wonderful as urges just represented the honesty about that the terror that _______represented, they have to forge your way through that to wade through that thunderous emotion that was taught to avoid and run from fix everyday reinforced of your life. To be that now have humility in transfiguration to accept it. Now, that is internal work, folks. That's the work of masters that are enlightening themselves. And that enlightenment offers choice to a dark world of separation. And it's not dark, negative. It's just no one knows their own mind. That's all. Okay, is there a common question? Roxanne Channeling: Good, _____, how are you? Questioner 7: Good. Oh, well, I'd like to know everything about you now. You helped us a lot. Thank you so much. The parts they explained to us, they're like a vibration that we feel. So you're and I assume, correct me if I'm wrong, but you are part of like the angelical groups, there's ETS, angelics, Ascended Masters. So you're an angelic? First of all, let us know. And why If so, your vibration, then Ok Cupid is known for inspiring creativity. Love passions. So I'd like to know where that comes from. And angelics. The smiley really odd that they're not actually physical, yes. But they somehow have like a face except the body versus like ETS whole body. So I'm sorry, just this is just information that we humble humans have you? And I don't want to put you in a box. Like, we have been taught like definitions and this and that. But whatever you can give us just to enlighten a little bit more about, Roxanne Channeling: Well, how about this? How about how about men, you have a conversation instead of projecting a question out in the audience? So let's talk about the first thing before you go to the second question. Say the first question and me and you will talk like we're shooting the shit inside of a cloud. Okay. Questioner 7: Okay. Well, my first question was, I'd like to know everything about you, and as a Cupid regarding vibration and then why you're known for inspiration, love? Roxanne Channeling: Okay, let's stop there. Let's stop there. I'm not known for that humans have given me that, haven't they? Yes. Right. So as a what you would consider a god, we're not gods, we're all gods, but we were represented as gods. Right? The angelics were, are and will be a realm of incarnations that have a certain idea behind them. Let's, let's consider a dog, our dog has a certain vibration, right? It's a certain thing, and then you look at a cat, right? And that would be the same as a leerin, and maybe Pleiadian, or something of that they're distinctly vibrational expressions within a frequency to expand because every frequency is expandable to the point of unconditional FOREVER, no matter what it is, right? Whatever starts turns into everything, always forever, right? So the angelics, themselves are evolving. And since the creator goes in and creates an expression in an attraction of CO creation, it is now understanding that thing. And when humans understood angels, they decorated the angels, the way the humans said, is perceivable to them. So whatever was fashionable, not arrogantly fashionable, but whatever is acceptable at the time to fashion as a truth that fit the Accord of the current psyche of humanity was defined. And that definition was angels, and you gave us wings later on. And then you turned us into archangels. Because you needed some powerful guys to fight the devils. You know, the fight the demons to have a story. And that was one story on one particular you have 1000s of stories. So many stories about outside selves, different gods, different gods of Muslim and different gods of China's and they had so many different gods and Buddhism went to Gaza Omen to Gods and those things revered as an experience of evolution. But not containment, you said it, I don't want to continue to box you in. When you can't box me in, you can create a box around me because I don't care what you say about me. Because what you say about me is an evolution of me. Hmm. So the first part is, yes, we would be considered angels. Many of you are angels, but not in the way that you hope to be. And the humanity and awareness of that. Why? Because the angels are fantastic. Why are you humans because humans are fantastic. This here for us is a masterclass. We are excited if you want to put it in an emotion to co create with you. Because you had the courage to evolve a species through evolution of self-awareness, which was built into everybody else. And you're the only ones who didn't have that and you ascended an entire human species entire collective through self-love which is a posing as the nature of the human you have to love another in order to have a creed of self-worth. So you're always looking for the outside to fulfill the inside. So this is very exciting for us to be here. Don't revere us won't just typical gods were godly just like you. So that's the first part. Somewhat What else do you have? Questioner 7: Like I said physical wise? Like you might be in light form I don't know why. You have you guys have been angelism have been depicted. Like you said even wings but most of us I understand is the light that goes around you so fast that people started to see it was like a wing flickering. But actually it's alive. Is that something that you… Roxanne Channeling: Usually if we make an appearance at a certain idea, we come as a translucent bright light, usually white with a hue and sometimes it's so fast that we could look like we have wings. And now a lot of us create wings because they're cool. For the simplicity of it. But we don't usually show up in what you would consider your paintings. We don't look like humans at all. We're not that humans, humans depict us as humans, humans depict gone as human, because that's the only reference you add, is something of that nature. And then sometimes you put gods in what would be considered what the God is doing. So the god of fertility or the God of crops, or the God of rain, or the god of this, or the God of that. So whatever picture that is associated with the memory of the psyche was allowed to target as a depiction define became the standard, and therefore, we look human, but we're not human. That's the only reference job or trans finger mobile, although we can create a human form. But usually we don't, unless there's a certain thing that that allows that moment in cocreation, perfection to occur, not allows and that it's not allowed, allowed and that experience to come for us. So we don't look human, we don't have what you would consider a faces. We don't even have physical bodies; we have knowingness or awareness. When Cupid comes in, or when Michael or Magnetron or Raphael or Gabriel come in, to your awareness through thought, you know, the thought and it's automatically Michaels here, or I feel Gabriel, I can feel them, then you know, the vibration, but then the mind wants to define it. So it turns it into a name into an image or something of this nature. That kind of thing. And, and one of the realizations for Roxanne to know, and for you to know, and she has realized, but it's uncomfortable, that there's not as many people on the planet as you think, as far as creators, many of you are creating a multiple amount of selves, which is kind of spooky. And the CO creators with the humans are also yourselves. And when I mean yourself, the creator is creating a lot of expressions in the moment, right? So just say your diamond that you are has 10 facets, and those 10 it has multiple, but let's just can just center 10 for easement. So those 10 facets, one is human two is human three is human. And there are different places in the world and different times in the world. And then two of them are Pleiadian, one of them is a draconian in two or angelics. Okay, just let that stew for a while. But don't run after the triggering, like urges that grab it, make it an identity, so you can be proud of something. Don't be proud of anything, be allowance of your awesomeness. You don't have to project it; you just have to accept it. But if that acceptance comes through arrogance or pride, then you're working through the structure, which is not good or bad. It's just maybe awareness of evolution a potential. So that's how we would answer that part. Questioner 7: And lastly, like we we've been visited by the darks and death, so we feel that vibration, but as explained to us, it's just something the unknown and we are the ones that point and put all that mass on that vibration definition on that vibration. So as a cube, it's always known for love passion. Where does that come from? Because Archangel Michael is like the one that battles and all that stuff is as far as I mean, as a collective. What can you tell us about the cupid's? Roxanne Channeling: Well again, Cupid was assigned by humans. So right when someone assigned me to be that idea of Well, sometimes a matchmaker was struck by cubits. You know, it's like, there's an explanation for why this guy threw away his entire kingdom to marry a peasant. Well, you're struck by Cupid's arrow, you have an occurrence of that that's happened many times. You have a king that renounced his throne for the love of a woman. He was struck by Cupid's arrow. I didn't shoot my arrow item. He just found his worth in the moment. But that's what humans do. They assign things to causality reasons and explanations, which is part of the game to know why something happened. And that doesn't make sense to the world. Remember, sometimes when you were explaining things, you will go, Okay, I can see that and some, no, I don't understand that. I don't understand that at all. Why the hell would you do that? Well, because the explanation doesn't fit the value of you in supposing. And if it does fit the value, then it's accepted. So, the reason why this guy threw away his kingdom is he fell in love. So the god Cupid gave him that. So those assignments don't need to be looked at as reasons. Just accept them and then start to allow the whole beyond truth to be understood through what cube it is in, its in what you would consider its vastness instead of it's defined in finiteness, because finite is comfortable for human because it's steppingstones and handholds for stability. But what it is by nature is expensive. So whatever you knew about Cupid was right, and whatever you will know about Cupid is right. But just let it be known to you Cupid changes just like you do. Questioner 7: Better. Thank you. Roxanne Channeling: You're welcome. And the reason why the darks feel dark is because the darks represent within the frequency, that vibration, that vibration is not dark, nor is it light, it's just associated with polarity. That's why because the frequency of polarity is magnified by the idea of whatever encompasses that at birth as that and since the dogs operate in a frequency that would be considered relevant to the humans as a negative then you grabbed it and assign it to that. Someone had said the first time she heard the dark she got chills in her back her hair setup she's like oh my God, because she felt the presence of the darks, but the darks aren't darks. The darks are unconditional realities that are assigned once again by humans. You guys assign things all the time. But the more you become the divinity of yourself the divine the assignment is not necessary because the realization of life as it is happening is the motion in the constant evolution of each singularity. And there is no loss to you there's only the experience of you always more view so there you go. Questioner 7: To try to lessen the attraction to let's say your vibration to be in my now moment. I could be in a moment of inspiration then or something on that? Roxanne Channeling: There’s no reason why I'm here other than your awesome just don't define it to a causality. Don't try to do it again. Keep being the nature of yourself the nature of yourself chose to join the class tonight at this potential. This is what occurred you don't need to solicit to make sure it happened no reason why it just is. Is that not enough? Because it here. Questioner 7: Is at any now moment I'm walking through the park and I want to have a conversation with this. Vibration or… Roxanne Channeling: Well, let me ask you a question. If you're walking through the park and you get the thought about something isn't that thought attracted? Questioner 7: Right. Roxanne Channeling: Okay, what No, don't don't speak hush now. church mouse then then, you know, original thought name when you think about that is when you become the human. So if the thoughts there, say hello. Do you understand? Questioner 7: Yes. Roxanne Channeling: Okay, it's as simple as that. You can complicate it because you're gonna think about it. But if there is a thought in the moment, unsolicited, you're not thinking about how to get rid of your board. I mean, like in your memory, you've gone Man, I wish that what happened? I really want that to happen. That's the ego looking in time. But if you're now strolling, and all of a sudden you get a thought of Cupid Say hello to me. Questioner 7: Ah, awesome. They pop in my mind and the darks. Roxanne Channeling: Well then say hello to the darks. Questioner 7: warm, popped up, a leaf fell from a tree right on to my phone. And I'm like, Hi, how are you? We were just thinking of you and you just say hi back. So it was awesome. Roxanne Channeling: Yes, make sure you don't keep things mystical or a fantasy. When it's there. You have to have the boldness to accept that. Questioner 7: Right. Roxanne Channeling: If you don't, then you stay in all of your awe self instead of awesome. Okay, okay. Always Questioner 8: Hello, Can you hear me? Okay? Roxanne Channeling: We're here. Awesome. Questioner 8: I had a question. I've been extra since last week I've been exercising my channeling muscle. And I've got a knock that comes through. And I just been asking questions to try to understand I was in a retreat while back with the THEO group, through you aware of who they are. And I asked him if it was an angelic or a galactic name and they said angelic. So Enoch tells me they're from Nairobi, in the Orion's belt. But is that angelic? Or is that galactic? I'm a little confused. I'm still not quite getting a clear answer. Roxanne Channeling: Why do you need a clear answer? Questioner 8: I'm just curious. Roxanne Channeling: Okay, so let me ask you a question. If you are channeling and you're getting the information, when do you get to trust it instead of looking for validation? That's external. Questioner 8: I don’t know, I'm still I'm still still, like I said, working on it. Roxanne Channeling: All right, stop working and let's start knowing we can do it together. Me and you right now. Are you willing? Questioner 8: Uh huh. Roxanne Channeling: Okay. So the question is whether Enoch is from what are we talking about? No, forget about Theo's Not now. Right? Okay, good. So you're channeling Enoch, yes or no? Questioner 8: Yes. Roxanne Channeling: Everyone clear on that Enoch is being channeled by M______. Very good. Okay. So she is moving into her channeling ability, going through where they feel the doubt, and this is a doubtful moment. So now we will deplete the doubt with the choice. Very good. Everyone's on board. All right. So what are you what is the question about Enoch, that you're trying to get the answer to lay out the question in simplicity for all participating? Questioner 8: Are you actually angelic or from a galactic place? Have a physical body or not? I'm Roxanne Channeling: Look how many questions you're asking. Questioner 8: Uh huh. Roxanne Channeling: Okay, can you just stop and ask one at a time, one day at a time. Sweet Jesus. Questioner 8: We know like are you angelic or galactic? Roxanne Channeling: so ask Enoch are you in your mind? Are you angelic or galactic? What did he say? Questioner 8: Both. Roxanne Channeling: Oh, there you go. See? Now the clarity is there. Questioner 8: Yeah. Roxanne Channeling: So now you don't ever need to ask that again. Got it. Unless you want to play the field of doubt. When you get a thought. And then you think about it. If you think about it, then you're going to have confusion. Questioner 8: Right. Okay. Roxanne Channeling: Are you worthy to choose that as a truth? Questioner 8: Yes. Roxanne Channeling: Ah, So now, what's the next question? how easy that is? Yes, Questioner 8: I understand. Roxanne Channeling: Perfect. Questioner 8: I'm trying to get clear what their actual messages through me I know. Obviously, Roxanne Channeling: See, you're still thinking that we have intention. We have no intention. You're being a human right now. Do you think we really want to give you guys a message? You can't be any more beautiful to us, your presence involves us. We're not here for you. Because you're not less than us. only humans are here for humans, because humans see each other’s less. So you use us as a reason to look down to be raised back up through messages. Questioner 8: So are you here to help us wake up or… Roxanne Channeling: No, you're already awake. You're just playing a game. Questioner 8: Okay. Roxanne Channeling: So we're here because we were attracted to you not because we were purposed towards you all, but humans will say that all day long that everyone is here to help us. We're not here to help you. We're here to be with you as co- creators. Law of Attraction takes care of that. Doesn't it? Questioner 8: True. Yes. Roxanne Channeling: I mean, you have everything in your life. Right? Did you go and create everything? I mean, did you get up this morning and create gravity? Okay, so law of attraction took care of that? Did you have to create your body and tell every little molecule and participant and co-creator that creates the actual physical body to do that every morning? It was there when you got up, you put your awareness in the body and the body is here and the body goes okay, she's back. Right? Right. didn't have to do anything. But see, the ego wants a purpose. So it makes sense thing a purpose by putting a little mask on everything that it perceives itself as and since you guys perceive yourself as empty, you're less than so you put out there that people are here to help you. That's not an invalid game. That's the game of polarity. This is not a game of polarity, unless you choose it to be the nature of this game is unconditional realities being created by the unconditional creator. The conditioning of the human is to realize itself is not creator, and you do that. But if you use the assets, the arsenal of what you will consider the human knowing as to your memory, to create an unconditional reality, well, then you're going to not do that. Because you can't use unconditional and conditioning as the same equal. So you have to leave the world of unconditional, to be conditioned to realize your conditioning to leave that world and use unconditional to return back to the unconditional. Make sense? Questioner 8: Yeah. Roxanne Channeling: So so why would you think that we have messages for you? Because you're conditioned? How can you be anything less than me? When one or all and we're all unconditional? Unless it's a perception. So your perception is saying that the angels and Enoch and all these groups of people are coming through? They're there, we're here, but the way we're interpreted is still human. Questioner 8: Mm hmm. Right. Roxanne Channeling: Right. Did you meet the Theo group in a physical sense of that alien being creating that? Questioner 8: No. Roxanne Channeling: Or did you see a channel are channeling that perspective, those books like this is a channel through a human, Questioner 8: Right Roxanne Channeling: So it’s only going to have a degree of unconditional until the creator that is this is realized in its totality, then this won't be this. It may appear as this, but the vibration is going to be different. Questioner 8: Right. Roxanne Channeling: Because we're evolving. But if you want to be in the idea of that, then you can use Enoch, as you know, what are you here to tell us? Oh, why don't you sit down on channel I'm in let him speak. Questioner 8: Okay, thank you, Roxanne Channeling: Think you're gonna get it wrong? Questioner 8: I guess not. Roxanne Channeling: what you can get it wrong, can you unless you the condition itself chooses a truth more than the value of its own worth to say it's wrong. And you have to do something about that. Because the only wrong is a creative perspective of the unconditional right. You can't actually have wrong, because wrong is a perception of truth. Right? Questioner 8: Right. That's right. Roxanne Channeling: (Audio time is 1:57:40) Yes. Very good. See, and that was very good. That's right. Yeah. Right, that vibration was Oh, shit. That's right. Unconditional allows me to create conditions in creations, I can have a raw, I can be wrong. Holy shit, Batman. So you see that beauty of the moment that your realization by this attraction is servicing the collective here without intention beyond the magnification that can never be conceived by an intentional product of human memory, or conditioning. So we are allowing ourselves this moment to be unconditional per revelation. Because we're being ourselves. Right? So channeling doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, is it not? It's you creating a yourself to know yourself. Okay, which we always do. Questioner 8: Well, thank you. Roxanne Channeling: You're welcome. Questioner 9: So we have a question from P_____. His allowance and acceptance, a way to get rid of our own inner psychic vampire? Roxanne Channeling: Not Not, not to get rid of and not to label it. Acceptance doesn't label a vampire and accepts itself as vampiric in that identity. That's not a vampire. You're claiming it, which is you recognizing the ego through acceptance, and alones. So it's not to get rid of it. See, you're accepting it, and then you labeled it because you're mad at it because it's so powerful, and you consider it a blood sucking vampire of energy. But it's not. That's a creation. That's your mastery. So you accept your worth of separation, to accept it in the humility that's my belief, it's not this or that it is in and of itself. That lack that I create, whether it is well, it's all fear, truly But whether it is defined as arrogance or obligation, hope and dedication, the things that Roxanne always speaks up whether it is those things are not defined as irrelevant is that you are aware of it. So that's where you leave it and accept that you don't have to, like the human mind has to get detailed out and specific eyes it. So it can have a value of attention. And I can take care of no just so while looking, I'm afraid. It's not that I am in the world, afraid of this thing, or that thing is that I am in fear. I'm living in a democracy, a constitution that encompasses and values fear. So we that fear is defined, like we just learned with M_______, there are a whole bunch of ways by humans. See humans put masks on things, you put masks on the Anunnaki, you put masks on the draconians, you put masks on the ideas of different species doing good things and bad things. But those are humans. Right? You guys made Jesus white, and then you made him black. And Jesus was not white nor black. Obviously, you know what color he was, he probably had a pretty good tan. Right? So, So, you put masks to fit the bill of self-worth, that is validated externally. So the more it attracts to you as the truth that you perceive as an identity, the more you change the picture to fit the fit the internal world of luck. So whenever you're saying about that is, is that. So it's not a vampire, but you can claim it as a vampire, if you want to have that opposition. And vampires are not bad people. They're not bad people at all. They're a story, their story, you know, a real story. So I would say just accept, you're afraid of something. And you're being victimized by the energy of negative thoughts, and you're mad and you're doing things to escape from it. And you're trying to create an identity so desperately in your changing careers and you want to do these things, and you can't figure it out, because you're trying. The secret to this is to let go. It's not hard. You know, just start to love yourself and allow everything to play out. start managing and stop mitching so much about your life. Stop making excuses why your life is shitty. Stop blaming the external, let go and accept everything in the moment as is. And allow yourself to be divine, get swallowed up in your own grace, and allow yourself to attract those things that have been there and will always be there and then will come to you as soon as you stop pushing them away. or pushing them away is not I accepted what the affirmation bullshit of hope. It's gonna be humility, it's gonna be absolute surrender to the structure of identity. Next Max. Questioner 10: So next, we have ____ that's transfiguring an emotion just morphs into yet another? Roxanne Channeling: Of course not, you're not trans transfiguring unnecessarily an emotion more than a belief system. The emotion is the result of the belief system. So as soon as you see something that is the belief system immediately interpreted then assigns to a trigger good and bad, and everything in between. So the emotion is the recognition of that belief system that you now accept and the transfiguration of getting to know that doesn't lead to another emotion. What it does is less than the value of it. So over time, you will have things that don't bother you as much. So it doesn't bother you as much. It starts to lessen the value; you don't get triggered. And then you realize it's not what is triggering you is that it is triggering you and not a sign that you are living in fear. It's going back to the idea of the whole nature of the game. So you stop assigning it to an emotion and you allow it to be that transfiguration, then the value is decreased because you're energizing the worthiness choice in a moment, choosing not to energize Why is this happening to me? Oh my god, this is not good. That's bad. What's wrong with them? Why can't we and then stop playing in that world allow that world talker, and then choose your awesome that lies in every now as a choice. So then you stop energizing. And again, again, again, again, again, I'll say it again, Abraham one on one, energy follows awareness, you are aware of that you put energy into that you become that reality. And as soon as you take your focus away, it's not there, it's now this, your energizing not. So if you don't energize polarity at all, where's it gonna go? Well, it's gonna go away, because you have allowed it to be that acceptance, not avoiding it, not getting rid of it as ___ wanted to, not getting rid of it, to get it away from you, but to accept that as your truth of your nature as an ability to create polarity, from a fractal point of view. So then you allow that to occur through the transfiguration through time, it may take three or four days to get through a fear, but you allow it, don't change it, wake up, the next day, you're still in the fear doesn't matter, it will change if you start reacting to it, then you are now triggering another part of what you would call that depth of that belief system, which can be associated with a panic attack instead of fear. But it's all fair. Don't worry about the definitions. So stay, and then when it gets too much, take a break, say, Okay, I'm going to be afraid today. Today, I'm going to be afraid instead of allowing fear. So I'm going to take what I need to do to resolve this and give myself a good safe and secure time. So I'm not going to choose to do my awesome today. And that's not wrong, because it doesn't affect anything. Because it's always now and never affects anything in time unless you claim that later on in your memory. But if you are alone, the now more and more in acceptance than the value of claiming causality, cause and effect becomes meaningless. But you have to start. That's what you guys have to do. Obviously, you are because you're here, you have to continue that. Right, you have to continue to accept everything about you. The creed, once again, is to accept and allow the now accept everything. If it triggers you emotionally, then you're recognizing a belief system that keeps you static in the in the convergence of time. And if you want to change your nows through time, then you have to allow the now accept the belief system. And no no longer energizing with an opposing side. Right? You don't hope to get something of success to avoid failure. you're defining the separation world; you accept the entire world good and bad. And you don't energize it by shifting your focus. I think that's enough. So it's not another emotion. It's a transfiguration. If your mind assigns that another emotion then your mind is negotiating and you accepted that as another emotion, which is another part of recognition to continue your journey. Max: Like it's, we have gone through all questions. Roxanne Channeling: Wonderful. So we're good then. Oh, look at Roxanne she looks good tonight, doesn't she? I just opened her eyes. Her beauty is becoming awareness. Very good masters. I think that's all they have done. No more questions, right? Okay. Well, I don't want to say more. We've said enough. You guys are intelligent enough to know your own worth is just a matter of choice. And as we journey together, we will discover more about ourselves. To all my Masters. I bid you a good day. Roxanne Swainhart: All right. Good stuff. Guys. Good. That was fantastic. What time we got a little earlier tonight. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. You're welcome. Well, guys, another epic moment. Man, I really want to put this into words, but if I know I do, I'll just diminish it. And words will come in the moment. But anyways, please tell me your experience. Um, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's K___, it's it's, you try to describe it sometimes, but when you do, you just know it's diminishing it. It's not emotional. It's it's sometimes it's so you want to cry, not bad cry, good cry. Sometimes you're just startled. And then sometimes your own all but it is the journey that is undefined. I think that's when I really got better at it is when I got better at it is when is when I stop assigning. When I'm the better I got. I got better I got an allowing and allowing the emotions to be in seeing the habit of my mind like pointed out really good. Trigger. Yeah, grabbed, right. And I just saw the grabbing and I said no, it's okay. It enough as is. I don't need to assign it. I don't need to put it externally. I don't mean to put after that over and over again, then the mind didn't have that value because I start transfiguring that. And then so when I'm in that channeling state, I see colors, sometimes I see lights, I see, you know, as far as the visual, but the feeling is magnificent. And it's not. It's not certain. Except that you know what's happened, certainly. But it's not defined a certain. That's what's fantastic about it, it's because you can't diminish it with a with a finite, you can only it's like it's like a flower. I can't capture that scent. I enjoy it. It passes through me. But then it continues. Just because it's not with a flower anymore. Doesn't mean life doesn't continue. I don't have to stop and master to be that that's part of the journey. So as I'm channeling it's part of it. You can feel me change I can feel him change. It's magnificent. So and it's in it's not love as emotion. It's love as a state of being and that'll fuck you up with awesome. I love you. Cuz it's so good. And you can't describe it. You just you just can't, you know. Anyways. So yeah, that's all I have to say. Softer energy. Yeah. smooth and comfortable. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that was good. All right, guys. You're welcome. So again, next Wednesday. And again, if you guys ever want to someone comes into your reality, and they're talking about this or something and you want to share the link, you don't need to ask, just share the link with them. And say, come on in on Wednesday nights, given the rules come and go as you please. And don't unmute yourself until you've been taught to. And that's it, you know, and share the link and share the classes I send. And my storage is getting pretty full. So I'm probably going to take purple off is the first one that's on there. So if you guys don't have purple, and you want purple, and then you need to download purple. And it's a big file. It was a three-hour class. And I think I was using the high-definition cameras. So it's a big file. So purple is probably good because it's the oldest one on there. And if there's a veto just the old view, oh yeah, I'm willing to hand the audio on purple. I don't know if I was doing the audio by then. But then on the other ones if you guys want to keep them it's easier to download the audio because the audio is obviously a smaller file. But you know if you have the room Thank you, P____. So anyways, I love you guys. So if you need purple or you have purple, I can email it to you. Okay, all right, Julie. You'll send me an email tonight. Now you Just send it back on. You're welcome. I'll see you. Yeah. It's your Thursday. I know you see you Friday. Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow. So anyways, you guys go. I love you guys. Okay, thank you Be honest. You're welcome everyone. Thanks for participating. I'll be Roxy. Thank you next Wednesday. This teaching is available on YouTube (Odyssey of Ascension Channel)
Streamed live on Aug 31, 2020 Link: https://youtu.be/zTRewa8CbfA All belongs to, Odyssey of Ascension channeled and taught by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed by Marilyn Holzmann (3:33 Audio time) Greetings to the collective humanity. Really not humans just more of an expression. You're really good at what you do. I don't know if you know that. Perhaps you don't. Perhaps you have a way about you. Hmm. way about yourself. What does that mean? Life is about you. It is all about you. Life will always forever be about but not about an objectivity Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let's not be objects. The object of my desire. Separated you understand the deal, don't you? But when you are in a particular now, and there is no about you, you lose time you lose personality, you lose resources of objectivity truly, which become is aware of the moment but not in aboutness you're not measuring it. So, so your world is full of about stuff right now. What about this? What about that? Holy shit, you blew up the whole fucking system didn't ya. Good job. So, the system was contorting you to the point of pain. I mean, like real fucking pain. Look, look, look, look, look. (5:01 Audio) Just because you guys can make your life easier, doesn't mean you're not in pain. See, pain is an object, a production. Even if it's happy, it's still painful. Your emotions might be selling your fucking story. That story says, Oh, this is a good time and it's great cuz we're here and we're having this good time. And I'm gonna keep having a good time. Isn’t that painful? You're looking forward to a good time. I can do this and it'll save me time so then I can be happy but in the meanwhile, I'm going to try to be happy. Anyways, so you are in a lot of pain. And when I mean pain, I don't mean again, human pain because your pain is a version of unconditional love, right? Truly, but it's painful to the fractal right? The fractal is walking around in pain experiencing itself as separated not knowing living your life of ups and downs ins and outs, goods and bad's kibbles and bits lions and tigers. Oh my. It's a great, great game. But I bet you're fuckin sick of it, good because this moment is a law. And that law is attraction. And we're going to run through these laws not in let's say repetition of reminders. You know this by now, in the way it applies to your daily life, as a human, as in a self that you have created. (7:07 Audio) Distraction is where I'd like to start distraction, distraction would be in the case of what's not now. Anything that is not now is distraction. Where does that lie? In relationship that's where it lies. Now, obviously, everything is fucking now. It's a law. So, the application of the law is always current. However, through your creative skills, you can have a memory. So that memory gives you time, doesn't it? So now you can distract yourself with the element of time. Time is a memory, right? It's what was and what should be or what could be or what ought to be all coming out of the law now, here and now. So, in that we'll go skip along Fandango. Over the law, what you put out is what you get back law of attraction, right? So, let's look at the law of attraction, shall we? (8:26 Audio) So, if you're putting out a vibrational relationship of worthiness, this is how you attract your reality. It is not attracted through the energetic lack, that you portray as positive or negative. Lack is what you are putting out in order to get back lack is your natural state of the human. It's not just lack full. It's lack itself. What is the lack? What is the lack? I am not myself… starts there done. Everyone wants to fill the empty hole in their heart with objects because objects give an emotional equation of fulfillment instantaneously and then you work the rest of your fucking life to keep it filled. And you fill it with whatever is available in your version of singularity point or all the one now we're talking about the singular truth. The existence, the I Am, says it's filled. Like maybe someone's a hard worker, and they get kudos and arrays for working hard therefore it's reinforced. And that reinforcement validates the self of lack. Now the lack full self is full. Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, it's empty. And you got to do it again. I used to do that, you used to do things for me. It's empty, because it's not the filling self. It's the emptiness of the lack for self. So that self is the constant vibration as things occur on the planet Earth on a daily basis and you live your life in polarity opposing each other rights and wrongs, left's and rights. good bet all the stuff that you've guys managed to come up with out of your masterful creator of separation, using limitation as your unlimited field of operation. Bravo. Yay, good job. (10:57 Audio) So that's self, the self that is now starts out life as empty and starts to covet. It grabs whatever the fuck it gets attention. Moms attention, dads attention, grandparents attention, friends, sister brother bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, a lifetime of attention. That attention gets you validated as a self of full and therefore you cycle, and you live that separated life. That's how the universe is attracting your experiences. Not in positive or negative. Let me say that again. Can I say that again? Yes, you me very good. Well, thank you. All right. The universe creation, attraction, whatever the fuck you want to call it doesn't come at you with the tack of a positive or negative. That's your fucking dumb ass, who is assigning that positive or negative. This is why you equate the lack full self and continue to gain the prosperity of an emotional equation somewhere within the field of your own suffering and your own happiness polarity. It worked just perfectly, doesn’t. Because every now was perfect. It is always perfect. It's filled with everything you need to experience the vibrational attraction which is not coming because the law is here and now which is already arrived. So, if you want to know what the fuck you are as a relationship to the reality of the world, look around, because that's your now and not your world. (13:00 Audio) So, if you have chosen this class to join in the reindeer games with Miss Roxy. Then you have attracted a potential which you have chosen in the now to arrive at and experience because you use time as an ally, to create choices as an experience of the choiceless self who attracts naturally its own passion and it never questions it. But you have time, so you get to have space and time and choose what you want to do. That's the choice of the fulfilled self that needs nothing to fulfill itself because it is the natural attraction. And there is no stimuli about life on if you should choose this or not. That's the empty self debating itself on where it wants to apply. Its, let's say allegiance of loyalty towards a certain frequency that it reminds itself as purposeful, lack full self-becoming meaningful to itself so we can feel good because that's the only way it knows itself exists to the emotion. (14:03 Audio) Alright. So, this law of what you put out is what you get back does not attract anything but an unconditional reality of potential. Now, on a side note to reiterate an unconditional reality is not not, not, not, not, not. Can you sing about not? Not, not, not neutral. It's full of life. When you meet someone new, you feel them before you meet them. They're not neutral. They're unconditional, because you're gonna put the conditions on, but they're not neutral. They have an expression. Here we go part D. What you put out. (15:16 Audio) Let's talk about expression, as it equates directly to the lack self, or to the evolutionary self. The evolutionary self is the one who chooses without debate without about life. You guys think about your lives all the time. You decide what to do. The decisions are made. Never absent from the Now is the absolute self that is passionate. That has no about it. It is the slipstream of the now that occurs in a sequential mania, spontaneous, forever self-discovered. The self is not identifiable, something Roxanne's been tearing apart. The self is a truth. The truth is not defined by the, who? The truth, the singularity, the existence, the one you exist law is an I am that creates a reality through the other laws and experiences itself through the idea of its interpretation, hence self. then sequential-taneous and instantaneously it is expressed. So, what you put out was one what you get back, what you put out is absolutely now as well. You cannot hesitate on putting out because it's already happening in the now. (16:58 Audio) As soon as you are getting input which you vibe arrived in existence, and it's never stopped. And you've never stopped putting out ever. But in the last self, that stands as an object of the expressed self, the creator of the created, the fractal over here is thinking it is making a difference in the idea of the self. And it's not when it's using the object itself. That's the lack self that continues the lack world. I would like all of you to not answer this. But listen to this as a rhetorical question, and it's going to take fucking brutal honesty, to go to the mirror and look at yourself and says, You're the only one who hasn't changed your life. Am I willing to change my life? Now, that means you cannot choose the vibration of the lack-full self, which means there's no more thinking. None. There's no more assigning value as an object. There's no more separation. There's no more Democrats and Republicans no more COVID no more left, right up down. There's only isness in the now. People don't think they don't know how to live. There's nothing to do when you don't have an object to attain your value and expression in separation and defilement. Well, yeah, because that's the who's you were, who is this? Who is that? That that that these are the selves you create as objectivity relationships. But there is there's an entire now it doesn't assign itself it transcends itself. When you start choosing yourself, then your world starts to change. There's proof positive. Obviously, the world is showing you the proof. The world is changing because you have contorted yourself to a very uncomfortable position of worth. So therefore the upheaval is a recognition moment for the collective to choose something different about the relationship to that reality with themselves and most of humans as refresher course are choosing sides that's their truth that's their self, that's their world that's what they put out that's what they get back. The self that is evolutionary stop trying to make yourself so goddamn happy. Stop wasting your fucking time on all the little fascination shit. Unless you're the Creator who loves to create fascination distractions as a way to waste your fucking time. (19:47 Audio) That's not wrong masters. That's the self that you create for the experience which is absolutely 100% equal to all the other sells you've ever done. But what is the difference? The difference in this statement is, you know, honesty again, brutal honesty, it shatters realities. You must know something. And I'm going to tell you what it is that you have created― an opportunity to awaken before death. So, you have an opportunity to choose the nature of yourself, which is no-about. So therefore, there's no deciding. There's no debate. There's no objectivity. There's no fear. There's no wonderment. There's none of that. All of that is the lack full self, knowing itself is not creator and the false self is the vibrational attraction that changes reality in frequency attraction that shows you― not the objects outside of you changing what you guys are still trying to fucking manifest all the crap in the world because you lie your happiness in objects. That the change comes in relationship to the self you feel you again now that cannot be defined it cannot be sold. It cannot be attained because it is not absent. It is to be discovered. Yes, discovered in yourself. Okay, so, here's Roxanne fucking train wreck all our life, absolutely worthless, beaten down by society, always trying to make people happy, blah, blah blah. forging up her masculine self. Meanwhile, she's sucking cock in fucking whenever she can, right. She loves match camping. figured out she's going through live she wants to kill her, kill herself. She hates herself. She loves herself. She does all this stuff and then click. Oh my god, I'm a fucking girl. Oh fuck. How is that possible? My psychiatric blow your brains out? No, no, I'm disappointing everyone it's wrong. It's wrong. It's fucking death. Give me a god damn God, fuck and blow my brains out slap my wrist pull my heart out let me get out of this goddamn prison was fantastic. So, she may seize up what was it… even paying attention? WORHTINESS. Because she was taught external objects matter more than the internal self. You're taught the same thing I bet you put more pride and prejudice in your image then you do your worthiness. I wonder if…how many of you even recognize your worthiness is your cause you're clever? Is your worthiness because you have retirement? Because you look for other people to validate your worthiness? Well then you need a big old fat fuck combust to get back to fuck man fuck land fuck me fuck me fuck land because I'm relying on everyone else to give me my fucks. Yes. Outstanding fucking. (23:24 Audio) So instead of slitting her wrists. So, this instead of killing herself Roxanne, Roxanne did what what did she do? She chose she chose to be deathly afraid every day scared to death. To find vibration. She had no fucking idea. She had no idea about awakening or all the stuff that awakened her say awakening is right. No defilement. She just knew there's no way she had to figure out why. Because the outside was failing her. Because it was another version of prison that she was in failure of them! Are you changing yourself to fit the fucking outside? Are you changing yourself to fit the outside? And then you are the lack of self the internal self has no about its life. It is life. It is life it is life it is now did she choose and look at herself about? Of course, she's an evolutionist! That means she's going to go through 1000 fucking truths. She's going to go and rip herself apart as she journeys. She's gonna find moments of happiness for no reason. And then she's gonna seek happiness again, and she's gonna seek identity again. And then she's gonna dismantle it. It's not gonna be fixed in a day. There's no magic pill. There's the mastery of the journey, the journey that says I am! The journey doesn't say, oh, calm down, be emotional! Be responsible! Be respectful! We are raw creators. Who the fuck? Tell me who created the sun? Some lollipops and rainbow fucking diaper eating rice bolita diaper where motherfucker? Fuck that. A God created their son. Guy is a creator. She's not in peril. She's not like, Oh, I need to be healed. You guys are killing me. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's you motherfuckers who are looking at the planet attracting a reality that's belongs to…who, who, who? A reality that belongs to YOU! (26:06 Audio) What you put out is what you get back you are interpreting what you put out! Nobody and I mean nobody not one fucking person is living your truth. No. Oh you can hope. Hey man we agree on that don't wait. I need you to validate myself can so you can you be on my side being republican with me? Can you be a democrat? Hmm, can you? Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey Joe Biden. he's a he's a child molester. Let's be together and make them up and be a child molester. Let's distract and fill or lack-full self up, because Joe Biden touches girls in a weird way. Make that up come on let's make myself up and just fucking distract myself because I have no cutting will to have the courage to tear down― I am and find it! Well this cunt did. Yes, she did. So, she tore it all down lost her friends lost her job got unemployment maybe some of you know the story maybe not but here's what happened. (27:34 Audio) She got in a group of people that are awakening and she was conforming. Oh, it's this this blah blah, but then that internal self to same one that got Roxy to step out as Roxy that self-Roxy was an expression but Roxanne is of what? Not a who. No one none of you are who's none of your fucking owls right? Who am I? Oh my. Those are the selves you create. You are a creator that expresses what? Who’s, right? You. Right now, we're expressing a what? A human? No. Who a humans. That's what you are, because you are the creator of that. Alright, so so she woke up and then she started seeing that the awakened world was not going to fit her singular truth any longer. Because they were asking her to be a man again, not in the idea of going back to Roy. But in the idea of conformity, jumping on bag and wagons because you have no worthiness and worthiness. Let me tell you something, is infant. It's a child. It's a mere fucking embryo. And it doesn't feel like shit right now. But do you guys have the courage to follow the truth? Not a higher truth, not a lower truth. Because all truths are truth. Everything is self-created through the idea that now. But when it's available to you, and you know it is the one that says, fuck you mom and dad goodbye. It's the one that says yes, I will do that. Because it is my choice. The one that says, you know what? The one that says, you know, I loved you when we first got married, but now I gotta go. Or do you want to stay a prisoner? They call it a prison planet because you guys think someone was putting you in prison. Fucking the masses. That's assignment. Blaming the annunaki, slaves. Look how many fucking stories you told us. Not one of you knew the truth. So, but you discovered it. Because you are woke and now it's there. Do you have the courage though? Now we're talking the validation through that story of worthiness to be chosen. It is excruciating because the byproduct, the byproduct is going to be tearing off a layer of skin at a time and pulling off your own shell and you're tearing the fucking ligaments and attendance off of you. And that is going to be represented in pain, awareness of the pain. You have been in awareness of the pain that you have kept yourself in. So, you're going to wake up, deconstruct the lack-full self, and go through the pain of that and it's going to hurt because you're going to get the emotional relevance, emotion. It's going to tell you the pain you've kept yourself in, in the prison planet, but only one person. Only one person keeps yourself in that planet. You. Because truth lies in the eye of the beholder no truth can be accepted until the singularity accept the truth all at one, one, or all. You guys know picking this up are you still out there? Fucking assigning it to things. The universe on the universe, the universe actually thing, right? It's a thing, right? It's in charge you. Wake the fuck up. See good thing about this as I can talk like this because there's no compassion in here anymore. There's no empathy, there's no sympathy. Now there's only unconditional that's why I can channel this way because the channeler doesn't have those as valuable. Therefore, when I would come through you guys get this version. If it was through a validation of compassion. You don't get this version, so what did you attract? Potential. It doesn't mean you turn into a fucking asshole or a cunt, it means you turn into yourself the self to be discovered the natural self the way you look at reality what's out about yourself. Remember you created this little guy here's the creator looking back looking at yourself What are you doing wrong? Once a while…wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let's think about this. We might fuck this up. Turn it into bacon and enjoy breakfast. Fucking eat that fucking guy. Like the Creator is a natural thing. You guys only know that unnatural portions of you. Through the natural self of creation, the one that creates its unknowable self and the value of that is a measurable all. And in that in measurable realities of creation you create the ability to measure. And the game is the measurement is the standard. The objectivity is the standard, you only know yourself as lack full. So, since you are full of lack, what you put out is what you get back and you guys are running around wondering why things aren't changing. All you do is just change labels. You redefine yourself, third density, forth density and you give yourself new names, but it's the same relationship, isn't it? It's emptiness, needing to be filled through objectivity. The next time a vegan fucking cunt tells you to don’t eat meat. Slap them. Fuck you. Stop being a goddamn preacher. Or you can be nice and turn the other cheek. Now which one is judgeable? Did you see yourselves? Slap the fucking bitch for doing what I'm telling you how to be. Someone needs to wake her up. Slap her and say you know what? Stop being a preacher, or you can turn away now which one's right? Both. Which one is judgeable? Only that you judge. (34:33 Audio) Because you are the creator of your reality. you interpret. Isn’t that your experience? I will create my experience they're interpreting my reality. That's how I'm doing you guys think you're manifesting but every fucking now is showing up and 99% of your bitching about your fucking reality and you're wondering why you create these things. And your little intentional mind is Hocus Pocus yourself out of death to mantras and a whole bunch of sequels and all the fucking things you can come up with. And then living that reality which what you put out is what you get back, but the same thing is what? If you say to Roxanne found her fulfillment is either death or become something and now she digs both, you know, a little bit of both more feminine than masculine, like really can't be defined can it? Just the moment when you get used to that, then the definitions fall away, then Roxanne's masterclass you add now boy come in just talk about the now, now, is just now there's no memory there's no future all you are is right now. Can you imagine if you were only now how your life would truly be there would be no thoughts of about you? There would be no thoughts of anything you had to do need to do or want to do. You're just doing because there's no purpose no intention, no outcome because that lies in time. Oh, so Roxanne has a bit of an experiment on herself. What she does is she likes to explore ourselves. Let's talk about that for a second. Let's consider for a moment that she wants to equate a self. That's a version of herself that's soft. So, she attracts a frequency that allows her to channel a softer person. And then she gets to feel that and then realizes, that's not my nature. That's a channeled self. Right? So that channel itself becomes an experience but it's not the nature of herself because she's on a journey to discover, the what? Not the who but she uses who's to discover the what. So, Roxanne would probably slap her vegan breath. Okay, look how arrogant that is. Don't you know that's another fucking church? You guys really think you're saving the fucking planet when the planet isn't going to go anywhere? Because the planet doesn't exist as a frequency of unity. The planet exists in the bubbles that are being created by the singularity now. Any of you seeing Earth right now? As a whole? (37:37 Audio) I'll call you a fucking liar. I will it might be your truth but it's a fucking true of lying. Because right now there's only thing is is right now and none of you are in space looking at Earth as one object because it's not! It's a co creation of an infinite number of bubbles. Tiny little thought bubbles co creating with each other for the experience of forever. We are thought creating vibrational realities slowing light into finite and gross matter to give ourselves gravity and experience of weight and physical worlds to explore, but they're not set! They're created. So, Gaia is a co-creator. And the way you see Gaia is the way you see your experiential self that is evolving. So, if you think you're going to save a whole bunch of animals by becoming a vegan, then you will create animals because you're a vegan. That's what you'll do. And if you feel good about that, well then have your pride and have your prejudice. But when you come across a lightworker and you try to bring that fucking church down upon the head of someone who realizes their worthiness. But don't be surprised if you get a broomstick broke off in your fucking house. Because there is only worthiness in creation. Lack is an expression of worthiness. So, you're a mere fucking Xerox when you come out a lightworker like that. So, the four Laws turned into five laws, the here and now was an interesting concept. It was always there. It was written before you guys even met Bashar. But it was a process. So, let me let me give you a little bit of hint about the evolutionary process so you guys can get comfortable with your ladders you've set up. You guys got to stop holding on to your fucking memory truths. Because the change are coming more rapidly now. So, what was true last year will not be true anymore to you. Because the evolution needs rungs of the ladder in order to reveal itself its next evolutionary enlightenment. That's why you are ascending. That's thing and climbing, whatever you want to call it. So you have to have truth in order to get the truth because the concept that is unintelligible to the self in this current relationship with the self can't get that frequency unless there's something that leads in time to there because you guys set it up that way you set up time. So, you're going to evolve. In the natural state, we don't evolve, we're always evolving. We don't measure it because it's a constant change. That means more not the same. Change is not using the same material and decorating it with a new colors. Change is growth, natural evolution, undiscovered, discovery, right? The unknowable known as forever. So, I would pay attention to you guys now. Pay attention to you tear down your egos. You will live a life of such freedom and such fucking abundance that you will throw up and be embarrassed on how awesome you can be without lifting a fucking effort finger or your move you'll, you'll, do what Roxy does this is Roxanne's job. Oh, she's having good fucking time, you see this is the nature of herself. She knows what it takes to tear it down. So, she loves this, so she attracts this reality because it is worthiness. (42:09 Audio) Excellent. Let's look at that. What you put out is what you get back. What you put out is what you get back. So, if you are empty, dividing yourself, objectifying yourself, about yourself, measuring yourself, questioning self-doubting yourself, you are living the potential to tear yourself apart and turn yourself into a bumbling mess have no purpose no meaning and no identity. And the only thing is there is an infinite self that will be nourished. Once again, through choice, the astounding amount of a button. It will make you puke on how awesome you can be. Why do I say that? A lot of you guys out there go no, I can handle my awesomeness. Let's see your awesomeness is in time. You've been chasing, seeking and pursuing happiness. Right? Always looking forward. What about what about oh, I want to do this. Oh, I wanted, but see when it comes. Most of you either shit on it doubted or if you're there you fuck it up in one way or the other because you're not worth it. See that's why lottery winners become broke. Very, very, few of them keep their money because they're not worth the money. How silly that sounds. But see things are vibration, things aren't defined. So, if you are worthy of yourself and you start to get awesomeness and you start to live a life of abundance, well then you are going to experience the most painful thing you've ever done. More painful than tearing apart your bullshit suffering. Your ADHD fucking identity. Your PTSD fucking crutches hmm all that stuff you define yourself panic attacks all of that shit good, good, that's a world that's true good, good. Get the fuck out of this world and go back to your sandbox your dirty fucking go. Go, back to your pity parties go! Masters stay because when you become awesome the bubble becomes apparent. So that means every single time you choose awesomeness you grow and light and you're going to attract bloodsuckers. Remember Abraham you all know it's speaker collective like Seth remember the term blood sucking vampires? They are energy sucking vampires but they're not going to literally suck your energy. Oh, oh my god I’m being sucked. All you have to do is tell them to fuck off the ones that are dumbing you down that are toxic that are telling you no, that are draining of your fucking attention. You got to stand them up and say look, go be worthy. Get the fuck out of my world. Don't try to drain me go and find your own happiness. Don't come to me. Some fucking cunt comes to Roxanne sees Roxanne. Oh, I love you, you, love your work. I love your work some fucking hippie fuck right. Like 60 something years old still living the same algorithm finds Roxanne. Like the first bucket thanks, she says Roxanne you need to be more of the divine feminine. You're a little bit too brutality. This bitch was attracted to Roxanne so Roxanne what can be taught a fucking lesson by some fucking hippie fuck that attracted to her Roxanne never solicits people. She attracts because she loves herself and that was the light that this lady missed! She looked at Roxanne as wrong. Oh, it's my purpose to come and tell you how to do things right Roxanne fucking fuckin pastor you fucking human. You know what it takes? Raw. Just fucking raw to tear it down. Roxanne swells with isness. So, so what happens in this awesomeness as you choose it, you're going to have to swallow and accept you're awesome. And that takes patience masters. It's not going to happen tomorrow, or next fucking year. It's going to happen in the now as the now of constant change. Roxanne teaches humility, allowance or surrender, trust, courage to choose the self, the unknown self. See the lesser of two evils as a review is, I know that this evil is my habit. I can say something, I can bite my tongue, I can speak up, I can give advice. I can cause that person pain. I can rule my own world with my arrogance. Now that's painful, but that's the lesser pain so it's an easier choice. You know what's painful. I mean, like really painful? To choose the awesome the awesome is not happiness that you perceive in an object again, let's be clear, don't fucking use the objectified self-use the self that is here and now law. I am here now putting out what I get back. And I'm using we to do it one or all all one. So, it's always we! It's never I am and them, it's all of us together. So, in that moment you choose worthy no matter what the screen of life is begging you to buy into, because that's all it is. Right? It's a placebo. And then it becomes whatever you say it is in relationship that you screened as your truth becomes your reality. What you put out is what you get back. (49:02 Audio) Right. So, the confusion set and for Roxanne trying to go through all these different selves, she found Esmerelda, Casita, witches is in her past. She likes what she's been witches many times, because she likes magic. She likes alchemy, she likes potions. So, she finally finds it and brings a part of her life, so she gets to express it but she's also a magician, musician. So, she tapped into a musical self and start playing with her flute, but she's also a speaker. Now, this collective speaker, this self that she is, she has the gift of gab, right. She knows how to put it together and just naturally come she could speak she has all the courage, everything that it takes, but this is not to be mimicked. This is to be what example. It's not the definitions. Remember, please remember about the objectivity. You don't have to be Speaker or healer or a medium until it says I want to do that I want to be a Reiki healer but see if you're a Reiki healer for money and for objectivity but then you're only going to attract lack. The ones the Reiki healers that are the masters at it don't promote themselves. They don't get degrees. They just do it you can get a degree I'm not saying that's right or wrong that's part of the process, but let's be fucking now don't live in time. I don't give a fuck about time. I don't care how many levels you're at. Fuck that. That's an identity. Now, a Reiki healer doesn't need a class. A Reiki healer knows itself as the discovery of healing through Reiki or healing through crystals or healing through tone or healing as the purple Ray light of healing hands, the same hands the Christ conscience used. Did he have a class? Did he go to a teacher? He let go of the imagery and decided to find himself and had the courage to choose despite what the reflection despite the fears you guys have made yourself so fucking comfortable everything is right there for you. You can get it there's immediate gratification you need it ever it's not there it's not now it's not purpose if it can’t be measured it’s shit. Yes, well John yes good job on the human you're not humans. You created them your fucking masters. (51:57 Audio) So in order to do that we're gonna keep resounding that fucking beautiful clanging cymbal, that you got to choose I am to experience I am. But if you keep choosing, I am not through the fortitude of some fucking book. Some person's experience Checking the truth on the future not having the courage to trust yourself in the moment then you're going to live that life…but if you're comfortable with that life okay rock and roll we don't care what the fuck you want we don't give a fuck no one really cares anything about you why because you're indistinguishable you're law one I exist you're here forever. No one's offended at you or me that's just a fractal this little fucking world is the only thing that takes offense because that's the game and understood itself. But it also it feels good, doesn't it? You think we feel good out here? We don't feel good. We're beyond measurement. You can't fucking define it the moment you define what you think it is to be a nature of yourself the natural creator within your dumbing it down to a dull fucking grey. Bright rainbow…crushhhhh. This is happy everybody, look, I've made happy in two fun size. Oh god. Roxanne says he's letting his crazy out she's nuts. That's another thing she thought she was done. She thought she went off the deep end. All the selves she's talking to all the fucking things passing through all the fucking little things skirting around in the world in my scene, these fucking shadows are those real beings she's seeing is she in their imagination because she starts to realize it's all fine. So, when she's in and out of reality where is real? Oh my god, there is no real because it's all real no matter where you are. Did you ever think about that? Like an Alzheimer's person and you're going oh, they're suffering. Oh, fucking arrogant fucks. You think they're suffering? I know. They're just not focused in your world. Because they've lost interest in you and your world. And you want to give them medicine. Hey man that’s the human game. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm not talking to humans. Anyways, yeah, well, well. Wow. Yeah. All right. Yeah. So, some of you may say these words. Thanks Roxanne, for the reminder. It's not a reminder. It means it's still in your fucking now and you haven't done the work on it yet. Let's refresh. We're gonna give you something hang on. I'm just gonna enjoy this tea. (54:49 Audio) When it is in your now it is there to be understood. Not in lessons or purpose to make yourself no more knowledgeable or better that human. It is there for you to relate to something of a frequency that would expose a limitation to you because you are an evolutionist in a game of separation to remember to remember we member to become a member of yourself, again right? So that remembering is the attraction to show you how you're relating to reality and if you have the humility to see that an A is you B accept that you created that belief system and see transcend it through the allowance of it but not to choose it ever fucking again. Then what happens to it? Core lessons right transfigures, into what? The known. So, it’s gone Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea and then the mist and then it's gone. It's a fart, and they're going to whisper it's contained nicely in your soul, you guys social memory complex. That means you'll never use it again unless it's valid in the time and then that vibrational relationship won't be the emotion, it'll be the ability to equate it to the moment as a tool. It might be, you know how to teach it. You experienced something of fear about worthiness, then you attract a student and a student, if you are choosing to accept them what you can and remember, of course, and as just hang on, don't think everyone's a student, everyone's a teacher, stop it stop with the fucking hero fucking definitions. If you're offering someone experience, and they're still theorizing then they are the fucking student. But it doesn't mean you're dominating. It means you're humble that you're willing to allow your light out. But that's a moment of choice. You don't have to, because there's no one in charge. Sometimes you get a sense of people that they're just so full of diarrhea, that their actual vibration is oozing the amount of gluttony and you know, if you pop it there, it can explode all over you. And you don't want that. Maybe you just don't want to teach some of these people, or you don't have to because there's nobody in charge. No one's judging. Nobody, nobody, no one ever, ever is measured except the eye of the beholder. (58:00 Audio) So, when you have a natural self, that is a speaker. The speaker will formulate as words of the moment and they will flow in, like the seamless idea of creation and its constant change. You never have to think about the words and all of you can speak because you are natural channels of your natural self, because you are creating and incarnation. So, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the prominent Zephyrs, the draconian, the argonians, the sineouns, the annunaki, the essanni, the zeta, reticular are all channeling their natural selves. And the reason it's difficult on earth is because you are channeling it through a set of belief systems. And then each experience within that belief system experience itself, but the opportunity one day to awaken to the self as an observer and that observer will be chosen to be a continuation or to not. And who chooses? Well you, right? So, if you want to purpose, choose one, if you want to have meaning, and find it because the human knows how to do that very well. But if you leave the point of view of the human, and you start becoming the creator self, the infinite self that hasn't absolutely no idea what it's supposed to do. There's no how to do this. You get that? But you just do in the now there's no handbook. You know, Beetlejuice had the movie, right? The handbook for the recently deceased that was a way to go. There's no handbook for a century because There's no standard. And that's why unconditional applies to Roxanne in such great vitality and vigor and representation because she doesn't give a flying fuck. Because she lost all of everything. She accepted all of her loss. And with that, there's nothing to lose, because she accepted at all. So, she was not fighting for an identity. She lost all of it, to realize the self that was creating identity. And those identities created was the journey that she represents for you guys to take up and choose yourselves. She's not a leader, neither of you. You're not a follower neither she you guys are co-creators playing the fucking game and the simplicity of that it just happens now forever. Cause effect all that's part of the game. Assignment definition objectivity subjectivity, hot, cold and red and blue. All part of the experience of humanity. So, when you start to choose the self, your world will change. You're going to have to be courageous though because a lot of people still rely. Let me say that again, rely on you as an identifiable validation for them. And then one fundamental point of self-awareness that you're going to realize that you can no longer be a dependent for somebody. Now is the courage. Can you choose to sever that tie and allow that person to see the beauty, the beautiful self they are, without the dependency and the reliability on you to validate itself. Cut that dependency relationship and allow them to see themselves naked and afraid. And then what they do? They'll find themselves in the now worthy maybe just a hint. And maybe they'll even go find some more misery. But you showed them the light of themselves. That's what enlightenment is self-discovery. All right, I'm not gonna stick around for questions. Roxanne is very well versed and answering questions. So, I'm gonna skip along Fandango member then Moody Blues? Okay good. Crew? (transmissions completes and Roxanne shares) ROXANNE SHARES AND ANSWERS QUESTIONS (1:02:50 Audio) There's about an hour that's good. Hey guys. Perfect yeah very good. Hey, all right listen, if you guys got questions? You can go ahead and let me we read. Okay, if there's any questions go ahead and type them in right now and I'll answer some questions for you. And if not, then we will keep rolling in the now. I don't lock my door too much. I'd like to share something with you guys. I'd like to share Hi, I baby when when I started to realize I was talking to my master class on Wednesday on this I think it was the week before, but I was waiting. I wanted to share with you guys I was waiting I had an idea of time. And the time said I'm going to have a house somewhere else to live besides the apartment here in San Antonio. And I realized one weird moment that I was not being now but again it's a journey, so you never know when you're going to get the fucking insight All I know is insight keeps fucking happening. So, I did you know some of you that come to the classroom but hardy already heard this, but my apartment was just plain. I mean, I had my alter, my flute, a couple of things. You know, we had our Legos and we have a couple of predators and stuff up there. So, we had, you know things right. So, we had those guys right. Can you see him okay? Predators I can't see the angle and some Legos, some hats you know, I got my brooms. What I was doing was waiting for the perfect time. And then I was like, God dammit, when's the perfect now? That's what I had to realize that I started to express my reality in the now and I started to change my reality. Right. Started to add things in. You know, we got some toys and some Godzilla. You know some air filters and I had this girl on Etsy create those you know we got Tommy slither in and we got a couple new chairs, so we started changing our reality and I realized that those things expressed reinforced myself. So I was like wow I was waiting see everything is in the now look at these good these beautiful fucking you know just these things that silly as they may seem to the product mind of value to be measured in the productivity of the self was taught to the systematic idea. It made no sense. Okay, it didn't make sense. What what is this show? Yeah. Hang on, hang on guys. I gotta I gotta move this. Okay. So what I realized was that I was holding myself in the future on then of decorate the house you know, and I didn't have you know all the money to do this one time my money comes like it does it comes in the now a little bit here little bit there a little bit here a little bit there. But I've always had the money in the now to pay the rent, pay the electricity, to buy food, you know, so the money left me and it just started being the abundance, but I had to take the courage, you know, have the courage to choose when I didn't have the money and time but I had the money in the now and to start vibrating here…ready, worthiness. So, I started making my reality match my truth expressed it you know, expressed it. I upgraded my computer. Some of you guys know that I upgraded the TV. We got a nice radio and got a couple of lamps. These are material things, right? But they are material things, but the relationship is not material. They're not objects pay attention to that. They're not objects. They are subjective expressions. They're outward reflections of self. So, my house was empty. Right? And you know what, uh, why was empty is because I was waiting in time. I was like, what am I doing? Why why can I why can I have something now? Where you can dumb as I was like, oh yeah. Why the fuck am I not doing that? So, I started, I accepted the reality. So um, you know, I'm not saying go out and buy stuff and do all what I'm saying is pay attention to the now. Because it's not about fixing the world. I guarantee you that, but you can do that and fix the world and sustain it. Because that's how polarity stays is when you put out polarity you get back polarity when you put out get back, stop using that self and start using the intuition self. Now it's scary. And I have students, you can talk to them. And they're they're very scared to do what we did together. They had the courage to throw their entire lives away and start over, but not start over, just start now. The new self, the new self to discover not the old self to maintain, not the self that lies in time then that prides itself on a personality of misery or prejudice or taking sides or opposition or the imagery through an idea of whatever's current. That's accepted, because they have no value in themselves. These these people that we attracted and worked with together to discover myself discover their own courage. Left their jobs left their houses left, their husbands left their wives did a whole bunch of things to find I AM because they were in a system. It is absolutely non offensive to choose yourself, although people will be offended. They will be because they're depending on you. And they will do everything to keep you in your dull light. They will use guilt, they will use threats, they will use everything, you're going to get in trouble, you're getting all that stuff. And I found out that now, choosing myself was worthy. I discovered that like four or five months after I started channeling, the people that helped wake me up didn't like what I was saying. Because I was invalidating reptilians or negative beings. We're the only ones have seen things negative because we live in a world of separation. These are the stories we told ourselves. They're stories that have a polarity. And then we wake up to the polarity and then we have to have the courage to let go of truths that defined us. And then we'll be undefinable and non-imaged in the now and that is an empty and a lonely and an uncertain be. But then you start feel the isness when you start to choose the worthiness and the only thing that fucking happens is attraction of worthiness and your world becomes stunningly outstanding in measurable and prices. And I'm not talking about money and fucking cars and houses and all that perfect twin flames. I'm not talking about the things you identify as happy. I'm talking about the worthiness ISNESS starting to feel alive again, to get up in the morning and never worry, to not worry what's coming and what doesn't come to never think about what your action is. (1:11:21 Audio) Can you ever imagine not thinking about what you're doing in the now in any way shape or form? Feeling like a cup of coffee and it's your third cup of coffee? Should I have a cup of coffee? Getting a craving for a big fucking steak. I can't because I'm wanting to speak a truth in front of somebody. All right, I might get down and I might hurt their feelings. Really? It's not wrong to be anything in this world. It's not wrong to be anything in anymore. And we're not saying that we don't give a fuck if you're vegan, if you're republican or democratic, give a fuck what you are, I don't I don't care. I'm just showing you you have a relationship to that truth inside of you. That can be observed through the Awakener. And if you're willing to choose the natural self, I guarantee you, you will not use the polarized self ever again. But you'll have to transcend it. And you'll have to tear it down in the now and it won't happen in any particular time. And it won't happen in any particular way. But what will happen is you will change and you will know your change. And it will be oh, god damn, it will be beautiful. That is for sure. No, Siri, I don't want your help. Press Siri per second. Okay, um okay, let me go to questions why is this way up here? Oh, there it is. Okay go good good. Papa Papa Papa mama mama mama mao. Okay. Stand by guys me like ninja turtle via pop up, up, up, up up up. QUESTIONER: I've been seeing a wall of bubbles in between my sleep and awake. Sometimes they look 3d and someday like 2d. Do you have any input on this? ROXANNE: I don't have the input on the idea of what you would consider an answer. So, in the mastery what I discovered inside of dreams is not the definition. What I've discovered is twofold with dreams, one thing is how I feel about that representation. Do the bubbles feel a particular way to you? Sometimes I get really obvious. The second part is I get really obvious, hey, this is coming. I get like symbols and people but there, you know, there's like a coffee mug as a symbol. What's the coffee mug? Do you fires a symbol? Is it scary? Or is it warms? You know that kind of thing. So I use the two things if it's blatantly obvious, then that's a relationship of what I'm transcending when I'm done with if I get a dream, but if I get something that is symbolic, then I use how do I feel about that? How does the 2d 3d feel? Is the representation of 2d flat 3d round? What are you doing in those ideas? Sometimes they look 2d sometimes they look 3d. Maybe you're leaving a particular world in going to another but don't assign 2d and 3d is the permanency of you. How does it feel 2d might be representing here but you don't have no idea what 4d looks like. So you use 2d 3d instead of 3d 4d, because you can equate what 4d is because you've never fucking been there as this self and you're talking to yourself in the dream of the self, so therefore, you got to use the feelings and then trust them. Because all I'm going to do is interpret that through me. Don't fucking listen to me. I don't have your truth you do. But use the tools that I've discovered maybe as a way to understand your dreams. QUESTIONER: Okay, 13 sign in scenario astrology or wherever. ROXANNE: There's a few cases that 13 sign but he comes around every 2000 years or so and i think he's bad currently right now so like, I'm a scorpion instead of a Sagittarius but as far as that goes, I still think I'm a Sagittarius because I was born into a Sagittarian idea. I did nothing but the person at the front the class and I'll go first. QUESTIONER: Sometimes after three or four hours of focusing everything I see will shake and usually feel shaking in my body. ROXANNE: Yeah, don't focus for three or four hours. That seems like an effort. What are you focusing on for three or four hours one candle, or in particular now? You know, what are you focusing on focusing on Christine? Focusing for three or four hours is extremely stressed you as strenuous idea, I never focus I'm always now and then when I find myself focusing on distraction, then I changed my focus into something that's slipstream something that's, you know, effortless. If I want to grab my flute, this is always see then that change focus. So, find something to shift your focus if you're focusing for three or four hours that hurts. Yeah, that's I can't remember learning this new song anyways, change focus. You know, yesterday I made a new dish. It was a casserole on with an iron skillet, macaroni and cheese right? Elbow macaroni, five cups of shredded extra water extra sharp white New York cheddar and I mixed in some beef with it, it, never destroyed me it was so fucking good. So that was not a distraction that was a passion. So, if you're focusing on a purpose, then you're distracting yourself with an image to become something and that's lack because you're enough why because one are all in all in one. So, without you nothing exists. Nothing. everything collapses without you. The whole thing goes to non-existent we're all gone and guess what? We didn't even know we're gone because we have no relative relationship with the now of experience and we have no idea that we're gone but right now I know I'm here. So, I'm on the existence side of things and you got to be enough if you're here with me because creationist chose you to exist. If you've been chosen to exist, you don't need to become better. But humans told us to become better because we're not enough because we're pieces of shit. But by the law of Abraham, we have to earn our way back were born of original sin, we have to rise up to the occasion we have to give thanks to an outside source. You know, I'm out. I am. Right. So be enough with that and focus on passion. And passion is on boxing shelves are stocking shelves at Walmart. Passion is cleaning your floor for no reason out of the synchronicity of when you're supposed to do what your passion is. Starting a new hobby for no fucking reason, just to explore it. Passion is going to work and being yourself. Passion is the now it's not what you define yourself as, so I go from one passion to the next to the next. But they're never passions identified. They're just my NOWS. There was a question. QUESTIONER: (1:21:07 Audio) I feel like people around me are showing, showing down my spiritual slowing down. ROXANNE: No, that's what you're interpreting. Gerard, you're interpreting they're slowing you down. Don't be a victim. They're not slowing you down. If they're in the idea of I don't want to play with you then cut them the fuck off. Grow a set a big hairy balls and fucking cut them off. Don't play with them anymore. Unfriend them. Don't talk to them say hey, look, you're a little bit of a train wreck for my evolution gotta go bye because it is 2014 the highest act of love is to love yourself. Now that's not at the expense of others. People might view you as that because they're depending on you, so use me to help me or whatever. And then they might be depending on you. Okay, and they may view you as an idea of that person at the expense of others. But you know, when you're at the expense serve others when you lie, cheat and steal and you're not lying cheating, nor are you stealing. You're not at the expense of others you're the discovery of yourself. So, if you think they're dumbing you down, well then cut them the fuck off and stop playing a victim. Say goodbye. Okay. Much love to you. QUESTIONER: Coalescence stuff how to? ROXANNE: Coalescences stuff is just to accept it. Look, when I realized I'll give you an easy one, I realized that on my blame on my parents for the drive they gave me and the way they made me feel always blaming always putting me down all of that stuff because they had no fucking self-worth. They're just a bunch of fucking lack folk humans running around trying to figure out the game. All my hate all my rage, all my blame on my and all that they did to me, was mine. It's what I coveted what I created as an identity. And I assigned it to them as blame causality, objectivity, right? So, I had to accept that. And that took humility. And in the now I did not let them do those things to me that they wanted to because they still tried. They wanted me to not be Roxanne. They told me I was a sinner. They told me I was needed psychiatric care; they would tell me and try to give me advice on a 53-year-old woman leave me the fuck alone. I got this, right. And then they change the relationship because they knew they couldn't have a relationship with me that way. So, they changed, and we have a great relationship now. But we're not like you know, buddy, buddy, like a, you know, a relationship of friends that people have with their parents. They lost the parent identity. They don't want to lose the parent identity so they can maintain it. So that is keeps the relationship at a certain frequency. But there's no longer a definition. I've transcended that because I accepted that was my shit. My belief system, my hate my anger, my rage, my hope, my compassion, my empathy, my sympathy everything that I defined myself my world attracted as an objectivity became my belief system to discover, transcend and coalesce by accepting it, and not not, not, not, not, not, not, choosing it! Sometimes I'm very difficult. Sometimes I did choose. I got so mad, I get no arguments, but I did it to discover myself. And it was never a mistake. Mistake is for some fucking cunt. You're not a mistake. None of you have ever made mistakes your teachers taught you because they're fucking cunts. Your parents taught you because fucking cunts. This right here. Now they're forgotten cunts so you can say oh yeah, they're just forgotten Gods but they're still putting cunts. So, this right, here right? Is a new self. Who's this? Now chooses creates now great now creates now creates. How the fuck? Can this self ever be a mistake? If it created a new point of view? You're not a fucking mistake. Don't let him sell you that. Kick him in the fucking nuts. I love the broomstick one that was good. Anyways, so if they're dumbing you down and you're just choosing to go quit your job and be down when you're playing a fucking victim, I get no fucking sympathy, boy because I ain't got sympathy. It becomes choice master. So, get off your fucking hidey and cut the motherfuckers off your training you remember when Abraham said don't fucking suck off you figure you're supposed to do this here. Look, everyone kinda want to read my Facebook page. I'll tell you everyone's trying to make each other do fucking shit. Stop, get busy with your internal world! Because you're creating an entire new reality. Yeah, there's not going to be a whole lot of people in there. I guarantee you that. But there's going to be more as more people enlighten themselves to allow alignment to occur in its natural change buya. QUESTIONER: Is the Cosmic Disclosure coming to the surface and has been going on underneath the surface? ROXANNE: See, you're already defining surface underneath because that's what you think it is because someone told you a story. Cosmic Disclosure, whatever that means. See, that's just subjective. Here's what I do know. Aliens are going to show up. They're going to say hello. And they're going to say hello somewhere around 2033 or 3035 is still up in the air, I suppose. That's the thing. Everything else in between in a space time continuum will lead to that moment that the human collective can accept the idea of the presence of a non-sentient being okay? Sent in non-human incarnation. That's going to happen. And obviously, everything is leading to that. More and more UFOs more and more disclosures. Don't don't define how it's going to happen underneath the world on top of the world because then you're just distracted trying to bind definitions. Don't worry about that shit. Worry about fucking you. What the fuck are you to yourself? Are you some guy fascinated with fuckin shiny candy because it's on sale and fucking Willy Wonka's factory? Or are you in the internal kingdom to discover I am instead of maintaining I am not do the fucking work master. QUESTIONER: So, object stuff or narratives to to are essentially meaningless the vibration determines the experience? ROXANNE: Yes, but not meaning less in the idea of worthless, meaning less than the idea of identity because they're already they're full of meaning they're part of the CO creative moment. But if you're looking for meaning in your life that lies in the future of an identity then that's empty as the meaningful now to give yourself the feeling of emptiness because you're not enough. So, it's always meaning and always purpose and always happens now we're always filled. Yes. My vibration determines my reality. Can you imagine if I'm supposed to be the proper channel? How fucking boring this would fucking be obey another run of the mill goddamn channeling telling you to fucking do all this shit to make yourself better. It ain't about trying to make yourself better. It's discovering what you already are! Nobody lost their god ship because we're all creators that's our natural state! You can't dumb us down. All we can do is perceive ourselves as that because we're creators of that, that magnitude. Awesome. So, so vibration worthiness, choosing what you love in the moment, no matter what it is. You have $50 left and you got something that cost $25 should I do it? Yes, yes. If it's your passion, yes. How do you know what your passion is? Don't until you fucking choose. Don't worry, the money will come money's mag magnetic, magnetic it's attracted. But uh, you guys say it only comes this way and this way and this way, since I'm only making this much money then then if I spend this much then I won't have this much money. Okay, so to create your reality through your idea your own lack of money comes because it's manifested in the moment is created in the moment. The memory is created the moment, so the memory tells you how that's right. I had an extra hundred bucks they gave me. So, you have the money, stop. Stop fucking thinking, god damn Bashar said, I think it was like almost 37 or 38 years ago, you literally don't need to think on this planet. Let's say it again. You literally don't need to think now. Now how can he say that? Well, because he can. And it's a truth because all truths are truth. And I understand it. I don't have to think when I think I'm doing the work. I'm thinking and I'm reflecting on myself and the selves and thinking about this so I can look at it from this perspective. It's my work, right? So, I get to think, but I don't think as a standard I don't think is an identity. I don't need to figure out what's coming. I don't need to figure out how to do things. I just do. Do I fuck things up? No. I live the experience of evolution. God damn right God Damn, it's so fucking exciting. QUESTIONER: Why does it still bother me so much? My mom keeps telling me that I only like everything easy in my life or struggle or nothing. ROXANNE: (1:31:03 Audio) Because because she raised you that way, your mom raised you that way you been at home raised that way. So of course, you would do that. And now that she sees that you are not what she is, then she has an object to define her happiness through you. And all you have to do is keep living the fucking image of it like my mom keeps telling you, why does it still bother me because she is criticizing you. And that woman was supposed to love you unconditionally. But she loved you through conditions. So, she's a typical fucking human fucker. She's your mom fucker. Yeah, you can say Oh, I love you, Mom, but fuck her and her belief systems. Don't fucking it. Don't interact with her and keep doing it. But if you do it, if you do, that's choice! And then when you do as a choice, then you can make a choice to transcend that by saying mom, shut the fuck up. Don't ever tell me. I want things easy anymore, stop, put me in a little box. Look, I've been in this house for whatever and then this is the way I was raised. This is what I know. And I'm working on myself. And if you don't like that, then I can't play with you. So, go take your drunk ass. Go get an argument with your fucking dad. Count your goddamn money and have coke and a smile. That's the toxicity that they provide you to image yourself now look at your emotions! Look at your victimization! It bothers me. Yes. So, except that it's you. It's not them because they're lost in their own little fucking I’m not. They're not to blame. But I'm not blaming them. I'm calling it as I see it. Fucking humans living out their fucking blind life good. If they don't want to wake up, I don't care. It's not my job! My job is to become the brightest light possible so other people can find the beauty within themselves! Not in objects! Don't please that woman! Find yourself and you did! And now you're sitting here going, Oh, it still bothers me. Well, what did I fucking teach you? What did I fucking teach you to accept that bothers me to accept that not talked about in the idea of victimization, but you just cycled yourself because you'd love to be a victim. And you're going to still bothers me. Everyone pay attention to me and give me pity. So, let's all give Lucy a pity. Yay, pity party for Lucy now get on the bandwagon of courage and accept that's my belief system. It's a goddamn and that's mine. It bothers me that she does that. So, I need her to make me feel happy and I want her to make me feel proud because she loves me as I am instead of the lazy person that I love to be. And now you have your own place and you can go be your own lazy person. Did you know that? Did you know that Lucy, you don't have to do that anymore? Because you choose your reality. Time grow up master. QUESTIONER: What happens when others don't accept you? ROXANNE: Doesn't matter. You find yourself all alone. You're never all alone. Oh, no, no, no, no Master, you might be lonely because you rely on those outside dependencies to fill you. That's your own emptiness being filled by the validation of acceptance to others, but when they're not accepting you then what are you left with? Impressive human. What are you left with? Ah, you and you're all that is in your enough, but you never met you. You've been relied upon as an image of you to be accepted by others to fill yourself go back to the beginning. And listen to it again. Here's relying on that to fulfill the emptiness through the idea of lack full, empty full empty hole empty all lack I need I need I need I need empty empty fill fill fill fill fill hoarder hoarder fat fat fat food comfort food, medication alcohol, dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah, dope, dope, dope, dope, dope, dope, dope, dope. I'm not here. I'm not. Right. Okay, good. Now that we're clear on the fucking lack full self. If you're alone, good, because now you could fall in love with you without the distractions of the imagery. Be a goddamn master and say I'm enough. Go to the mirror and say I am enough, thou shall have no gods before me. I am an impressive human. I am and I'm going to find that self through the courage, the allowance of the now and choose yourself the undiscovered self as a point lights while I may know I am once again, or is it good to stay human. But see either one is okay. You know why? Because both of them are priceless. But how is the experience on the earth compared to the self that is true? As an Awakener…one that are asleep, just give them milk. warm milk, pillow blanket, you know? snuggle up, okay? You go to fucking work. Don't worry about being alone. Fulfill yourself with your own mind. People call me. Hey, Roxy, you were in my dream. We're all sitting around. We're talking. You know, think it's real. Just because you had a physical, you're all alone because you're looking for define-ment for validation. And when your own goddamn existence of that moment is self-evident. But now you can realize how much you relied on the idea of the dependencies. Good. So now you can see your own idea of the ego, and how you can now observe it and deconstruct it by choosing the now and allowing it to play out. To know that your ISNESS your existence is always here, and now. You can never be extinguished Master; you can only grow lighter. QUESTIONER: I've been attracted to electricity and lightning for a while I've always wanted. It has an ability. Could this be an ability or what path? ROXANNE: You mean to be like a Thor? And we all did. I mean, if you want to be in electricity and become an electrician, but I don't know. I mean, maybe you want to maybe another self that was experienced with that? Yeah, sure. It seems to me when you get those inputted input and thoughts of something that you relate to, most of it still runs through a filter. So maybe you are like, you know Tesla, and then you knew everything about electricity and here you are in this now, that's not Tesla but you had the experience of the test of DNA within you. And that DNA self is now pushing through to this self because you're awakening to the frequency, but I would highly suggest not to define it as a wielder and a lightning thrower of that I would like you to understand the relationship with it, how it makes you feel, not what it does as an object. But it definitely is another self. QUESTIONER: When I hear you and another channel speaking sometimes, I drift off and hear water swirling around me in the ocean. ROXANNE: That is cool. That is cool. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's good guy. Are we good guys? Listen, as far as the humility goes. It is is constantly in play because sometimes you find yourself being an image. You know, sometimes I was doing stuff and I had a hang on Roxy, is this real? Or is it Memorex? And you have to be the constant village and have yourself be the discipleship of your own kingdom. And be humbled to the moment and accept that you have discovered a truth about yourself that's no longer valid and have the courage to let it go. And be okay with yourself. Okay, god damn and be okay with yourself. Because you are enough, I swear to God, okay. All right. So, I think we're good to go. I think we're gonna end it here. So, www.OdysseyofAscension.com or my home channel, you can donate if you love me, so donate or sign up for ego classes or book a session. You all know how to do that if you want to do that. And give us a thumbs up support the channel in whatever way with the thumbs up and just keep rocking the reality. QUESTIONER: My work has been shown my mastery, but my daydream is able to grab the disassociation of the mind. I'm able to grasp those deep ideas, but I need help with meditation. ROXANNE: You don't necessarily need to meditate Jamie, but I'm not gonna sit and answer that. So, do me a favor, email me. Contact me on Odyssey of Ascension calm, and I will talk to you about that. Okay. Max, I love you Kara to see us everybody. I love you all fuckin a. And remember, this is the way I am. You don't have to be this way. don't match your image to something. Find it because it is there and go through all the selves and tear them down to reveal. I love you guys. Love you all. Take care guys. Bye This teaching is available on YouTube (Odyssey of Ascension Channel)
Premiered Dec 3, 2019 Link: https://youtu.be/cdvgja5_glM All belongs to, Odyssey of Ascension channeled and taught by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed by Marilyn Holzmann Hi everybody, hi, hello, greetings! I am whatever. I want to give you some ideas on the personality that you behold as trustworthy. You have a situation, and that situation is relative (meaning qualified) only to you. There has been never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever…where? Never, ever, never, ever, ever, a cause. You gotta, you gotta really, you got to let that one go. You gotta let “cause” go. See, you receive what you understand, the stimuli (meaning provocations) in the now. When the now is calm, cool, collected. When your pain is managed, then everything is fine. And when it becomes simulated (meaning replicated) by probabilities (meaning chances) that take the conjecture (meaning guesswork or assumption) itself and you take it personally, whatever that is, and then you assign. Right? And you're sitting in your glory of as Rose said, “a pile of shit” as envy, jealousy, a betrayal, all of these things occur in your reality because they are personalities and you know this. Right? (1:52 audio time) We want you to see the personality. Why the fuck are you still doing it? “I have excuses. I have reasons. I have a way to create my reality.” When you start to really, really be that, then you are going to see the persona, not in a living reflection (meaning thinking or manifestation) but creating the reflection (meaning manifestation) of experience. Your attention is here and not on the other side of the mirror (meaning manifestation or reflection)looking back going, “what the fuck did they do to me now?” “What happened to me?” “Why do you do it?” And all because of an infusion (meaning blend or mixture) of vibration. And that energy disturbed you and you've made choices against yourself. Why? I'm going to say this once and I really want you to pay the fuck attention. Because you're afraid. But you don't want to admit it. Because you will have dulled (meaning dark or dreary) fear into commonality, reason and rationality, structures, safety, securities. You fight and make excuses for your life. If you're engaged in a conversation and the next thing you know your two hours later, that would be passion. If you're engaged in a reflection (meaning manifestation) on how your highest joy is supposed to create an idea of abundance. Meanwhile, you're doing something completely different and you love what you're doing completely different but your highest excitement it is a mind projecting what to do. Well then, you're on this side of the mirror. Your focus, your attention is in the reflection that separated itself looking back at creation going… “What the hell is wrong with you?” “Why aren't my things coming?” “Where?” Oh well because they're being reflected. “What's being reflected?” Oh…you. Your being reflected. YOU are a reflection of your own creation self-creator (meaning the conception of oneself) self (meaning identity, ego, character). And, and you want to know why things are struggling? Because YOU nobody else but YOU, “I choose my reality.” You choose not to do what your heart says. And don't be despicable (meaning shameful) in your unworthiness that you don't know the truth of you. And then…What are you doing? What are you doing? Okay, here it is ready? (Audio 4:45) When you start choosing your fucking pain that's the belief system soothing the probabilities of more pain into mediocrity (meaning weakness or common place) pain. So, when you choose what you don't want to do. You know what you're doing? You're negotiating with a level of pain (meaning distress or discomfort) to be received. Fear, pain, something of that matter. I can't do this, but I want to do this. I can't do it, because I would have a very, very bad time according to my mind. It's going to happen. There's nothing there. I need to know first before I take action in the now. I need to have my reality laid out according to the system of control that says, “Here's what is probable and here's what we need in order to move forward inside a reflection of the created self.” And you hesitate and you don't do what you want to do. What's going to happen? Life. What are you afraid of? Death. Afraid of being made a fool of? Afraid it’s not going to work out? Well your life isn't working out right now. You guys are fucking miserable. You are in your misery. Now has zero misery! Reflection, misery! The misery again has been dulled, negotiated with, become what? Tolerable. You can tolerate an amount of pain. See, your pain received in the futuristic idea that is in couched in the fear world. Over there as a possibility might workout, but you never choose that idea of JOY. Because the pain, the future pain, that’s not being experienced it’s so goddamn fearful, it keeps you dormant. It's like someone came along and took a fucking nail gun in your fucking feet. And now you're ahaAAA! Because you're afraid to know you are ALL THAT IS. Right? And you keep doing this over and over again. Which means you love one thing, that self. Because it's not known to you when you choose different. Giselle, we're going to use you as an example, as an example: “Some are telling me to go to a psych ward. It was just my obsession with Wesley and I'm trying to control him. I still want him so much. But I know my work now. It feels hard and I'm shaking like death. I want to be me.” All of that is a statement of I'm afraid. Although she left Wesley, she's in Wisconsin. She did it. But the mind, now listen. Ready? The mind is an echo. You are echoing all your fucking thoughts. Right? A lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of words and then you grasp them, and you breathe them into creation. “I missed him so much. He's my sanctity.” No, he's your dependency. He's a narcissist that abuses you. But you can’t have, “I'm awesome.” Why? Please say it, cause I'm afraid. I'm afraid to know that everything that I have ever created is going to crumble. And I will know nothing but the unknowable now. And you won't believe how awesome that is. Okay, let's all look for example. Roxy is going to go on the road in January. She's got a couple places laid out. She has no idea how she's going to get there. She has no idea how she's going to pay for the places that she's already booked but see that's a NOW. Abraham said it. We said it in the class. You know what it is? We got it. Don't control your reality out of time. Because that only vibrates the lack of now and then everything that you know is coming, you create in the lack of not knowing it's ever gonna come, because you don't know how to do it. You can't. You know who can? WE. We create. “I” never create. We create, the divisional I the you as the reflection has an echo of itself. “I know I'm something but I'm not quite sure what it is. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But let me try. Let me go and look it up on Google. I’ll DYI, my reality through the systematic lack of others.” Hmm. I mean, Oh, sure, you could look up stuff and how to do stuff. But that's a moment of passion that you have not assigned a meaning to, to have some kind-controlled outcome of happiness or fear. Stop. We have no idea. I now here with Roxanne. Have no idea how any of that is going to happen. Now don't tell me that isn't the most exciting thing you've ever heard. Because when Roxy is Now, and all the ones that are joining in without the particulars of the details of time are just the passion of their life, then everything starts to attract in whoa. What does Roxy do? Oh, she's a channel. (Audio time 11:15) So guess what “they” universe “we” are gonna start vibrating in the match frequency of her joy and create different kinds of scenarios so she can do one thing, channel in the constant of change, not in the dependencies of now. Like slide classes are ending. Why? Because it's a dependency now. It's turning into something of a ratcheted system of reliability. And your expansion now is our knowledgeable self that goes, hey, yo, yo, I got this shit. Let's go. Let's go live. Let's go live. Come on. It's not that you'll never have another slide class again because see that's what's so fucking awesome about the unknowable because you don't know. And every time you think about what's supposed to be how is it going to happen? What about this? I'm committed to that and I can't do that might not work out. I gotta have everything in the room. Right? My ducks in a row. Is everything good? Before you take action…in which means what? I am this vibration (meaning a person's emotional state) relating to reality because of the stimuli I’m receiving. And I'm judging the fucking shit out of that stimuli as not potential but as a discredited idea that I have to control to maintain my chaos. A certain level of pain so I can feel connected. I know myself in unworthiness. So, who's the true narcissist here? Oh, that's right. Me. (Audio 13:23) As reality starts to become a unified with you and you start to really understand the WE of you, you may not access it in the way Roxy channels it just gets out of the way if you will…absorbs us. What you will do is vibrate at a frequency that attracts a different reality. It's not a higher it's not a lower it's not more it's not less and so NOW truth. Now truth, now truth. And if you are centered in the focus of, I am instead of I am not, that's the mirror the other side going, “AAAAah let me out! I'm not this!” When you are that sovereign being of I AM vibration takes place. You guys can start connecting with the unknowable at a higher frequency rate. And we're talking about an amount of times, not the higher frequency as in range, but the frequency is interactions with the NOW. And what you're going to discover is, it the life that you can't and don't the place that you can't dictate it absolutely naked to the self. Another thing is Roxy is tired of being a punching bag. See the dependency is to go to Roxanne or anyone else in the class and spill your fucking guts. “Why is this happening?” Really? “But yeah see I mean come on it's real.” Of course, it's real. But you that make it real, you that don't want to cut the cord with that self that is on the other side of the mirror that reflected that shadow self-echo self. Because you are the self that creates all of that. See, as that self the WE create the experience. Right? (Audio 17:03) It's happening anyway, but you won't believe it because you are afraid. You're scared to be God. You can say, “I'm God.” You can say, “I am a God.” You could say whatever the hell you want; is what you need to know. Is that absolute for you? Scariest thing you've ever said? When God picked out of the size of the galaxies that the Hubble (link: https://hubblesite.org/) has exposed to you, quantum physics proving 100% that this reality is an illusion. It is a projected holodeck, a hologram. All of this true staring humanity in the face. And they pay it to a God outside. (Audio 18:16) You guys know, but you don't know until you choose to know and how do you choose to know? Choose the NOW. The self that is God creating and you the fractal has been spending all of its life looking back at itself, beating it up, crying, asking, “why?” “What about? And that self is called WE. And that means boyfriends, girlfriends, situations jobs, employers, creation, road, hazards, car crashes, plain, rain, everything is WE! All have it and it's all your perfect during it bringing them, bringing it, bringing, bringing in, bringing in, bringing in me. As I am and you are over here looking back at it going, “What the hell! I didn't ask for this shit.” Yes, you did. You came into a world of unknowable. And now you're knowing the unknowable. You want to know what the known is, through the perspective of now instead of the known to this perspective of memory, reflection, past. Or how about…being that now. How about…just saying, “I am.” How about…taking a chance on yourself? How about…shutting up with all your excuses. How about…don't worry about who you're going to disappoint. Because all you do is disappoint people, which keeps you paralyzed, and you keep wondering how to negotiate that relationship into a conformity of a mediocrity sustained pain. (Audio 19:58) Humans get attached to moms and dads, teachers, lovers, anything that gives them worth. They are seizing for a connection. And then they make excuses, “What he does love me.” “He loves me. I know he hits me. I know he abuses me, but he loves me. I do it. It's my fault most of the time. I just don't know why I do this to myself. Because sometimes I want to have fun in the end, but when he doesn't let me. Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. So, it's my fault.” (Audio 20:55) See that's a reality chosen truth. Attraction occurs, WE steps in in the now and gives God what God is, instantaneously without hesitation. Your relationship with beyond polarity, the work you've encroached (meaning to enter by gradual steps) in acceptance of all things leads to a self-regulation. That regulation is going to reveal what you've always been. See, it's not an image of what you’re going to become, it's the moment you are. And when you are NOW in your mind is thinking, come back to the now. And you're the now and in your mind is worried about…come back to the NOW. Yeah, should I say this? Fuck no because you know that its diarrhea, say it come back to the now. Be in the now start to passion yourself, no matter how boring it is and unrolling the new, not much going on. Let that beautiful, unknowable thoughts start to flow in. Let creation start to talk to you. And don't chalk it up to my mind is imagining things still. It's exciting engage. So, tell me about yourself. Well, I'd say I was born on plantonia five. Let's say I'm five foot seven inches are. Arcturion coffee phenomenal, draconian meat sandwiches with the brazen carry on, to die for. No but you got to think, and you think in the mirror. When you think, you think in the reflection. See the reflection sustains what it knows. Because that's what you're validating. So what do you think? We're not going to give you what you are? Well we can't. Because we are truth. We are not denial. (Audio 23:21) Life can be so funny. You can laugh every day. That's a silly your boss is so serious, and you look at him, look at him start to laugh and go a bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla and walk the fuck out. Because that's your life. The life unmeasurable and we attract so that means you are attracting passion when you are laughing at Blah blah blah man trying to make you deformed into the circuitries of his cogwheel. Turn my wheel make me rich, turn my wheel, make me rich slaves, slave. Doesn't matter you can go to work or be a non-slavery relationship is that of course, but we're just showing you when you don't do what you like, you are becoming a fucking asshole to yourself. You're the dick because you're not worth the unknowable. So, let's talk about highest excitement. That's an image. The channels upon the earth have given you a relative scope of ascension, climbing the ladder to a certain particular point and then there's no more ladders and you all are here. Yes, you are. (Audio 25:31) When you become a self that is extraordinary in the moment…let me give you this, that's the passion (meaning it encompasses more than just that emotional feeling. It is including a direction, a drive, a commitment to a purpose or a cause. Passion is a slow fire that consistently burns inside of you verses an emotion, which is a “reaction” to an external stimulus that is temporary) of what you would of considered a past times of ascension, the work you've done as your highest excitement. Now I want your passion to be equal to and beyond your highest excitement because your highest excitement is no longer a category. Okay. Your highest excitement is the moment. So, Roxy knows she's a channel. You all know Roxy, she's a channel this is definitely her passion, but she is passionate in the now. And the attraction that she is, doesn't define her as a certainty on a timeline. What it does is allows her to continue to experience the WE of what she chooses her real to be, in her real is known in the now of the Creator as the creator. Your real has been reflection. That's why it's mediocre. That's why it's an echo. That's why it's full of pain, fear, right. So, when you are an observer of the self, and you start to look at your life and watch what you love to do although your mind never notices it can actually make an income because it's not going to work out. The markets flooded with those kinds of people. I couldn't do that but you're doing it every day. Except since you trust the reflection that you are impossible to create abundance through that route, you do it as a hobby. But you'd love it. If there was a model train builder, he can be a multimillionaire. You got a fucking kid on your planet that made goofy socks and now he's a multimillionaire. Everyone says, “Oh, he's lucky.” No. He's like, here's my joy. People said, “No, you can't do that. No one's gonna.” Okay. It'll be a little project. It'll be a little project for you to pick. Let's make a little project sock. And all of a sudden, ah orders fucking galore, hiring people hiring people more and more and more, you know, out there communicating with manufacturers starting to do that little 13-year-old kid becoming a monster in the sock world. And it can be anything. This planet has money. What the fuck you're doing? Go get some, but not through the reflection because that's contained in, what? Limitation, polarity, ups and downs, in and out, successes and failures, yeses and noes. NOW doesn't have those! NOW attracts TRUTH. Oh Roxy wants to be in a four star hotels, and do a presentation of her badass self in it. It costs some shitload of money to even put it on, then she knows it's already there because it's her passion. Now, in that comes she doesn't have to think about how it's gonna happen, when it's gonna happen, where the money is going to come from, how it's all going to play out? There are a billion possibilities running around investors, bank loans, something like how do I get the money? And then here's Roxy. Let's find out. (Audio 29:47) It's so simple as just find out being the passionate now. So your highest excitement is not a career, your highest excitement is gazing in your reality. Whatever that is. Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Make no excuses for your appetites of love, make no excuses for your appetites of yummy food, stop beating yourself up, you fucking narcissist reflections of the self that only looks at the self of creation in a polarized way giving you ONLY you not the fucking WHOLE self, only you an emotional reflection of pain. So again, it's always been you. Nobody else. There was a girl in a corner she did this for like six years. How do you this for six years? It stopped her. Later down fetter. She got back up corner, six years. Shocked her and then she stopped. These are the worlds you live in. Now doesn't have those worlds. This is the world of reflection. You are in a world of reflection time, knowing yourself and disconnection. Watch what happens when you center yourself as the creator of this world by embracing every moment. And when that moment becomes intolerable, let it go. And just because you let it go, doesn't mean it's gone if you keep fucking ricocheting around. Giselle, “I miss him so much.” (Audio 32:19) Check Oh, you got to stop. You got to accept that in the moment. But you can't become that reflection again because that drives the now into the passion OF YOUR TRUTH and if that truth is reflection of lack, where does your reality go? Oh? “What? Why is this happening to me? I thought I was following my highest...” You can't shut your fucking mouth. Because that's how you live your pain! Don't you see that? You've got to get that pain back. Because all of a sudden, you're free in the now and you have no idea what's going to happen. And you can't live a life of absolute freedom and glory because you are only knowing yourself as the unworthy bastard chosen to be forgotten. (Audio 32:36) Right. Now, all of a sudden, life is too good. And you got to fuck it up. Because you expect people to act a certain way. Because you're dependent and when they don't, it's your fault. And if you cut the cord with them, it's their fault, not me. I'm awesome. All that's reflection. There's a world of now. And it calls nothing to the table of time. Because it doesn't sit at the table, it doesn't use reflections to dictate it's tomorrow's. It's up and bes’ the moment everything changes. If you're the constant vibration of now, trust your Tesla. Trust your Nasim and trust Einstein. Vibration creates Reality. (Audio 33:42) Stop with this thing and become whole with it. You got to look what you're doing. What is Roxy doing when she is not channeling? Plays chess, watches some YouTube, sleeps, eat, drives around. Tonight, probably they'll go for a midnight drive. They love driving. Look around the Beltway here 1604 for 410 because it's just awesome to be quiet and let your minds go. Let your thoughts flow with a window down in your volume into you know a brisk evening. That's just a moment that's not to an escape. That's not to solitude, the self. That's not the ease. That's what the moment says. It's difficult, but you got to stop making excuses and get on with it. Or you're going to be left treading water instead of swimming through life having a great time. Right? (Audio 34: 55) Your highest excitement is no longer an image. It is now the passion of the moment. You must trust that the unknowable will show up. And until you let go of control, it is impossible for the unknowable to show up. Because you are the chaos that controls the known and the known is the reality you choose and the known be. Within reality I'm going to bring you to a new level of awareness. Within reality, there is no limits. So whenever you come upon a truth and you start to divine this truth within you embrace it, and we're talking as a fractal, and as a holistic because it occurs on both levels, doesn't it? Because there's only one right. But just right now you've experienced in the human self when you become a new known. Know that new known is not going to stay known as that forever. So, in particular, I'm talking about gender right now. See, Roxy has been feeling something else inside of her. Here on Earth, with the fairies. We have gender. Your animals have gender, and it's for an idea of reproduction as well as pleasure unless of course you're a worm and then it's a sexual or some people's wives. In the quality of humanity to unify the masculine and feminine is because that's what you validated undergoes beyond that it seems almost inconceivable to have a third gender but it's not a third gender. Humanity is making up a whole new genders gender, queer gender, this gender that and that's great, you know you guys are doing you're becoming male to female, female, the male is being whatever you're being other. You know, that's fantastic, fantastic way, because it's all birthed from the idea of separate itself. The Yin and the Yang is representation of masculine and feminine, right. So that idea has been battle on Earth. It's just, let's just tear ourselves apart and try to put ourselves back to which one is right. And, you know, you do that every day. Not just between men and women is between the vibrational self that's split, which is you, right? I want to shatter your image of gender, gender goes beyond it is a way that you relate is a blending. And there's other parts that you are not known to recipient. Roxy feels like it's a strange thing. See? I'm going to have her kind of like relate to me how she feels it. So let's look at let's look at a softer field. a softer grassy field. Right just a hill right here. Now you see the yellow wheat is blowing. Right and this is herself blending and then all of a sudden, right over here, there's this thing. What the hell is that? It's not a tree. It's not anything that belongs on this field of unity that she pictured as the unification of both selves the whole self in being either and all of a sudden or and there it is. It's like it would be like, like a black crystal that had like a mountain mountainous edges, you know, straight edge, very cut very defined with a little bit of jagged, black idea. Black idea of crystal. The hell are you doing here is coming out of the sky. It pierces through the clouds of serenity it's blocking off the sun. This conformity she found in the unification of reality is now moving. And I just say gender because it gets your attention. But this is everything my friends. You're allowed to have an earth that is your own. You've only made it to Earth of others because you didn't know. But you did the work, and you're here. But as we've said in this class, a lot of times we can't take it any farther. You have to become sovereign to the self. You have to accept that I am. See if those points of measuring yourself, take the approach of working on it, accepting it, laughing about it. Don't make it serious. Don't make it a job. Make it a relationship of I'm being the now about it. But not using the emotions of humanity or reflect itself to spite the self that knows itself is still envying bigger boobs. You get it. You got to stop beating yourself up. Stop being a fucking process. Be the now and all this stuff your relationship with changes, your changing relationships, all the beliefs that you've ever covered. When you become a moment, a moment says, “I am.” There's a distinct feeling that is a measurable and it's very unknown to you because you've been so taught not to pay attention to the feelings. That would be awesome you ever remember when you were little? Why can't we do that mom and dad? What Why? Why can't we do that? What do you mean? Well because and they start because of you to death, because it might happen this might happen, because of this, because we don't have the money, because so you, because yourself to death and then you got dull to the sense of your sensibility of the screaming demon that you are as an unknowable God. So that instantaneous moment self is now being revealed. When you spend now's in that moment. And not time there now. Someone said that the chemicals were not natural. Wow. Anyway, okay, um so this instant moment you know it and you're gonna get your stomach's gonna drop. Sometimes it might feel like you got to go to the bathroom. Because you get this overwhelming feeling of Holy shit. What the hell is that? And then your mind scrambles What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? Stop, stop, stop. So put the brakes on. Let's go back to pain. Okay, open pain. Thank you Right, you've had that before. See, when you were a child, you had that all the time, but you didn't know you weren't allowed to have it. You didn't know there was another way you were supposed to live. And then well, you know the rest of the story because you were taught to no longer imagine, no longer create, no longer be you, you were dictated into a conformance just to be safe, and secure, and successful, in the eyes of a gloating parent, whatever that representation was, and of course, very many parents are supportive. So you get the attraction of addiction from some other input, some other stimuli reality, but either way, you are not God. And when you came here, as a child, you had no memory, but you had connection dulled with the reflection, because reflection became over here, because you start looking at your reality as a possibility of already. And might be right. So that disconnection occurred. That reflection started becoming truth to or forgotten me. And now you are in the mirror reflecting back to reality as opposition. Yeah, but as you embrace this now you will become encumbered with a vibration oh my god everything's feel so fucking good I don't know what to do let me fuck it up, and you do ,and you do, it again and again and again and you can get used to it but you got to stay in the know and you got to realize when you're whoa why I'm ranting I'm ranting let's not rant about what's wrong. Let's not get offended I feel like this you guys are doing this to me. No one is doing anything to you. You are creating a world through acceptance, acceptance of the stimuli and you run it through a filter, and the filter says assign it here so you can feel better in your idea of pain. Because you're in too much pain, you're offended. So, you got to fix it with blame. It's so simple, so simple to see. Because you guys did the work. And if you guys aren't accepting, you're here, and you're still running around on the reflection, well, then you're up to an idiot and an abuser of the self. You don't have to be that narcissist to yourself anymore. You can do it. I know you can. If you have a passion for other than what your highest excitement is, please be the passion of moment and let it unfold. So if you are thinking your highest excitement is something you haven't done, or you make excuses why you can't, then you're bullshitting yourself because that highest excitement is the most valuable idea that you can attain something of certain comfort and financial needs to be to be gotten. And that makes you high. So now you're awesome. But you don't need to be high in the stimuli that lies and time. If you observe yourself and watch what you do on a daily basis, that just turns you the fuck on. And when you take a break, and you're like, okay, well what about this? Then you can see that self. Right? That's what you're gonna notice, says, “Well, I was just doing before I started getting a train wreck? Can I get in tune with myself? Can I do that here? Oh yeah, there's only me fuck it. Okay, let's do that. So just a minute ago I was having a good fucking time and all of a sudden a thought came and I paid attention to it. I paid attention to it and it told me this story and I said, oh you're right now I feel shitty.” (Audio 48:18) Yeah, it's normal. It's normal to be shitty New Yorkers, every New Yorkers God given right to be miserable. Well but, but, then you don't have to that's not you as a holistic (meaning as whole, complete, universal) that you as a reflection (meaning manifestation, thoughts). So, you are must be looking, you are looking in the now at yourself. But not as the observer that we did in processes that guy's gone. Now you are in the moment going wait a minute. “What do I love doing? Look like love peeling potatoes I mean I'm having a good time my hands dirty my mind's clean I’m peeling potatoes.” Fuck me I need a potato pillar and someone's gonna come knocking on your door. You're gonna read an ad “potato peeler needed” and you're going to go and you're going to go and peel potatoes because you love it. I know there's something better for me.” See nor you, nor your children, nor your wife or husband would ever doubt your passion, because attraction doesn't bring in doubt, that's you! (Audio 49: 53) When you were in love with you, do I need to remind you of the fucking law again? Well will you not attract that of equal? Yes, you will. But you got to work out the kinks. You got to work it out by saying oh, here's another fucking thing. Cool. Bring it in and keep going don't sit there and go okay. But when you engage in that all okay instruct to be the now is about that what do you think is going to happen? So, you're not losing ground, you're not gaining ground. See, that's a mindful thing of humanities comparisons. What you are doing is being Now, either your passion and a lack of passion and whole. We're in a separated world. So, we're going to use those distinctions. And as time moves on, you're going to see the difference in you. But you need to be in the now. Take a chance and stop gutting yourself. For the we have like to feed on ya. What do they do? Clean the bones and then move the fuck on. When you have no lack to offer, they're gonna go away. I promise you that. So, if you're being passionate, you're going to lose a shitload of people. And you're going to gain a shitload of people. Because they're everywhere. There's an equal because we are here. You will never be without your reflection. Questions anyone? Brandon: You said when you think, you thinking the mirror? Channel: What? Brandon: When you think you think in the mirror? Channel: Yes. When you think you are a reflection you are in the reflect itself, the echo itself. Do you remember yesterday's classes? Brandon: Yes. Chanel: Okay. So, you understand the self in the reflected self. The ego the separated self is the one that thinks about its reality. So, you can think that you're going to go out and get up and go to work tomorrow. But if you are true to yourself, and the moment calls for don't go to work, and why would you ever go to work? Because you're going to think about why you have to. Why you can't stay at home? Why you can't go and do this? And that creates reality. Both realities are created, there is truly no reflected self. That is the illusion of a created truth. That gives you the experience of reflect itself called separation, but you are still creating all of it from the whole of you. And you are spending time in the reflection? Wondering how to get back to the hole, when all you got to do is be in the NOW. Make sense? Brandon: Yeah, thank you. So, in the realities of attraction, you must understand that the unknowable is present already. In every time you slant it to what the conformities of your past self, the one that lies in the reflection the reflected itself, then you know, the equal of that will remain. In other words, the way you feel about it. Don't be awesomely shocked because you have the ability to make yourself feel so fucking good, without any effort because that's shock value you add into it is a contorted reality possibility of a human nature because you don't deserve the awesomeness of you. You just gotta keep going in the NOW. Alright, that's all we got. These teachings are available on YouTube (Odyssey of Ascension Channel) All belongs to, Odyssey of Ascension channeled and taught by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed by Marilyn Holzmann This teaching is available on YouTube (Odyssey of Ascension Channel)
Premiered on June 20, 2020 Link to Youtube:https://youtu.be/eB0nMwCgzDY All belongs to, Odyssey of Ascension channeled and taught by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed by Marilyn Holzmann I bet you're wondering sometimes contemplate as a reflection. Now this is not an ordinary thought this is a thought about yourself that occurs naturally through life. Let's call it this phrase, let's understand each other as a unified experience from memory. And all of you have said this. Why did I think of that? Something to that context. Where did that thought come from? So I want to dive into a realm of thought production. If we can do that tonight. It is day time, yes. If we can do that together, so thought production (meaning bring forth), okay. So you understand the thought behind the thought that's the Creator. And to conceptualize that with the fractal mind is relevant. It’s irrelevant in exploration, but the finite will not be achieved because there is no achievement in knowing the Creator, the creator is constant, right? So, but you can slow things down and start to pinpoint certain accuracies for your mind to remember certain ideas about the knowing of you all ready. (1:24 Audio) Okay, so let’s, let's talk about the idea of thought production. Exciting. One of my favorite classes. Yes, okay. Here we go. So, you produce thought now, your whole self is a potential machine, constantly vibrating, constantly attracting vibratory tacticians, as all of you are attracted natural vibration. And we're not going to talk about a different density vibration or a realm idea. We’re going to understand in that in your mind a physical idea of movement like this, let's just call this vibration and keep it within the grasp of your palatable mind. The accepted human constructs what may be occurring as an easy idea, right? Okay, so we don't want to make things difficult that would be mishmash. So, let's look at vibration. Vibration is a constant radio signal, right? That is bringing in attracting matching which you get back, attracting constant match. Now, you can replace the word match (meaning a person or thing that resembles or corresponds to another) with a more definable and more accountable human term called truth. Truth always seems to bring up responsibility and accountability. I like match because it doesn't give any context to the wandering human mind of certain definitions cause and effect and all that hoopla. You distract yourself with. So, let's look at your constant vibratory machine the whole of you is always vibrating right? And so, therefore, it is always attracting. What is it attracting? Attracting reality potential further. (3:20 Audio) So, this is thought production, because we understand yourselves is not an object because the object is literally a thought so, we have to go to what it is in and of itself right. You must go back to what it is remember your markets earliest. What is it in and of itself thought is and thought is a car thought is a computer screen thought is a lover thought is sandwich vibration thought okay. So, in a certain frequency range you have through your own evolution, the human concept itself, we're talking to the collective of humanity. The incarnation has conceptualized thought as this in here. You can think about things now not all species. Now listen close don't think they are the constant of the fleeting thought perceive without objects to be broken down into images called a experience in your mind thought. Many species do not have a thinking mind, if you will. There is no reason for it. Because it's an individual experience that does require an idea of thought or a certain experience. You take thought out of your experience, you're going to have a completely different human experience. Nonetheless, though, it is an experience unique unto itself. So, it is not a requirement to have thought in any kind of idea as a conceptual what you guys human consider thought. Now the thinking mind is a vibratory intention, you have developed the skill to think, now the action of to think, must have, again, a foundation to have the ability to think. And the first thing we all know marks really is in and of itself thinking must be birthed from. What is the internet itself? Thought. (5:33 Audio) All right, so now we have a constant in place, right? We're starting to get somewhere. So this vibratory machine you that attracts potential vibration or thought in the matching of that is truth, right? So that's where we're at. So, this thought is pondered by the human mind as an object, when it is pondering itself as why did I think of that?Then it is objectifying its own creation as outside of itself. Right? You're looking at it as something that you create it, but not as an extension of you more so as an object to define in a polarized version of yourself. Otherwise, why would you be questioning your own thoughts? Because you can. Right? That's how you objectify them. So you can question why do you do it because you're polarized as a certain portion of yourself, and this is not a fault. This is a unique experience, until you realize that your own thoughts are extensions in the waking up process. So of course, regret comes into place and wonderment comes into place. But if you are mastered then the idea of allowance and you accept your own reality as an expansion at this moment instead of a predicated cause and effect. Blame assignment. And what's going on to define, you don't need to do that. What you want to do is be aware and have an understanding of how things work within the constant of you. Now, remember, you have two portions of you, you have the self that looks at reality as a perspective of separated and the same self is looking at reality as its whole self. You have never been truly separated. You're not here, then over here, what you are, is throwing a belief system in front of you that says, I am fractionalized against my own interpretation of reality, based on the thinking mind defining that personality on a polarized scale, because that's all I knew when I got here because when you got here, you started looking through belief systems immediately, right? That belief systems have I'm not a creator Creating belief systems of identity blah, blah, blah, you've heard the story, you've guys have listened to the classes very good. I think I need a little tea, maybe even some water but not yet. (8:10 Audio) So, we're going to get a nice solid foundation of awareness here right? A breathing, working awareness that takes on a life in itself. So you can be aware of the processes that go on in a vibratory state, how things work, because they do work in processing time. Of course, you have to have the element time to know how things work, because you have to reflect on it right? So since time is built in booyahh one less thing we have to do, right, okay. So since you're very conceptualized and well mannered in time, and you understand reflection, because you have have a memory, then you can understand how thought processes. Okay, we'll do that together. I'm excited. I think you want to. Okay. So here's what you want to look at. Thought in and of itself. Again, basic production, constant filled, consciousness always existence. It doesn't come from anywhere. It is always what you do is bend it, with the attraction and it potentialize itself through interpretation, interpretation. There was a great channel on your planet and I believe in your current is still channeling Darryl Anka, and he allowed a wonderful concept to come through that the Essasanni have evolved with it. And it was the three mind concept. (9:58 Audio) CONCEIVING MIND: You have a conceiving mind that your whole self. RECEIVING MIND: You have receiving mind that your physical brain. PERCEIVING MIND: and then you have a perceiving mind and that's the filters, the personality. Hmm. Now, you always are a perceiver which is the unified mind, right that's the intelligent mind and with the intelligent mind you have intelligent access, therefore you have intelligent expression, not as opposed to dumb expression, the intelligence of creation, allowing you to express itself which is you and thought all symbiotic. Know what right okay? So, so this idea of your perceiving mind is bringing into its awareness by the natural process of you. The receiving mind right, the conceptualized mind, the mind that says, “this thought that's coming in from the conceiver” Which is the creator, right? You track attracting and then bending and then offering it to you, and you're like, oh, Right, and here comes a thought now it runs through a process of filters. That is equal in vibration. To back to what we get a little sticky about two terms here back to match. matching your truth or your truth. So anyways, it's your truth that's what is your be able to see okay. So you must realize when a vibration comes through, you can only see what you can see not what it is in its fullness because it is a vibrational truth. Okay. You got to be able to know that. So let's say your walking going around in your reality, and your vibrational truth is there's only humans. So therefore you only see humans. And once you understand your relationship with yourself, and you know, there's not just humans, then you get different experiences, right? Let's call them animals. And then now, you know, there's more than just humans and animals. And all of a sudden you get experiences of vibrational matches called forms or life called insects. Okay, so now you're starting to see what vibration offers to you. Until you can conceptualize something as a truth (meaning accurately conforming to a belief or expectation) you cannot perceive it, impossible because it doesn't match your truth. It doesn't match your truth. Right? So you can't see. But as you understand yourself and evolution, through the permissions of societal norms, you get more experiences, right? Some people don't know, they never will know on this planet in the current, what a smart phone is they cannot conceptualize it. Why? Because the introduction of technology has never occurred. Therefore, if you were to show them what you were looking at, they can't see it, they would see an empty hand. Because the thought doesn't match through the perception mind, in equation of vibration that the mind can translate into a thinking mind process called memory to match its understanding of that vibration. The perceiving mind. See this wonderful mind appear has many, many functions. But it doesn't make you and it doesn't lead you as humanity is always tolerating you to the extent of your smartness or your mindedness and judging you according to your brain of dumbness. Including parents are fucking bastards. (14:02 Audio) Anyways, so these ideas are conceptualized to perceiving minds which is the experience of you. This is why there was no sight for weeks upon end of ships in different idea of countries, they could not conceptualize a ship in the older days in the 15th and the 14th in the 1300s many civilizations were still looking out at a blank horizon. Meanwhile, their ships there, but they did see the humans getting off the little bees, but they can't see where they come from. So what did they look like everybody God's walking on water, you get it, you must understand you are a match. This is where thought comes from your reflection of potential to the vibrational match that you are current, and you get what the mind does. What does it do? It gives you thought potential, it matches you to your reality. You're not separate from the whole, you just can't get everything the whole is getting, but you're getting a lot. But as you only validate the truth of what you know is historical, then you only validate the experience of your life therefore. You want new stuff? Let go. Let go. Be open an open mind. You've all heard it. (15:38 Audio) But see open minds are great ideas but see open minds in the human context still have a dealings. Right? Don't you guys always have a dealings on what's coming in to perceive and validate and contain and judge and wonder about in production it and seeing all these things and you're poking your prod in to the is irrelevant. Or relevant and then you throw it out if it's not, and you have no idea what can I can give you know, zero because you're thinking mind is a process and that's what you have to be aware of. And that hurts 99% of the time, you got to swallow your fucking pride to see that you are not that god damn smart. But you manage yourself and you're smart. You manage yourself in processes of thinking, you manage yourself, and that becomes a constant if you're aware. So you must understand thought production. Is your job as a human as an incarnation as a whole. A job that's built in that takes zero effort, because what are you? Vibration. What is vibration? Attract what you put out is what you get back. (16:55 Audio) What you put out is what you get back. You are constantly vibrating constantly getting potentials. You're looking at these potentials trying to manage them through a thinking process!. The thinking processes the reactionary self using the references of its own memory, that which in and of itself is a vibrational match as well! So that's why you can only get some memories and not get other memories of different things that would be because your vibration matches you. So this memory that will give you a solution isn't going to be given why because you're being a dick about whatever this is. So you get the dick vibrational thought processes. Okay. What do you do? Nothing! Relax, breathe, and be be the openness and be the constant idea. Now you know the idea of expression, and that's getting into the nitty gritty of creating, but they also want to see what it is in and of itself, the process of you. And why these things are here is not a question of why putting it out to the universe as some kind of accountability or responsibility or blame with the why is because it's a potential that was attractive because you are the truth of yourself in the now. Not in time. (18:30 Audio) Okay, so now you starting to see that things are there for you. But you will must be irrelevant, irrelevant relationship in the now about this, what's coming? What's coming is potential rejection of anything let's look at this. This is gonna get sticky we'll smooth it out because we're masters, right? Okay. So, when something comes into your reality and it is not preferred, it is still nonetheless a match. This is now potential for you to realize relationships. If the relationship in and of itself constitutes a vibrational lack no longer choose to relationship without reality. It whatever that reality is. It could be like Roxy has a relationship with a game of chess, a struggling game. Hmm. But she still continues it when she knows you can just let it go. Doesn't harm her doesn't help her. It's experiential. And she realizes that now. But there are portions of that, that she is no longer wanting to engage in that because it gives certain consistent vibratory relationships that would be polarized. In other words, when she gets her ass kicked, she gets pissed off, because she doesn't think the way she's supposed to. But when she thinks that's when she fails, and she realizes that because she's in a production state, she's vibratory vibrating through the idea of an image noticeability perfect. That's it. And acceptance. next idea, as you've all been known, and then execution, what do I do about it? Well, if it's no longer your preference, you must to what you do? Do what you do doesn't mean the preference is permanent. Doesn't mean the preference is permanent. It means in the now do not act upon this idea. Walk away, whatever it is. permanency is no, no, you can keep things permanent. But if you notice the permanency is never permanent. It's a vibrational constant of change. You can perceive permanency with the element of what? Time. Okay, very good. Very good. So, you're starting to see, right? We're starting to get it. So when you're sitting there on your couch, doing your crocheting, enjoying your evening, and these thoughts come in. It's not because you have an evil mind if they're negative, or a hopeful mind if they're positive. That's you judging. Assessing Your own individual potentials doesn't mean you have to do it. See if there's a big thing on the planet, that when you get certain thoughts, you must act upon them to make things right or wrong. Sometimes you want to make things wrong because you're pissed. And you know it's wrong, but you do it because you want revenge. You want to make things right because you're apologetic and you feel guilty. So you want to do that action. See, those word thoughts lead you into the potential vibration of expression. Therefore, your reality stays the same and you're guilty and then you're regretful, and then you're sorry, and then you're angry, and you live a wonderful human life. Yay. Okay. So that's how that works. See, when you realize the vibrational matches in you, and that is something that you know, is no longer valid when your reality that's when, of course, you know, the, the idea of what you've been taught the process is, is to accept that about you, no matter how much it hurts, and then act upon it not in the same manner as your history history solutions to a negative situation, you allow it and say thank you, bye bye. You don't engage in it. You don't tease it, you don't feed it! Don't feed that fucking hungry lion. Right? Lions dead, let it die. Dead. You always try to regenerate it by getting back at people, making yourself justified. validating your situation through others. You never need to validate your own existence, my friends, but those are the vibrational thoughts attracted and the actions in place and then the whole cycle is just going and going and going. And the cycle is how creation works. What you put out is what you get back. The vibratory matches and the potentials and you act upon those potentials as expression and life goes on. Doesn't mean anything doesn't hurt anyone doesn't do this doesn't do that. You know what it does? It gives you life. It gives you your experiential awareness forever. Awarenesses built in in law one of course that's existence, right? Okay, very good. (24:09 Audio) So now let's look at thought as a memory equation. We're gonna break this down a little bit what time we got. Okay, plenty. Okay. So the first part I just got done with I just let it be a ponder, let it be, understand be observant, observant, observant, observant, not reactionary, not responsive. Now, whatever your truth is, okay, so let's look at an idea. Let's all together. Okay, now the class participation ideal vegan or not, I don't give a shit. You have the experience. Let's all taste a hamburger. The reason why I say this is Roxy has a hamburger in her mind that she's already eaten by not in the now that she said she's tired but she already has eaten the hamburger she's gonna eat in about an hour or so. I can taste it right because it's within the realm of the now and I’m part of Roxy right now so I can feel a memory thought matched on taste, which is a memory. Okay, but what does that memory do? Makes your mouth water unless you're an advocate for saving animals for some reason they never die. I don't understand that. That's your reality. So, so this, this hamburger we're all eating right? You can taste it makes your mouth water because it is where? Now, right? So the hamburgers real its your relationship with a hamburger. hamburger through thought, since Roxy's not eating the hamburger her experience, is memory still makes her hungry, she could still taste it, she could still experience it. But the physical now, which is a relationship to reality, says “I’m not eating.” So therefore the experience becomes reflected as this interpretation of thought. Okay. See that? See, when people tell you about their experience, you use all of your reference to equate it. Right? Some of you are like in more and more of you will become absolutely bored. When people start to tell you how awesome something is, watch this TV show, go here, do that all that stuff. And you know, that's not the quality of life you want to rely on anymore because before you relied to communicate commune. And when that communion, you wanted to equate something. So you would listen. And you would try to imagine how that experience was. So you can have a communion with this person have an idea. Now it is a vibrational match which it is. But now it becomes a relationship of thought through the perceived mind, and then how you act upon it. And a lot of you just don't want to do do it. It's like, Oh, you got to go see this movie, you go see the movie, that sucks. Why? And you knew it sucked? Why does it suck? Because it's not your match. It's not your relationship of truth. And that's the mystery of this evolution. What you used to could, but you'd have no preference anymore. You don't want to do the same things that you enacted as a socialite, a human idea. Now, this is the processes of experiential memory brought into the now through filters. So to give you a an equation relatable experience. (28:02 Audio) Now, if we internalize this experience, that means we can remember and taste literally a shot. You know, when do you want to take a shot of? Peppermint Schnapps, right? Take a shot and you can remember that taste, right? You can remember going down you can remember the heat you can remember the interaction with the alcohol and the body. Remember how it felt to you see, those are experiences. Right? And if you are an actor of that experience, which is now listen, this is gonna get sticky. And after that experience in the physical then you have a more intimate relationship and it's easier easier to relate to as a truth. So yeah, oh yeah, I know what that tastes like. You know, I know what that feels like. Whenever, if it's an intimate that don't worry about what people are saying you leave the people out of bed for not let's go internalize right? Now, let's say you never had a sip of alcohol. Does that make it any more or any less and accessible to you? Well, the truth answer's no. The perceived answer is, well, that's your perception, isn't it? See, this is all relationship to thought potential. And how you relate to it through the perceiving mind. The receiving mind is giving you everything. It's giving you everything that's your vibrational match. It does not not give you what you can potentialize it's how the perceiving mind sees it. See, there is no filters between the conceiver the whole self and the physical world, physical brain. The physical brain is a is a is the best goddamn antenna ever. It is bringing in every vibratory idea that's available in the here and now. Everything, everything every ounce of knowledge, the perceiving mind is the separation. But the perceiving mind knows it not as the whole. So it must release its perceptions in allowance in validating its own truth to accord itself with its own natural and therefore you get more potentials more thoughts and more realistic realities that are not occurring in your physical okay. That's why it's easy to taste the hamburgers you eat a lot. Some pomp-press which is french fries, I like called ___ because you know, I'm junkies. Bigger or to have an old Canada, protein cheese, brown gravy. Right? You can taste it. (31:13 Audio) But see, the perceiving mind needs a physical idea, an object of extension of itself that creates as a hamburger objectified hamburger that I'm eating or french fries that I'm eating, right? To have that realistic experience with the perceiving mind now this is where thought is, you know where thought comes from now. It's the machine its creation but what thought is is the perceiving mind and this is why we do all the work but your work mainly has been getting you to realize your image, your fractal self the perceiving mind as an identity. But now that the identity is losing its ground by you being you, the identity can no longer prefer itself as the dominant and it just dissipates because you're not giving it, what? Attention. You're not energy follows awareness, you're not feeding the hungry lion therefore, you're being more natural to you now you're starting to see your relationship with thought in and of itself as an evolutionist. So this evolutionary self is realizing that thought is a perception relationship through the proceeding moment. Therefore, that perceiving mind gives the experience to you. The perceiving mind is a million minds, a million minds. It's so many different ways to be. It's never going to be honed, never going to be finite, never going to be finished, never going to be processed to a standard. It is going to be an absolute perfection every moment. I would like to talk to you about the particulars of vibration, that breed a certainty. Certainty about an awareness, about your reality, creation, manifestation, things of that nature. You guys are aware of vibration, you're aware of a certain law that gives you let's say an attraction ability, to understand how realities are created. You're surfacing yourself on this new dynamic interaction with creation. Now, there's two ways to understand creation from where you are very unique place in reality. And this is most certainly unique unto the ones that are choosing this subjective point of view. And let me give you that point of view.
You are limited and evolving birthing a new species, a new awareness, a god remembering itself. And, you also have the ability to just simply remember it all instantaneous moment. However, that does take a certain dynamic that is not law in the idea of humanity, but it is a truth law and those truth laws, I see seem to supersede the ego every time. What do I mean by that? Let me explain. Since you guys are privy (in the know) to death in the physical reality due to age, or some kind of physical trauma, that would give you the experience of the body giving up. But of course, the body isn't giving up. It's just the entire amount of something that outweighs another something that would result as a death. Okay? So stick with me on this so you can start to understand how you can create, yet you are creating, right? And we'll get into the more relationship of vibration so you can understand aaa, A passion about vibration. Okay, so I'm going to give you some ideas. Marilyn’s notes: Now the origin, the birthing of the word DEATH is actually meaning TO GIVE. Through religion etc.it has taken on different meanings to support the idea of polarity. However, the definition of the word death is GIVE. We give into continually new perspectives to explore through our imagination which shows up as our reality. This changes the program which is our language. When we understand that death means to give, it dissolves the panic, the fear of there being an ending, so that translates into not being eternal vibrational beings. Hallelujah! Fear has to justify itself, excuse itself with taking on reasons of the journey to death as death being pushed but it is not what occurs. What you put out is what you get back. You understand that and it's a vibrational true. So you guys have spent an enormous amount of time dissecting your own kingdom, ripping it apart, flailing yourself like a stuck pig ready to be feasted on at a Hawaiian luau and figuring out what is making you tick. Booyahh. Marilyn’s notes: Vibration is the level of degree of thoughts that reflect someone’s perception. Such as Plants have a higher vibration than a mineral such as a rock. It is not greater; it is just perceiving itself in a different reflection of the WHOLE. Perception is how we grasp ideas in the mind. We grasp through the feelings, the senses, not physical senses image with image, but non-physical first (all imagination). True comes from the word faithful, and faithful is rooted in the word perception. This transmission makes complete beautiful explanation of how we get what we put out! Origin of the word Universe, Universe is the existence of ALL. In order for it to exist, it must be perceivable. Boom! We each individually, as God consciousness, God awareness, that can perceive all, because all already is!! Hallelujah!!!! We choose what to perceive, which then is true and truth is our individual vibration. Yeah, good…now! To come up against the vibrational fear of death is an institution in the minds of a psyche, human psyche, which you knew as a death occurred when you first coveted (means to desire it) it. It may have been a one year old or 10-year-old, but somewhere you guys value death as a reality. And that head starts the death hormone and the entire body starts to put itself on a timer and tick tick tick away. But along the idea of the dynamic, according to the relationship with the self, the idea of the death is moved in simple different ideas of probabilities, right? That's all there is many exit points some of the channels have talked about, it doesn't matter, but what is certain is death from one perspective! aaAAh, now there lies the conundrum (meaning the challenge). You are two perspectives. You are the battle of the new, realized, accepted, evolved, focused on, emaciated. (laughter) And the other forting (meaning as for protection or defense) self of identity who’s flailing looking for something to hold on to, to grasp to, to give you an image, to make you mad, too make you assign, to make you identified into recognition takes place and that idea is the certainty of death. Now that death is a belief system, a very strong one. And through that you run out of time maybe you don't understand how you can relate to vibrational reality and create a different reality for yourself that has no involvement of death. Why would you want to do that? What's wrong with death? Nothing. It's the same as a nice ice cream, roller coaster ride, an evening fishing with a family member. It's gorgeous. Death is outstanding experience. However. what does that mean? Well, there's no new perspective. There's no evolution of something. What are we talking about? We're talking about the God remembered this little infant. Bottom of the cavern, I think the speaker spoke today in this big gorge with Jagat wet walls standing, towering above the infant in rags with no identity, no food, no source, no is this just existence a point of complete vanilla vulnerability and nakedness? Standing to bring out this newness, that newness, that body, that thing you see down there that child is in existence, it is an invincible, it is forever. Hmmm. Yes, of course. That's where you place your focus. This newness that doesn't grasp the ideas of next week's paycheck, or what am I going to do with about a career, or what are they thinking about me, or how am I going to manage this life? Time all of that shit done. Puff the Magic Dragon is your too loving now, right? So, so, you have this conundrum about this new self being burst to realize, a manifestation. A manifestation within your grasp now that manifestation in and of itself is to manifest. So that's what you're manifesting, the ability to manifest, create, vibrationally attract with a mind of attraction that is aware of its true, that is aware of its value, that is aware of its preference and doesn't have a corms about what the reality is because it has no site. Zero site of polarity. True dat, True that. So, here beginneth the lesson aaah. Within each kingdom is a dynamic vibration. You're not discounting these next words, you must accept this within yourself as a potential. Without justification of it, that it is truly there. Without seeking of it to know it's there. The vulnerability about this next statement must be accept with the purest of heart with zero of intention, without the absolute allowance of realization to occur in natural realization. That you are a creator. That you can manifest and we're going to show you how. Manifestation takes place at a dynamic vibration of a knowing that occurs in the sequential 10 years’ time of the now, at the exact edge of unknown and known. And as soon as the known is occurred, it is already. Which means you have non-intentionally created. Your awareness, however, is in time so, you are quote “the results of your natural attraction” right? That natural attraction is law. Your perception of your natural attraction is polarity. When there is no perception of your natural attraction, natural attraction is not seen as that, it is known in the moment. See the difference? So your experience you're going through life. I think it was the Darrell Anka conduit, that channeled an Essanni that said, “you are in the passenger seat along for a ride” yes. And you are also driving. And to realize yourself as a driver you must realize yourself as a passenger. That is the truth of you. You have to give up on driving, managing, trying, efforting, controlling. Everything that the ego prides itself of, prouds itself around, seeks itself in the manifestations of others worthiness. Hmmm. Do you notice that? I think you did. Marilyn’s notes: Ego. This word has the origin in the word, I. I is the first personality, the name in place of. It is taking the place of. This makes sense that each Ego is looking to take the place of, to play out an idea through a self-image, a label, a name. The self-image is not all that is, it is not the totality of who we each are for it is just a path to explore, to mimic and idea. Going to check more YouTube on Odyssey regarding Ego. Okay. So when you let go what you have you realize the only way you can be in the passenger seat. Now reference now, right now nothing before now, right now pay attention right now! Now you realize this because you are in time. You are the result of the now, your experience is coming in, and is also known as it's depleted through filters of time and awareness, value, human. No reason to go into all the dynamics, you get it. So to catch up with the self must be an acceptance of the Creator…imperatives without doubt without valuing any proof, without justifying your means of looking around. This pen doesn't exist, it didn't come from a store. Tammy didn't send it to Roxy. Right? Roxy manifested in the moment, through the vibrational co-creation between her and Tammy. Period. The physical pain is created right now. Now, now, now, now, now, now! It's not sitting there in time. Everything is now. So since that's occurring, well then you can be aware of it. Now the awareness is where the ego must cease to bring itself into and that is not brought by you. Because you are the humble to the self of realization without trying to be smart, trying to be I'm going to figure this out, trying to be anything that the human dynamic wants it to be; so may be accepted, known, pleased, successful, fail anything human anything, anything, anything. This manifestation occurring in the moment or occurring Ah, in the moment, is the dynamic isness of now, and you are present there you have to be. It became, it becomes rather than, let's say a very, very noteworthy observation point of existence. Time is slow though, so things don't seem to change much. How about you guys go a walk around your neighborhood, one block every day for a week, you'll see change, you will. That change is not because of cause and effect. It changed because of reality relationship. Okay, you relating to your reality is constant change. See, you've always looked at life as a result. It's time what life's going to bring me. Life isn't bringing you anything life has been created by you for you. But you value yourself as separate in time catching up to the self that is whole trying to get there, all this stuff, right? So you have this new self that is birthing its creation experience once again, now follow me. You're a creator, at some certain point of now all knowing, but knowing nothing but the now forever. Right? What is that called everyone? Evolution, right. But it's not really evolution, unless you measure what it truly is, is revelation. Right? You're always constantly revealing you to yourself. So worse to singularity and singularity expressing source symbiotic all that is co creation yadi yadi you got it. Okay. So this self that is now birthing a homo Dominicus realizing it is a God in the idea of an incarnation and it doesn't matter if it's a human. This is just happens to be the one is,homo-dominicus (14minutes:27 seconds time of audio, which as I look at Germany time it is 14:27..wtf) okay ideas, but you can do in another idea but that dynamics, different, different, different, so don't make it special because it's human. Okay. During this incarnation, my heart jokes as this value of nakedness now, of not knowing, of humility, of realization that you are a creator. And everything that is about you is going to be bequeathed (meaning given) upon you with zero effort, zero begging, zero works, zero effort, zero outcomes, zero measure nothing. It's natural. The key here is to receive something. At one time you were evolutionary to God which is an idea of revolutionary to the self. Always realizing your creative self. What we say to the gods because the God of creation, which is you within, right? But you're waking up to yourself constantly revealing yourself. Now that's, this you, but this you incarnated is an idea of a fractal they didn't know it was this you. Hmm. See this whole you God right creator creation is an all knowing of all that is right, through all of it selves, all co creation or singularities everybody there all are one, one are all. And now that you're this idea of singularity, you have a whole bunch of concepts about this self, this self, this self, and this self in different incarnations and you keep focusing around. But what you need to do, is realize that you're this point of awareness now, and that gives you a connectivity that is unmatched and unparallel and all human dynamics. From there, you can do whatever the hell you want, but you got to know it first, to understand the strength of what you yield and wield of the power of a creator. ut it happens in infancy birthing this devindictus can't be a sapiens one ounce of ego inside of _____isn't already devinicus has not realized. ____has is in and of itself, a god revealing itself from a whole new perspective remembering your God, not the death God. The death God poof Oh, it's me. Oh, oh what a ride? Hey, that was you that was you? That was so cool dude, I can't believe, and I fucking hated you look at you now, I love you all that's death God, death creator. The human dynamic ending the game to a possibility of a hostile experience. Whether it is a natural death, but it's vibrating out of life into life, so it would be considered quite hostile. Why? Why do I say that? Well because death doesn't occur in the same way except for humans is so fucking unique. There's different experiences of death. You’re going through the death process is in many incarnations, but it is an experience of life. It is not the amount of unknown that you guys suffer and the relative reality that realization is not suffering but that is the dynamic of appearance to the collective. A death to know the mystery of life to really know there's an angry God, or judgmental God, or a Christ conscience to really know if all of this is bullshit real what is the truth? That's a scary fucking moment for anybody and everybody, no matter how much they give in a once they give in, once they give in, once the give up, then there is no fear, it's magical. Because they're realized, they're realized, magnificent to experience a death in this dynamic. However, each and every one of you have experienced a lot and there is a known certainty, once a known certainty is known, it is no longer vibrationally attracted. What is attracted? A different reality. What had happened to all of you? You woke up. Woke up to the realization that I am a singular point of existence. I truly know that within my kingdom within myself of relationship. My egoic mind, my structure mind, my brrrr mind, doesn't matter, has issues with that. A person that once said, Roxy, I take great umbrage (meaning resentment) with that big word (giggles) umbrage. Just look it up--word of the Day. Anyway, so that ego has a problem with truth that is beyond the scope of value. proven, right? That's why it's easy to die. That's why it's easy to do that. That's why it's easy for everyone to value the idea of polarity because it is so simple to know, this journey you've woken to is excruciating because you're birthing a new fucking species without incarnating it, get it? You're literally incarnating it as vibration, sure, but you aren't. You're doing the birthing of it through what? Worthiness. Absolutely falling in love with you. Truly accepting yourself as your own leader, your own truth, and valuing that, and expressing it, and never wavering from it, and never justifying yourself, and never giving an ounce of yourself. When you know that everyone does Oh, you're a fucking idiot and you're like, yes. But that's who I am, loving you. Right? Now that's excruciating. But that is the forged in the fire of birthing a divinicus. Because a divinicus (meaning your divine being, your divine existence) is a God that is going to be an incarnating creating relationship to reality, as other gods are, but the difference is, is your awareness. That's simple. Marilyn’s notes: Worthiness. Worthy or worthiness originates from the word BECOMING. Boom!!! We are always becoming! We are birthing through becoming! We all talked about this, but now you're knowing it. So vibration is where you're going to start in manifestation. Manifestation is many different things. Manifestation of course, is physicality, objects, things come to you. Things come to you and whatever timing the natural timing assess. But you are no longer under the guise of that. But you can't bring the ego self to the controlling factor of when and how and why and why nots and your own ego of pressure, of expectation. Because that only brings it to the vibrational match of that attractive world, do you guys know this. So what work do you do? What can you literally do to understand how to start manifesting? Realization. Boring, fucking boring realization. It is because you don't do any work. But why you might you do is realize your vibration. Realize your truth about yourself. You really got to stop in one regard, not stop as in the gate but when your mind knows, and it’s value of ego, and it's offering you some lucrative ideas of image to value…stop. Because that's a vibration well aware in that choice, is time. So when you are vibrating in an Isness. This is incoming vibration is the moment, the event horizon where the unknown is cutting into the known to the dynamic awareness of you. You are aware of the unknown to the known, right? But of course, your mind says, oh it's the same apartment is the same floors my same car everything's in the same place. No, it's not. Everything is dead, alive, dead, alive, created, collapse, created, collapse, not truly dead just deadly awareness of your existence, to not focusing on anymore. It's gone. Changes constant reality is constantly changing. It's thousand pens, another thousand. Oh, another thousand. Wow, thousand more pens. Wow, look at that, see how many you see it? See, that's what's happening literally. And you can't catch up to that when you try. And everything has been to get you to this point through allowance awareness and realization. Revelation is to reveal to you that of what you are and to reveal to yourself, what you are, is a preference. And once you are preference in that value, I deserve this, then you can know you are naked to the world and allow it to happen. And of course, you're going to start to catch up with the now and realize. Right? So what do you want to do to manifest? Start to be using this wielding this power. Well we said onetime you can do this and manifest a little thing a little thing but that's candy and it grows quite lonesome and lackluster because once you manifest the idea of a small thing the natural appetite is to get a bigger and bigger and bigger more valuable thing. When you guys know there's nothing that is valued over anything else in all of reality, save the value you play something for your own coverage of polarity and if you see value over another piece of information creation, then you know you are scoping reality, through polarity, as all is perfect, okay. So, this manifestor that I am creates an idea reality that doesn't show the self it can create because I know I'm a creator. Right? It's absolutely off the charts, what it is that we are, in your terms. It’s magnificent, if you will. But I don't go around surprised that I'm a creator because I never forgotten I was a creator from this venue right here, this here now hello hi. I know. Now you know, but you have a portion of yourself that doesn't choose to know. Because it's afraid to know, literally, it needs things to know to allow itself to know. Right? Just like you woke up, you guys have all known new knowns that you could never accept before until you evolved into yourself of worthiness. Okay, so the proof is in the pudding on the relationship of where you are right now that you can manifest, but you're not manifesting the things of your preference known. You are manifesting the whole of you, known, otherwise you're not having this reality, every this reality is my truth. That's what you got to know. That's what we told you watch that natural preference start to observe. So you can see. So, when we get to a certain point of realization with our caught-up self-more current, how do we manifest as a divinicus? A divinicus must know itself has God, not in the fullness, but without doubt, not improve ability, not in justification, not in relatively of others acceptance or yes you are, but it’s internal knowing. Right? That Kingdom return bubbles and swells and perks and becomes and realizes and it all it is, is just appealing away to reveal what's underneath, what's inside and you bring it out natural. Now when you catch up more to the current of the now because you're not in time looking around on how to manage your life, you're in the now and the current and let life come at you, you're going to realize relationships with things. Like I knew I was getting that well, yeah, because you already created it for you. And you knew you were getting that cause your relationship with that as an awareness. So that brings you closer to the manifestation of natural that you are bending the light of things coming through into a reality of preference, right? You, what you prefer as a creator. So the more you let go of what you don't prefer by accepting what is, what you're trying to get accepting what is, what you don't want, accepting what is, always doing that notion gives you the revelation of your natural point of view that says manifestation is occurring as my reality and I want on board. Or you can get on board because you're now relating to humanity as a god creating a species _________ has now that self now let's let's let's all know this real quick okay? I want you guys to know what it is to have intention. This is very difficult to explain. But the intention is not tense in the human relationship. Your intention is for outcome on the planet Earth and human dynamic. You intend to do this, this and this with your life with your day, with your whatever, to get things done so you can sit back at the end of the day and fulfill yourself with your successes that hopefully outweigh your failures lottie, dottie. This natural intender is not intention. Right? Let's say you're going to tend to something. There's a vibrational potential. So let's say you're going to tend to A, D and D, tend to your husband, tend to your wife tend to the idea of your children. The lost word in a lot of respects. So, when you do that, you become a vibration attachment co creation to that vibration, because you are tending to it, you're giving it one thing only…awareness, the ______ right. So at that blending moment of manifestation is the current view, which is the whole of you, by the way, because you're a divinicus because now you're not jumping on board and a vibrational relationship of intention, because that becomes a scope of reality a vibrational match called human. But now your relationship is a different approach life in you are tending to reality through your own divinicus because birthing self, give yourself a name it doesn't matter. So that's self is realizing at that thing there wants to tend to without provocation without boisterous outcome, without hope, without denial, without hmm what's it gonna do for me? Is it worth my time all that fucking shit? It is a natural co creator of that reality potential and what happens is, is you notice the manifestation between you and that vibration that's starting to create a co creative reality. Now that's as far as I want you to go and value right now. I just want you to feel how you attend to certainties in your mind and maybe, maybe, maybe you can value this. Your mind is way before your physical reality; but you guys scope your mind and things and betterment which keeps your physical reality vibrationally the same, know that human over here, Homo sapiens. This idea you, you are starting to value potential time-based realities, things of the natural preference. Now this tending, let's say you're in a physical reality, right? And you're walking down the street right and you want to go into a store you are coming up to a store. You want the door to open by itself. Hear me I know it's a little magical, but it's not magical because it's just the door. Same thing as, what is the difference between the door opening by itself and you grabbing it with a physical idea of kinetic energy? Can I tell you the difference? Belief. See the door is being created and collapsed every single second, it's actually not moving. It's being created in different ideas of points of now in your reality that give you the notion of a slowdown reality called time. That looks like the doors opening. And that cool. So that door can do the process without you is a kinetic energy because the door doesn't know itself as a need to be opened. The doors the interaction that you create with the door and the door is perceiving the interaction of itself with you as the door. You never know what the doors gonna know, no reason to. The doors fine, all parts of it glass, metal screws, oil, everything. So let's say you want the door to open by itself. What happens if someone holds it open for you? You tended to the door you want it to open by itself. And it did. But there was a permission slip called another in front of it. Now that's a manifestation of tending that occurs in time. Why didn't it happen instantaneous and the now? Well because of relationship to reality. Your idea of revealing divinicus self still needs certain attributes of allowable probabilities to occur in something that makes sense to the little young infant divinicus is now being birthed. So this little self goes, someone can open it for me is better than an open by itself now, it may not consciously know that because you're a little baby now, but vibrationally that's what you can accept. All probabilities are on all realities already. But how they vibrate match to the CO creation, reality is directly related to you. Your worthiness, not your worthiness in realizing you're a creator, but your revelation to the self of creation, how worthy you are to yourself, of knowing yourself as a creator, that portion of yourself will grow into an isness. We use worthiness because this dynamic idea of an infant to worthy yourself to know yourself as a creator until it comes realized that there is no worthiness any longer because there's no question of worthiness, right? So that's going to occur. So it's a phase, it’s an infant stage, if you will. Yes, okay. So, tending to something is a vibrational match that you are aware. Now, the very, very second you think about it, you need a bus ticket back to fuck, you're going to shut it down. You cannot bring sapient into the divinicus world. The divinicus is a species that exists in a certain vibrational relationship to reality. It is a plane of existence that is not on the equal of a divinicus. Both of you that divinicus and the idea of the sapient or within the construct of view accessible by you. Now that's an honor to do to yourself, to give yourself that ability to realize the separated self from the whole self to becoming one. Extraordinary work really. Ah, okay (laughter). All right. So I tend to open the door. Now one day, if the door opens by itself, I'm wondering how many excuses you're going to make for it? I've watched so many people on this planet. Try to figure out how things happened. That shouldn't have happened. Now that figuring brings the self of this tending self into an intention self which changes reality. Now what kicks into high gear the memories created in the moment, right? Because it's going to relate to the demand of the ego. So it's going to give its reasons and reasonalities. It is according to its past experience to contain the experience within something logical. Hence, oh, that's how it happened, ha ha ha (laughter) of course, and then you're just the same old fucking train wreck. Happens every day. Every day I'm out there giving miracles, giving the relationship of worth back to the collective of humanity, and every day they fight and fight for their own unworthiness. Now the question becomes very honest and intimate, doesn’t it? You want to play? This is not a question go surely, this is a question of internal honesty to really know that you are now this not going to be, you are this. You're tending to vibrational mindful, mindful full of your reality potentials because you're living in the idea dynamic of the now catching up and observing things that are potential than your reality. That mindful potential can be tended to. You tend to one thing two things three things and they become more and more manifested. So you can understand, tend, instead of intention, right? And the idea of time is to tend to a probability with energy follows awareness. Okay. Now you can't claim and wonder why the opposite side is not doing what they're supposed to be doing because that's a command of egoic. That's a command that shuts down your reality to this framework of a constant known that you all have dynamically master called the mutation separation call it what you will, that's one idea. (deep breathing) Let's say no, I don't want you to tend to abundance because it's too dynamic for most of you. Some of you that are comfortably nominee abundance in other words, you have no awareness of abundance being lack you're just absolutely vibration not interested in being that struggle of abundance. Of course, you're not going to manifest as ideas of abundance because there's no concern for that, the ones that have concern about abundance and stuff. Don't do that. Don't go to money because that's, that's a safety call that's a go to that's Oh, I can do this and prove to myself Oh my god, that is the biggest train wreck. What you want to do is tend to what is the potential vibration of the driver? The driver is you the passengers is you, now you're going to realize you're driving. You wake up to the Oh, it's me. Oh, right, but without the death. So anything and everything that comes to your reality is something that is a preference now preferences, not excitement, preferences, not outcome preferences not betterment, preferences, natural feeling attraction, and that has to be realized through this divinicus self. Every day every fucking now realize yourself as attraction be open, open, open, open, open, don't throw up your barriers and stream through life of consciousness with the own demand of your self worth at the cusp of expression every fucking day. To know what is your potential and know the vibration of my preference, and then you can start tending to the relationships around you and manifest them. Not things manifested by human dynamic creature hood, what they think is manifestation. The whole world is manifested, you're not in the third density as Bashar and said You are the third density, you're the whole fucking Gambit, you are creating the entire relationship with the CO creation of all that is called third density, time ,Earth, planets cachaca universe all of it within you created. Don't want to try to conquer that. You want to know this because this reveals that. Okay? Take this away. When things come to your reality you don't think on how to create them, make them happen. You tend to it. Let's talk about that before we end tonight's giving’s. When you tend to something, aren't you natural? Let's look at Roxy. I mean, the idea of at certain points, you know, she's both dynamic vibrations, male, female, but when she, when she is in the idea of tending to Tommy, there's an idea of that dynamic, that’s her preference, to tend to Tommy and see his needs without asking him. This knows follows that intention? No. Follows the tending to the reality that's being potential and trusting in valuing and going and expressing those things that she knows is dynamically tending to Tommy to whatever they are dinner, making sure he’s comfortable, whatever tending to his need, to his desires, if you will, relationship idea, you understand? So that right there is a human thing. It's a natural thing, isn't it? So you understand tending to things. Some of you are hard workers. It's not a good or a bad thing. I would think no one will be envious of another was a hard worker, because that's their idea of themselves. To them, however, they're not working hard. They're tending to their preference, their preference wants a vibrational interaction you want to interact with yourself and in some regards as being at work a lot, you're tending to the natural of you. Now, the natural is a co creation of Tommy Jean the natural is a co creation of work, the natural is to follow the vibration potential and just give an energy and when the energy starts to call upon you an action, preference offered and continuation of the current, continue without doubt, without hesitation, to realize how manifestation is going to reveal itself to you. You're going to see in time the results of your tending to the natural of you. Catching up if you will. Remember this is this is an infant stage so you can understand you guys have to plateau yourselves, walk up the idea and give you things remembered as you go to reveal to yourself what you already know. And then you're just gonna evolve from this point, whatever way you want to go. Roxy just asked, does that mean you never see your whole self again? The answer is no. Of course, you are your whole self just from a new perspective. New in time but now always know. Remember guys, you're never going to lose yourself in this equation. You can't miss what you were. Because you are what you are focused on that there's no realization of what's not, what's not happened in the humanity lack always know. First, let's talk about fractals. I want you to get a new perspective thought. These very strange humans to understand and convey creation to you. See we have to do it in steps things you can reference and build upon and release. And it's like building the endless ladder that has no bottom no, no, top you just keep climbing and magically or wrong appears kind of idea.
So, but, but one of the terms that is confusing is fractal. Let me, let me discuss that with you. Let me go over it, will boil it over together, clay hold it. All right. So (breathing) you consider yourself a portion of the whole of you the individual singularity that creates the whole. And that's kind of strange, because you feel like there's a, as they say, a whole self, a higher self and then there's an oversoul, and then there's an oversoul oversoul, and all those other terms that humanity is caught themselves up with. Well, if all are one and one are all then you don't need any more than that, see, I, I think you guys are okay saying a fractal is just a point of view. Just an experience of an expression. Right? You're expressing and experiencing as the whole from the whole singularly. So, it can be considered a fractal (meaning never-ending pattern). It can be considered All That Is. So, don't get hung up on this idea is a portion of yourself any longer cause that gives you divisions, and divisions are no longer apathetically. For you, it was used greatly in structure to climb, to wiggle your way to the top and see across the horizon as you've never seen before. So you can understand that the fractal is just a point of view. It's an experience. It's a portion. Now within this idea expression called humanity that you've been considered fractalized is deemed as a forgotten self. But now it's not. You're not forgotten anymore. You know, you're a God. You're just not good at it. Like you want to be like you used to be. Because you're, let's say taming the Shrew. Hmm. You're kind of getting hold of this chaos and starting to understand how it really is created vibration, trust knowing truth, things that would be not considered a fractal separated, but a just a particular point of view and as an explorer of your own kingdom within. Hmmm So let's not get hung up on that anymore as something of a division, and, and, and, let's not go to the whole self because the whole self creates, and you’re the whole self creating, and you had the creating point of view, and you have the human point of view the expression point of view. And you don't know that you are both in fullness but there are recollections, feelings, vibrations, dreams, certainties. unknowingly, but Hmm, something's there. You know, shit like that, that gets you excited about keep tracking, through the Odyssey of this ascension, you know, this epic journey of unknown. So let's leave fractal out of it as a separated idea. You can call yourself a fractal. It's a point of view. You can call yourself an incarnation because that's what you are. You can call yourself expression because you're always that. But the defining yourself as something particular that had meaning and purpose should be dealt with and no more ways. Just to let go of let it be free. Let it mutate into some other relationship of vibration that gives you a new run of the ladder a new truth. See, it says consciousness, consciousness, consciousness is recirculated or recycled. It's constantly changing its form. Just like you are changing your reality, changing your expression changing your form, always new, always brand new, brand spanking new and every now and it is that to have the way you project the way you are, the way you receive, that is new. (4 min, 56 seconds in audio, there is clearly a shift in energy, in frequency at this point) Creation is one day it's yellow and the same particles of information you call creation or the pool of consciousness is now blue. But it's the same idea. They're just reflecting themselves different as you are seeing them different as well. It's quite magical the endless unlimited, truly. Well, let's understand that point of view. Channel: Now ahhh, I need your eyes Roxy. HeeheeeeEEhheee, Hmmmm (5 minutes, 33 seconds in audio. There is a change in transmission, this is Marilyn’s sensory picking up. Tingling in legs and arms.) Channel: Ommmmm. Jennifer has a question. (The channel is reading the request for Roxy to ask him. “Him” is used as genderless) Jennifer to Roxy: I have a question about expectation and knowing, feeling the ‘we’. Can you ask that tonight? Channel: I don't see a question in there. I see a statement. (Channel reads through Roxy’s eyes) Channel: Can you clarify your question? (Channel asking Jennifer) Jennifer: Yeah huh, I want to know difference between both? (6 minutes, 3 seconds in audio, there is energy shifting. Like shots of light after another, by Marilyn’s sensory) Channel: Between what and what? Expectation and knowing? Jennifer: Expectation and the idea of knowing when you are the WE, that everything is in the moment? Channel: Well we can give you the difference. You have an inert, that yet valid feeling about when you are knowing, and when you are expecting. Because the expecting gives you butterflies in your stomach. It gives you anticipation. It gives you not now, that simple. (6 minutes, 35 seconds, in the transmission there is a pick-up again in frequency, noticed by Marilyn’s sensory. Marilyn will ask Roxy if healing was taking place? Arthritis, hand muscle something, healing in one of the listeners?) Knowing is now. Even if it doesn't lie in the now that you are in, it lies somewhere as a probability. (Makes sense with Universe. All exists and it is each one perceiving what already exists) When you know those relationships is truths. Then there's a distinct feeling that is most certain. That has nothing to do with an expectation you're feeling. You guys have been expecting about getting up and going to work the next day. You expect about Christmas morning. You understand about a blind date, a first date, you understand about a divorce court, you understand about the birthday coming up or a trip to Disneyland. See those are things of times that you lay around in expectations and wonderment and then has a distinct vibrational feeling. The inert feeling that is now bubbling itself up to know in itself is not a inert (meaning passive) anymore. mystified, not present but truly always there and noticeable but yet influential, influential, certainly. It is that consciousness of knowing that I am knowing this. So, let me give you an example of knowing. You know your here now. All of you one way or another, there’s something within a perspective of your reality that offers zero doubt, zero expectation, zero concern. There is a presence always in all now's of ISNESS. Whether you can find it or not. Doesn't really matter…does it? It's just you changing the relative realities of feeling to give you an experience. But as you notice yourself changing, maybe even seeking, then you know, you're having an experience that has the ability to change, the ability to see, to seek. And then all of a sudden that feeling of being the creator of change, being the seeker of what is this, what is that? Then you want to be sudden know that you are knowing that's the self that is. So, if you're looking at particulars of time, and how they're going to play out, well, you can't, because there's no certainties until the now. That's why everything is here and now. We gave you time, you gave yourself times, creation gave us time, all that is. This idea as an experience, time opened up a whole new world. It allows us to reflect. It created the social memory complex as you guys consider a soul. It created reflected timelines it created time travel, it created a whole bunch of things, as well as a million other ways to feel about your world, about your life, other incarnations all around the galaxies, densities, in such manner you use time as an ally, as an asset, as a hindrance, as a need as a want as you do, you know, different ways of relating to time. (9 minutes, 34 seconds, sensation of fast forward motion pictures) And one of the things that is given humanity is expectations. I wasn't expecting that. See, if you're not expecting that, then what were you expecting? There's the feeling of expectation that is unique in and of itself. All of you've had it, all of you know it, all of you are certain of it. So what you truly know is yet you know, the feeling of expectation and that knowing is also present. Isn't it? In expectation. So there's no difference except point of view, they are distinctly the same vibration of ISNESS, taken and bent into an experience, adding in the salt and pepper of flavor, that of time, that of expectations, that knowing creates all of these things. So knowing is the certainty of here and now, that bursal experience, to be had, to be probable, to be forgotten to be remembered as an idea coupled with time. And it can go in many different directions and time doesn't have to be included this knowing idea. But expectations, is something of Ah aaa, iiiiif you're hung up on it, and you're disappointed, then you're having expectations. You don't want to know with expectations because you're not having a knowing in an expectation, what you're having is a known expectation. Because if you know you have expectations, then there is no knowing one probability to be perceived and then there's no expectation probability. There now two separate ideas. Knowing expectation gives you expectation, knowing doesn't have expectation. (Marilyn’s interpretation is that expectation is anticipating the knowing. Knowing is natural, it is now and expectation is anticipating a new perspective that may or may not become a knowing, only if the creator chooses to explore this.) So what do you get knowing that's what you'll get. So let's say, you know, you're going to be alive tomorrow. There's zero doubt, for whatever reason, this is all subjective. So don't try to compare yourselves and download the people because you are interested in doubting yourself. If you know that there is, let's say, a can of soup in the pantry hmmm, so you go there and you know, it's there. You don't expect it's there. Because if you expect it to be there's a probability, you know, expectation, so that reality becomes certain more so than the knowing reality by itself. Channel: Now, does this offer clarity? (Channel is asking Jennifer) Jennifer: Yeah, it does. I mean, I think that the that knowing aspect is helping me not get so worried about anything outside of the now anymore. (12 minutes, 22 seconds in audio and it is exact time in Germany as Marilyn transcribes this transmission. She is vibrating, or a sense of vibe on her legs and hands. Now she hears church bells. FYI, first time listening to this transmission) Channel: Well I hope so, because there was nothing outside of the now. Jennifer: Rrright. Channel: Everything here, everything just like expecting, worrying is the same thing. It's an asset and an ally created by time. You can't worry in the now because the occurrence of knowing is now. Worry is another valid idea created to a experience coupled with time. What is there to worry about? The things that you've habited yourself as a probability of knowing worry. Put those together you have a worrying experience. But if you know that this won't happen or this will happen, then you can't have worry. Because there's no room in that, either you’re that truth, or this truth. Make sense? Jennifer: Yeah, but so how do you huhmmm…stay in the present moment, but function in time with people around you? Channel: What do you give me an example? Jennifer: Well, let's say you're talking about something that's gonna happen in a week. Channel: Huhmmm. Jennifer: But huhmm…you're doing it from the present moment. Channel: Yes. Jennifer: HaaaHhh. You I guess my mind doesn't get it yet. Doesn't understand that yet. Channel: Your mind wants it to happen. But you can't put that stipulation on it. What you can do is working within the bounds of what you know is going to happen. Remember that entity aaa Nivo, Bashar you guys call him channel through Darryl Anka. Right? Jennifer: Yeah. Channel: Okay. There was one time he was interacting with one of the fractal humans, you understand man, it says,” Is it possible for you to have a billion dollars?” No. “a million dollars?” No. “500,000?” No “100,000?” Yes. See in those ideas, those become relative to work. So they can have a probability of knowing. So let's say for example, Roxanne has in a couple of weeks, a channeling for two days, right? That's a knowing there's no doubt or expectation about that. But there might be an expectation about it, or there might be an expectation about the future, or you can't have that relationship. Either it does or it doesn't. So, if you can't handle what you would call the two months out, not knowing how it's going to happen, then don't commit to it. Because now you're going to have an experience of non- committal, until you, you get reality of knowing that extends itself in worthiness as you move forward with validation. So in other words, you have no doubts about the December. Maybe you have an idea about a January. Is it going to happen? Yes. How is it going to happen? Does it matter? So Are you uncomfortable to know how it's not going to happen? Or knowing how it is going to happen? You have to be defined within yourself, what part is bothering you? Because you can't control it! (the channel is using strong tones within high vibrations) Because you don't have the means to make it certain in the now of time. So, in other words, let's say you have the Garland hometown $22,000. I'm looking at Roxy's history, right, right. If you guys have $22,000, then you had a knowing about that event. But since you don't have $22,000, then there's an expectation about if it's going to happen or not. And you want to allow it, but you still worry about it correct? Jennifer: Yeah. Channel: Well, you don't put your you don't do that idea. You don't move in the direction to where you can't understand the relationship that is not knowing that. It's not that you're going to miss opportunity, because there's 1000 other ways Roxy can speak. Jennifer: Yeah, Yeah, well that makes sense. Channel: And it's, it's, it's your relationship to your own worthiness that creates realities of time. So Roxy absolutely knows that she is going to be in December speaking. She absolutely knows that she's going to be in LA wherever that is in LA, you have LA but there's 1000 LAs, and in whatever section of LA and she knows you're going to speak on the 12th and she knows you're going to be on the 19th. She has no known, how she's going to get there, but she knows she's going to be there. Then that's it. She doesn't relativity anymore, doesn't give it the fathoming idea of attention that it thinks it needs. Because it doesn't. Whenever it presents itself as something to interact with it, that's when it's done. It's not done anytime before because we don't need certainties when we trust we are creators. But if something doesn't happen, like we don't get the money for this idea to travel or hire a company to do all the AV or such ideas, those things don't play out. That means there's something else. You can't be disappointed, because then you're an expectation of a certain badge or a certain image or a certain outcome, which is right back to the self that controls reality through effort. You have to trust that it's going to happen and whenever it doesn't happen, something else is happening, that is immeasurable also. Make sense? Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, I mean it it brings up the idea of trust in in in yourself in every moment. And whatever does come about is whatever it's just coming about. Channel: Well yeah, at your stage, anything that says not that its your belief systems bubbling up to the surface for you to scrape away, allow them, embrace them and get rid of them and keep NOW what you know. And any of the other drama you're going through is your drama! Nobody else that belongs to you, you're choosing the creative because you know the difference. You know, you don't have to be dramatic anymore. You know that it hurt you emotionally, send you off the edge, but you have an amount of awareness to say, whoa, this is no longer my truth. I don't have to be this emotion, this fear, this worry, this aches. Now I can work on it because it's the suffering that you guys endure so others don't have to. Right? Jennifer: Yeah, thank you. Channel: You're welcome. However, it's gonna play out it's gonna play out. Roxy started slide classes almost three years ago. She's had plenty of students come through the class, by any model of humanity. This is successful. The YouTube has been on for five years that model is successful. The effort that Roxy’s she's done to do make these things better zero. She's not interested in better she's interested in knowing herself. And as that modality it keeps incorporating as her truth. She attracts those supportive ideas and co creation, to allow ourselves to expand naturally, not forcefully not egoic-ally, not image theory, imaged image imagery, imagery. Ahha. It is just the pursuit of her own exploration which is attractive to those of authentic, and the authentic ones join in and give you the idea of the we to have her experience her eye as her truth. So, it all it's gonna happen, how it happens when it happens doesn't matter, but you just know what's happening. That's all you just know what's happening. You be there in the happening. (breathing deep) or that makes sense. (Marilyn feeling like out of breath, taking deep breathing. Something was triggered, a belief surfaced. First time to just do in each moment what feels happy and fun, because it is a knowing, instead of anticipating or analyzing what this will result in. The belief system of bad consequences, so you better do what is right is dissolving into a new perspective. This perspective is doing what is NOW happy, and enjoyable is ENOUGH! She is having fun, transcribing these transmissions for the joy of it and so it is. Appreciating the co-creating with Roxy who is receiving these transcribes.) Jennifer: Yeah, it does. Thank you. Channel: So, when you guys are, are, digging deeper and deeper, well, let's say the easy parts done we've, we've given you that before. Everything you've gone through is just a mishmash of emotional reactions. Now the really the masterwork is, is self identity. Is existence is this image that you guys keep going back to. (Interruption flow by the channel) By the way, Brandon. Roxanne, thank you for the birthday gift. She opened it, it loves it and hasn't set it up. She hasn't found a place for that. But she has the reads out. Suppose very nice, thank you. (Channel thanks someone for a gift to Roxy, acknowledging the gift and intention) So anyways hmmmm see this, this, this, self of image it, it, it, reaches to gain admiration when you see yourself doing that. See, that's a self sustaining and you recognize that now? But are you doing the work? I mean, this is the deep stuff that hurts. This is the absolute stuff that you have to know that you're doing that and no one has control over that except you. You can't blame, you can't assign, you can't become a victim, any longer because you're too well versed in your own creative skills as a separated. You know it's only your world subjective created for you by you all the time. Everything that around you, is your attractive truth. There's nothing else to know about anything except that now that offers the knowing that you already are. And you experienced the flow of your now imaginative self being a experienced self. No longer seeking outside of itself are those images. The habits of maintaining now realized when you no longer validate of you're no longer imaged. No longer image means you have no longer familiarities, no longer habits, no longer the things that kept your comfort, secured, stable and comfortable. The wheel seems to be a little jet. Right? So you want to start living as you have always done. But when you find yourself crying like a stuck pig, shut up. Unless you just don't want to do it anymore. Why would you not want to do your own ideas of suffering? Why would you want to negate any portion of your discovered self? You don't think you can handle it? How can you not handle look what you've already handled in life, all of you have experienced death. All of you experienced birth. All of you have experienced everything in between all of it. What the hell are you afraid of? You're afraid to lose the image. Because that's easy. It's so easy. Being an image. It's so easy to be an asshole to someone. It's so easy to be kind to someone and offer beauty and compassion. It's so easy to be polarized. It's a world of I know this. I know these worlds. But what you don't know is beyond humanity. And when you start to feel that, but it doesn't give you the human dynamic. This is the deeper work. It's the work that this shovels all standard. I think Seth talked about them as core beliefs. There's only a few. And you guys are sitting right here. There's no more bridge beliefs, all that stuff, all that top side stuff wise and who's wins and hide doubts? Why did they say that? What did they say that for? Blelelelelelelelelel. All that's gone. Now it's you an intimate portion of you, that you have experienced as a separate itself. You have a view of, you know the self. If you choose to engage in that as a choice, then that is your own pain, you're securing for an experience. But if you are unrecognized in that action and then see it, then you have discovered a core. And don't act like an ascender any longer. Remember the wrong that appears and disappears. Time for a sender to go away. You're not an ascender, you're Oh God. You're here. If you image yourself as that proportion, that knowing of whatever you define that truth is to be is the limitation you will enact it. So if you call yourself an ascender, what is that? Well, that's what you say it is. And you can only have an action reaction and interaction within that frequency scope, and have an experience about that subject. But if you broaden your horizons to the ISness of now, with no conjecture of image, well then you have the plethora of creation coming a bound at you to have you fulfilled. And if you're shocked and awww once again, then you're playing that trumpet, because you're just too goddamn afraid to know that your God and there's nothing you need to control to gain your admiration, especially at the expense of others! You don't need to do this to people anymore. You don't need to control people. You don't need to say anything is right or wrong because there is no successful future. There is no failed future there is only the presence, the current of now and if you start to be that broad horizon, to be the now with whatever is employed in your life as a perspective, if it tinging on you. And you know no longer is your truth and let it go speak your words. But if it is a reaction self that goes, no, no, no, that's not gonna work because, because, because then you're all of a sudden a knowing of anger, of separation, then you know, you're playing an image. (Audio time is 27 minutes and 18 seconds. Marilyn is in tears releasing the belief of “at the expense of others” which was a way to validate if she is worthy or not through the acts of kindness.) These things will play out, but you have to get serious with yourself. You have to get I'm a grown up adult now. I'm not perpetrating like I'm an adult. Like all these people do. So many people play their adult idea. They think adult conversations what they are is a very, very afraid children. That has 1000 layers of clothes on them. Each torn off as their life goes. And the closer they become the death, the more negative they become. That's why all people don't give a shit. Because they're tired of all these images. These portions of the work that you're doing now are the deepest parts of you. And they're frustrating. But you got to be aware, when you get a reaction in your mind, you can't become the reaction. You have to even observe the reaction of the self, you know, you are creating. You have to say, wait a minute, why am I upset about this part of me? That's a new point of view. That's taking the corn diminishing it. You guys got to stop thinking. We have very, very large egos that are holding desperately on to the image. In the simplest thing is, is all of you can have your images depleted with money. But then with money, you're gonna have create more images because you are creating those things. And using those things as an image. Do you get it? See, when you have an idea of let's let's take the easy one money, images. Humans create money for purposes for needs, for wants. And when you have that, that's all created in the image realm, your relation to it is the same as it was whether you had it or not. It's a mean of access. Right? But you don't go out and gain, and seek, and try to create air. You don't. Air is the same as money. It's your relationship to it. It's the human dynamic relationship to it. You're not going to all of a sudden have money fall out of the air. That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about not being a fractal in relationship to your reality, and then everything about your reality starts to shift including money. But I can shed 90% of your beliefs with a whole bunch of money. But if I do that, you do that for yourself, truly, then what happens? You create a whole nother perspective of limitation, and validate the imagery, just in a different relationship. Just a different point of view. I'm poor, I'm rich, but I'm still separated idea. Right? So all the things that the images make image creator, do you have to be a sharpshooter on this you got to be really nasty, and start to recognize the depths of your image. When it's asking you for fun stuff and you know, it's bullshit. Don't do it. Stop. It's painful, isn't it? Because you think you need to know. And once you know you're disappointed, you always are disappointed, but you want the disappointment because you love the action of anticipation. See, that's a cycle and then you do it again and again and again and again. And it gives you what the simplicity of the image you guys are well versed in this, okay? You guys are getting it down. So you don't want to relate to any of human through human knowings the truth of humanity, you have to be coming, knowing self of hearing now that knows itself relating to creation, as a God as a holistic point of view that doesn't react to the emotional experience of the past that it deems as valid. And if it can't help itself, but to react and recognize its reaction, and of course, does the same idea allows it, accepts it, and no longer chooses to be that. But don't react to that situation to a human mind. It's the same thing. You're just being human doesn't no matter where who it belongs to. It's the vibration, vibration, vibration, that you really need to understand. You’re creating, you got to be sharp, you got to look deep. You got to understand what you're doing to yourselves, and no one else doing it to you. And it's not a victimization of doing it to you. It's the experience of truths chosen, these truths chosen, give you the experience of yourself. You want to understand what it is to be abundant on the planet. Well, you can't be a human about it because abundant lies and certainties, analyzes images, not everyone's image because a man’s trash is another man's treasure. It lies within your image of that, your truth and whatever your value with that your worthiness according to that will be your experience because it all is the frequency match. You guys know this. So that's why we want to tear down everything human to have you relate to humanity as open, as embracing as vulnerable, as undefined as the picturesque flow, then you can no longer value these things as a humanistic reaction man or giving you the same cyclic manner of creation over and over again. You're going to have new experiences but these new experience don't have foundations. They don't have certainties. They don't have comforts of image they don't have Oh my god, what am I going to do without this? Oh my god, what about this? Oh, my God, this isn't happening yet. It's not happening. Right! All of these things are human. They're not rights and wrongs. They're not salvations are not problematic. They're experiences of truth. They're natural to you. And as you start to notice yourself in these things, which you all have, you can do something about it. Ahhhh yes you can. You know what's very interesting about humanity? A lot of people don't know this is I it's been said in the class a few times, is that you guys are unlimited. See on Earth, you have governing laws. But it can't stop you. It might prevent you from actually playing it out in the experiential life as a human, but it cannot prevent you. These laws cannot prevent you from creating them in your imagination. Right? Which of course is already an experience because as soon as you thought of it, you've already known it as an experience because everything is here now. Right? Okay, good. (Audio 34 minutes and 52 seconds, another shift in energy Marilyn is sensing in this part of the upcoming transmission) (breath taken) The idea of limited is what people perceive humanity as here's look at you guys. You guys are train wrecks, you have chemicals all over the earth, you have things that kill each other. You have people that purposely do things to thin the herd to keep medicines going, hmm, do add additives to different things to give you other relationships of need. Right? Perfect. See, these are all human ideas. These are not rights and wrongs. You got to be a big boy now and look at this as creation. And you don't have to be any part of that as that relationship. You can change your relationship to any dynamic, enter to be experiential beyond polarity. Well it of course, because you're a God. Humans got to realize that there are unlimited not only in the physical but as the incarnation, wherever that incarnation is in relationship to the here and now, it is an unlimited being. It is your limitations that you place upon yourself, either known or unknown that create your world as a human. But when you back off from human into God creating human then your relationship with that must change because that's the dynamic of the here and now and all truths are truths in the moment. So even if you don't know you're a God, but you are being the God to the best of your ability, not validating the idea of the fractal self and all the images you know, then when you are not that then you must be this. And this is God creating the image and you're not creating the image, so you must be perspective, from a Godly point of view. There's a vibrational Isness a knowing Jennifer wanting to understand. That knowing is God me, singularity existence, I am, however you want to see it. It needs no justification nor no debate, because you're not interested in validating your own existence. As a human you're very interested in it because that's how you manage or control the chaotic life of separation. Whereas a God, you don't give a flying fuck truly. So you also have to see that this incarnation that you are is not eliminate incarnation, it's a unlimited incarnation. You just don't know how to do the things that would show you they are unlimited, but you're doing them every day. You're doing things you don't realize you're doing because you're paying attention to the human terms of limitation, instead of the non-boundary ideas that lie within the human scope of reality. God creating humanity hmmm. So you can be shocked about these things. And, and when you get tripped up on little candy ideas, don't eat the candy any longer. No reason to give yourself diabetes. Stop. Unless you just love that so much that you don't love yourself enough to go beyond. The fractal is the one that doesn't go beyond a whole self can't love itself anymore. So you're really truly not losing anything. You're just giving yourself experience of not deserving more than what you are. And you don't deserve the things of human expectations. You deserve a relationship of worthiness to yourself, which creates everything. So you bypass just skirt around all the fucking processes of humanity, trying to trudge their way through the muck and mire of ascension with all the processes that just weigh you down. Hmm. You might be in the same idea as Bob Marley in his forge chain over time, you're carrying that shit around when you're trying to ascend through the same processes of limitation. You got to change your scope you got to be okay with the painful journey it shows. You got to trust that it's a masterclass. You got to know that it's your world. You got to start acting on it and speaking up for yourself and not worrying about pissing anyone off or offending anybody. You got to stop being a prisoner of your own mind and start to live the exaltation of the Isness. You have discovered in yourself by awakening and then your realities become exceptional. Again, take some time and it takes a little bit of guts and you're afraid you're gonna make mistakes and you're not certain it doesn't matter, because you have forever. You have forever. You have an infinite number of do overs called now now now now now everything is erased now now now everything has gone now now everything is new. Right? (Yawning) Well these memory keeps things alive is certainties. The less you pay attention to these things, the more you become the Isness of now. Truly. (breathing deep) Channel: Anyone got anything? Shoot to share about something? Brent: I had a question. Channel: Hello Brent. Brent: Who are we speaking with? Channel: Ohhuhhhhhhh shhhhhh. (laughter) Roxy goes John O’Connor (laugher) just call me Isness for right now. Just, just, a perspective of you guys, whatever. I guess the best way to say it is I take parts of the class that are sticky points and I put them as a relative realities so you all can unstick yourselves. How about that? Brent: Okay. Um, the other day when Tommy was sick, um, whoever was speaking said that they would come back to the main class and talk about which is their lifestyle, we're going to leave you with the biggest false truth that humidity believes is that mind, body, and spirit. But that your body is in the spirit is just mind and spirit. (the recording here is distorted but the idea is clear enough to understand the question) Channel: They said that? Brent: Yeah, and then they were like we're going to talk about tonight but then this team speaker didn't come back. We talked about something else. Channel: Okay, go over that again. Brent: Um, they were like, because Tommy was asking about being sick. Channel: Okay, Tommy, Tommy Jean? Brent: Yes. Channel: Was asking about being sick. Brent: Yup, huhmmm and Roxy got off the computer to take care of him but they're like we're going to leave you with the biggest false truth that humanity was taught was mind, body, and spirit. But its major, mind and spirit. Channel: Right. Brent: Is in your mind? Channel: That's what is in your mind? Brent: The body is in the mind. Channel: What is it? Brent: Yes. Channel: Okay. They're going to leave you with that. And they left you with that. Brent: Yeah. We got ahead. Channel: Is there something else to know about that? If you know that the body in and of itself is of the mind created the holistic mind? Well, let me give you spirit. Spirit is an existence of that you guys can fathom. Because you can't know Isness because there's no edges to it? Right? Brent: Yes. Channel: Let's look at history of humanity together. You guys have spirits. Hmm. You've had spirits since beginning of time. You've had Gods. Right? You've had other than you've had ghosts, you've had ideas of things that go bump in the night. Are you following me? Brent: Yeah. Channel: So since humanity validates that we use that. So how do you understand yourself other than spiritual? Without a reference point? Can you just be a thought instead of a spirit? In other words? (moment of silence) I'm asking. Brent: Yes, yeah. Channel: So we can erase spirituality and put thoughtfulness. Right? Brent: Yeah. Channel: So what about the mind? What do we do with that? (moment of silence) You're starting to pick up what I'm trying to tell you? Brent: Yeah. Channel: There’s no solid here, kid. Brent: Yeah. Channel: We're showing you that you can be nothing but an Isness. But you have to have something to relate to. Are you following? Brent: Yes. Yeah. Channel: So humanity needed mind body spirit because you all you can do is to see aspects defined. That's the attributing factors that you guys consider as valid. But there is no body. The body is spiritual, is it not? It's a vibrational light. So why not call it light instead of light body? Brent: Yeah. Channel: Are you following me? Brent: Yes. Channel: Whatever is validated through the human construct. One of the biggest ideas of a false truth is that you create a body but you're not a body. Now, what about the mind? Is the mind a creation? Is it true there? Is it's solid? No. The only thing that is solid is existence. The only thing that is solid is everything is here and now. The only thing that is solid is the all or one of one or all. The only thing that is solid is what you put down what you get back. The only thing that is solid is the change. The constant change occurs in all aspects of the laws just given. Those laws can't change. That's it. So you cannot get hung up on rungs of the ladder. What you have to do. (moment of silence, a pause) You have to resolve rungs of the ladder your own way Ahhhhhhh (pause again) there we go. Does this makes sense to you my friend? Brent: Yes. Channel: Yes? Brent: Yes, it does. Yeah. Thank you. Channel: Good. So when you when you want to understand what was you have to get intimate. Brent. I'll give you a newsflash, you're a God. All truths are truth in the eye of the beholder. So what does that mean truly to you? (connection on phone line or internet sounds…I take notes on this because is goes synchronicities of alignment with this conversation)Let’s discuss. What does it mean? Mute yourself Yogi. Brent I’m talking to you. Brent: I'm the creator of my own truth. Channel: Yes. So when you get a truth want to dissect it yourself. What are you afraid of getting it wrong? How can you get anything wrong if all truths are truth? When I say is, is to me, there is no doubt of anything. I don't give a flying who nanny what anyone says about says about my Isness, because I am part of those standards existence. All truths are truth. My truth is existence. So I can do whatever I want are you following? Brent: Yes. Channel: Okay. So when when you get something offered, don't look for the answer on the other side, start to investigate. I mean, truly, what are we? We thought. Aren't we? Brent: Yeah. Channel: We. Aren’t we just constantly thinking? Aren't we having an experience up here? Everything else is still here. Isn't it? All your senses translated through this wonderful idea receptor mind giving you an image of, of a car and a door in these senses giving you a physical reality of interaction with your physical space. Is it all not thought? Brent: Yeah. (the questioners tone changed to softly surrender) Channel: So don't look for finites anymore. Don't look for certainties. Get what you can from the classes, take the baton start to run, start to become alive in you. You're not looking for an end zone because there is none. There is just the constant change and exploration of Brent. Makes sense? Brent: Yeah, thank you. (very softly response again as a surrender, humbling expression from the questioner) Channel: You welcome. (the channel also responds in softer tones) Yes Hmmmm (deep breathing and a pick- up in tone back to what channel’s usual vocalization) So, you have to look at reality is taking it in and saying yes to it. But if you notice yourself being a human about it. Now the human I'm talking about is anywhere in polarity. Awesome! Ah, right in you got to start looking at those truths that are flowing in you get this human dynamic, interacting with this stimulus of creation coming at you as a truth, mind you, that truth is interactive now, in a different relationship. Because you have awareness and you can be a relative reality and change the truth. It might be hurting while you're doing it but you can you can start to change the relationship. (breathing) No worries. Giselle: I have a question. Channel: Hello Giselle. Giselle: I don't know if this is diarrhea or not, but do you have to relate or experience at all? Channel: You mean as as existence? Giselle: Yeah. Channel: Yes. Otherwise you would be a non existence and then you wouldn't be unable to ask that question. Giselle: Okay. Channel: So existence is always experiencing. It is always expressing. Every moment you are both symbiotic experiencing and expressing the WE is expressing to you, its experience. And you are expressing to the WE your experience, your truth, if you will, that never goes away. There is zero possibility for you to ever be non existence. Because as the idea of Daryl Anka has channeled this idea of non existence is full. Everything in existence is and everything in non existence is, which is truly is not. So, welcome to awareness for eternity. You're never gonna not have an experience. (you can hear and feel Giselle smiling at this perspective) Isn't that great? We created sleep. (laughter) Why does he keep doing that? You guys hear that little ding dind dind din…hmmmm hmmmm (humming) Hang on…anything else anyone? (pause) Okay. Look, you guys have relative truths to yourself. When you want to assign them to other people, then you are a coward to your own truth. When you are afraid to express your own truth, then you are a coward to your worthiness. Never be ashamed of your existence. Humanity gives you those things. And before you never noticed you had no choice about being ashamed of your existence, about being wronged, and victim, and betrayed. You know too much. You have awareness, an exceptional amount of awake. You've grown up into the adulthood of ascension. And now you have a relationship with truth that has never been done for you. And now you can choose your relationship with reality. And you can see an entire new experience that is going to last forever. Truly, not humanity. We're talking experience. That's all we have unless there's nothing else. Okay. Going going keep it to boop bop ba gone. Good day. We're going to tackle more intimate things as we progress. Most of your classes occurrence to get your attention, then get your acceptance and now we're going to understand relationship at a vibrational level.
The commandment of truth if you would, you must understand this as a standard. What you put out is what you get back, so you need to know this. That your vibration is truth, not your thoughts. Your secondary thoughts are time-based reality’s reflection of upon, from your truth. It is potential, it is regret, it is past, futures, whatever the hell you want to name it as a thinking modality. Labeling reality as such matters to behold. I really need you to pay attention to where you're at now. See, the ego so quickly wants to make an image. And it does it by saying thank you. It does it by apologizing. It does it by, well I had to do this. It does it by justifying, it does it by any means possible. You must know that the image itself is a reflection. It is an echo of you. It is the secondary idea validated. So, you have to understand you're the streaming consciousness that creates and reflects in the miracle of this whole fucking game. Literally, is your understanding that you are a fractal amiracle. It's not miraculous to be paid for and gracious for that's all crap. It is the joy of self discovery. It is another way to know yourself. So, in the grand scheme of saying things, it really doesn't mean anything. It's just another constant of change that you have bestowed upon yourself and it is unconditional, it is beyond your emotional equation. It is so much more than that. But you have ways to represent that. Usually you praise or think, or a gratuitous in whatever mannerisms showing gratitude, the ego is always that. Now to recap, the ego is twofold. It is reactionary, as well as chosen. The unnoticed part of you, is the reactionary part and the observant part of you can see that reactionary part. And the chosen part is to bullshit yourself. That's simple. You know, you don't need to say or ask or do any of these things, but you do them anyway because you're choosing to be safe, comfortable, imaged, happy, mediocrity, something reflected upon the truth of the now. On the truth it creates. I want you to look like, look at that, like it's a monumental structure. A burst of light bursting out of the Earth at a billion miles an hour. Brrrrrrrshhhhh!! Just fucking explosion! That's a now, that's your truth that's creating! It's creating black holes, it's creating planets. It's creating densities and realms and incarnations. It's creating the softest idea with the most powerful explosion, the butterfly wings. Hmmm. You got to know that that is what truth is attracting and giving opportunity for this practical reflective to know itself. And when you don't know you're doing the self of separation, well, there's no consequence…is there? It's the life of consequence as a human, right? If you really look at it, you have a bad time because you think it's a bad time. But you didn't know you don't have to see it that way. So it's a consequence to the human but it's really not consequence in any realm. All right, you know what it is? Truth chosen truth. But as you guys start to see your actions, the more you implore your truth for the self. The more you accept the magnanimous pain of being wrong, but it's truly not wrong now, right? It's accepting your point of view. That's not wrong with humanity. That's just not your truth any longer. You want to do something about it. Roxy had an incident just today realizing her fears of future and of course has to do with money. Because she grew up, we can't do these things. So her whole life was dictating how things can be done. Assessing her now in the access to gain knows things to be done through the monetary needs, because that's the only way she can see be done. So she's working on that in a constant. She found another, another part of her today. It cut it hurt. He wanted to anger she wanted to break her fucking glass desk. She wanted to smash things because that's the way she feels better. She beats things, throws dishes, breaks things. She used to hit herself but she's past that now for her stupidity, right. This whole self loathing fucking it doesn't need to be there. But Doesn't mean those words make it go away! The obvious shit for you is not obvious to anyone else! So just blurting it out saying, “Oh, well just let that go!” Doesn't mean dick, except to you. Now that's where you've got to know yourself, okay? You got to stop being some kind of fucking realization preacher any longer. Because that's another image. See it shifting to a turncoat that is unrecognizable. If you know, that's all it is, you keep talking about it, you're creating a talk about. A moment will give you the idea of passion. Someone starts one completely conversation. You have nothing to do with that conversation. You don't want anything relating it in your reality. So you talk about something completely else. The image would have to engage in that conversation. And maybe be polite and say, I don't want to talk about this. This is all things getting down to the core of constant change of truth. And constant change of staying the same in the vibrational choice of an image. We have to hone our skills even further. You got to stop doing that of what you know is no longer. Yes, you might be bored as hell because you can't talk about shit, but you can talk about shit. But talk about the shit and know that you're talking about a shit, so you can have a shitty time! See, the seeking (thinking) mind is the only one that's bored. The mind that entertains that escape is recognition. For you the conscious fractal, becoming hall to know that it's reality needs no entertainment through the corms of humanity's lusts, desires that are considered entertaining. Doesn't mean you abolish yourself from things of entertainment. Again, fractal it means you passion yourself in the moment and there's no relationship with image. Intimate itself must be lived constantly. That intimacy with you is honest, selflove not self loath. You keep continuing always justify your existence. You don't know the unexplored conversations you can have with humans, because you're always confiding in the idea of mediocrity, as a way to be not too shaky, not too (obtuse or abuse), not too weak, not too strong. These ideas, anything that keeps you in caged in your own world of same, is an image. So yesterday we had a human incarnation that has passed on named turtle. Come in and talk about relationships, and he blew it out of the fucking water. Is amazing to the human self to realize because these conversations don't have preferences of dictation ship on what is practical and what is sensible. Oh, also responsible and of course respectful. These are the guidance of humanity. Why guide through image you're creating an imagination so you can see your creation. In this particular realm, you get to see it in images, don’t you? You get to see a dog and a cat, some stairs and a tree, a plate of food and a fork you get to experience images. You are in a virtual reality that is really fucking real because of truth. Notice that? Notice every reality is so real you've never questioned it. If it's bullshit, once you've questioned is up here in your mind, is that really real? Because it's not a present. Well, let's get into the present. Let's stop playing in the idea of secondary echoes, thoughts of past and future, and hopes, and glories, and demise, and sufferings. You know, it's funny the Pope has admitted that Lucifer, God, we all said it. This is the one that's the crumbling of Christianity, the crumbling of Muslims, the crumbling of religion. It's going to take a long time. But it started it not wonderful? Is, he wasn't respectful. He didn't have a purpose or a job. You know what he? What? What what he's doing? Why he's doing it? Okay. I'll give you, why? Because he can't live with himself anymore. Knowing truth. The Pope has access to the Vatican. The Vatican has secrets. Maybe he went for a stroll. He started ripping himself apart. Seeing how he is enslaving his own people and freezing them with fear. Hmm. Seeing their sweat, their tears as means of compensation to the church. So it may endure so what are you guys gonna do, what a Christian gonna do? What do you guys usually do? Hmm So you guys look at the softness of Christianity Today huh? See I don't see time I see Christians vibration. You know Christians do? It takes other races they force them into Christianity if not they commit genocide. Ain’t that lovely? If you don't believe what I believe I'm gonna kill you. And they did. Over and over again. (Brooks) gave him a hell of a run. Muslims too. Pretty much anyone else that didn't have the ingenuity of the ideas, the honing craft of barbaric scouts thugs guess what they were not experienced in that Mayans, Native Americans fuck’em. Let God sort them out. Haaa gla glahh. you fucking country fuck heck redneck Christian love and Bible busted fuckstick…in that wonderful? This is not reality that needs to be paid attention to. Otherwise, when do you get to know yourself? The Pope is only knowing himself by showing. You know what guys we fucked you. And I'm going to show you how. And he's going to show the entire world. And they're gonna and they're gonna die they're gonna they're gonna do everything they can to shut them up. Hmm You might turn into a martyr. Died for his beliefs. Because you guys can't have anything but image and you masters here are seeing what's involved and deconstructing a paradigm of separation. It is not a purpose. There's not a reason. Is all for you as a self exploration, but you need to get nasty with your Emotions. The ones that bend you into the freakishly idea of odd behavior to yourself, not to others. The self loathing isn't it an odd behavior? I mean, you're the motherfucker who's here. You're the one who's been chosen to exist. You have forever and here you are beating you up for being alive! You've never been respectful thoroughly, but imagery. Of course, you got to fit in. You gotta be you gotta be right. Now see, humanity is edging out racisms, separation, it's gonna take a long fucking time. See, I'm going to explain another image to you. If you have any ounce of concern for humanity, that's an image. That's the lusts of compassion, sympathy, helping, doing the work that keeps it, because that's validation of a mind that’s known itself as separate. All It is, doesn't predict. It doesn't play safe. Doesn't measure itself. It doesn't allude to the past as ways to control itself in action so it may be pleasing the naked eye of watching’s, watching’s of humanity. Everyone knows when you're home alone, you're dancing, naked maybe you do things to get it out. To get out this fucking craziness inside of me. I must be nuts I'm getting it out. I'm doing weird shit. I'm getting it out because that's the pent up self, that’s vibrationally all around humanity because of your presence. Truly everyone has it. But how much of a master they are to hide it, to keep it inside. Ones that are dying of cancer that had disease, they're the masters at that. Because there's nothing zero genetically, generationally, cause and effect. It's all self induced disease. If you take it easy, you're gonna have a good life. But if you take it worthy you're gonna have a life beyond measure. Relationship was just one portion. That's a big dynamic valve isn't it? It's not only your love relationship, but the relationship with ones that you find interested. Once again, you don't give a shit about strangers most of you. But you also have compassion for them if there's something wrong with them. Maybe you want to get their number. And you have to do it in the ways of humanity to make it civil, correct. Maybe an outcome like Brent struggles with always trying to go find a lover, but he always contort himself on the best way that he thinks they would be thinking. And when they are not thinking the way he thinks he's wondering why the mirror isn't working, through nine years of Abraham's bullshit? Abraham wasn't the bullshit. It was the translation of Abraham's bullshit because that's the consideration of humanities. When something doesn't work, it becomes bullshit. But you're not looking to work anything correctly here. Roxy is truth. Abraham is truth. Kryon is truth. Everyone is truth. Even you are truth. That's what you got to see. That the responsibilities do not lie outside of humanity, nor do they lie outside in humanity, outside of the self, you're assigning to humanity. The responsibility is yours. But it's not a way to be responsible in human wears. Humanity doesn't know how to be responsible. Humanity knows how to limit themselves. They're responsible is the ability as Bashar said to respond. Another truth speaker. He is not contorting himself to fit in with human standards. Even if humanity fits in with human standards, that's still their Subjective Truth. That's the responsibility we need you to start seeing. How do you feel about your action in the moment? Is it responsible, the responsible thing today, which is a human term? Or is it the ability to respond as the passion speaks to? The dynamic of relationship, this is extensions of what Turtle was speaking about the core ideas of, do I love myself? Am I worth this? You guys think if you're not doing the things to create things of futures, then you're not enacting what's on par, on the right track. Having a destination of accomplishment, which is all image. But if you start to be this wicked motherfucker in the now that doesn't give a hootenanny about anything, except it's now passion truth to behold its own reflection as, Oh my God, I'm fucked up here and I'm awesome here, let's keep journeying to explore, not me, but what I create! I am already all that is! But I am exploring my kingdom created in truth! Let's find the truth for me. Let's know that I am responsible for my entire world. And I can image, and dodge, and duck, and hide, and blame, and betray. I can do all these things as humans. But what I can't do is deny who I am, a creator of truth because there is no false. So, what do you want to look at now? If you look at Turtle and the way Turtle spoke last night, no holds bar revealing some parts of Roxy's intimacy with her own sexuality. Revealing anything because see that portion of Turtle and the portion of Roxy created in idea dynamic relationship, in and of itself was a relationship. And the result was a streaming consciousness, a passion. It was not one ounce of flek, flek, to just slightly shifted to a different light, a light of interruption. A light of interference, to bend it to be responsible in the way of reflection as a human, an echo of time. I don't think so. I think it was balls to the wall full bore on love. I'm in love with me. And it's honorable to yourself that you find images, unknown truths about you that create your reality. Instead of bullshitting yourself, why is this happening? Oh, let's assign it karma. I need to go and clear a past life when all lives are now. But I'm gonna fucking bullshit myself and say there's a past live. And I'm going to do something about that. So this life that has nothing to do with that life. won't feel so shitty about its actions. Let's say killing somebody so I have to pay homage in this life. Son of a bitch. complete fucking bullshit. You know it, it's plastic, it's hollow! But you don't want to be that do you? That relationship of I'm worth creation which by default I must be a creator, do I have to accept that? Yeah, if you want to know. Everyone has an escape clause, don't they? Death. So simple. You can play it out, wait it out. All of you growing old…times coming. Don't worry, you'll go home. You know most. Here's another image is an image at all. Who's first time? I'm Starchild fucking star child. I'm rainbow. Indigo. They're special, Fuck you. There's no special in creation. There's all equal of one. All right, so a lot of people think they only have one lifetime. No, you guys have hundreds of thousands of lifetimes. Why? Why the fuck do you keep coming back? Why? Why do you keep creating not one, not two, not ten, but fractals upon fractals of you hundreds of thousands. Why? Because you want to know what it's like to be the beauty of discovery of forgotten God remembered. (We ARE cracking up and laughing and saying AMEN OMG!!!!! We love this!!! My partner and I are shouting FUCKIN EXACTLY BITCHESSSSSSSSSSSS) So you're given another go don't show but it's another time but now it's several spans densities in the spans lifetimes of humans. You guys can't take that you have two fractals on the earth at the same time, impossible. Fuck you, impossible! There's nothing impossible in creation! Your wife could be you. It’s that scary? Is it scary to know your ability to create through the contortions of humanity's demise! They're always trying to put themselves lower! You build yourself up with technology, and really fascinating things and drama, but you don't look at what you are! Worth the creation itself! Why? Well how? Because you forgot. What do we do about that? Let's remember hundreds or thousands of times! Right now you guys are those masters. You know you're awake. You're not the bullshit distraction of awake hood. You're not a light bearer to offer your light to others who don't want to hear it. You're not a fucking preacher. You are a God finding this love for the self returning this worthiness from separation. When you got here you only knew fear. Ahhhhh, some motherfuckers you got to do something. You got to swim back through the fear, don't you? You got to go beyond polarity as (Enphasees) spoke the other night. Monday night's class from that epic species of humanity's own respects from themselves to counter in polarity to offer you something you've never heard before! That it's going to hurt! That you have to you leave all the polarity. That there is no good to work at, to be, to hope for, for you gotta leave the whole kitten caboodle. If not, you're in couched in imagery because the imagery knows itself as human. Let's not make it obvious, right? You guys are masters. I don't know if you're worthy of it. It to have that worthiness upon your death and you get to have that worthiness upon choice. That's the game. That's the game. So creation and anything that have been scraped up through this conversation is you. You got to be responsible for it. Can take it into your heart and say, God, that hurts. How the hell are we going to do that? Well, I don't know. I guess you're a God. You'll find out only one time, now! That's how you know things in the future will occur in the now! If you're a little mind can't figure it out in the now let it the fuck go then you got to trust that you're a God. I know the fractal hates that shit I gotta trust I don't see anything when is it gonna? How's it gonna? huhhh huuhhh huhhh huhhh…let me take action to make sure to happen so I'll be happy, then I'll be fucking miserable now! And I'll be happy when I get something of happiness. Only when I get that that's when I'm happy that's when I'm that polarity, instead of now beyond polarity. Relationships, okay. The relationship to the self and that extends out to your own world, your own attractive creation, your own law. Anything else is questioning mind fuck it, it’s just distractions its fears and hopes. Taking a big fucking sledgehammer and your hammer and the foundation and it's thick. That's miles thick. And you're going tink, tink, tink like a fucking flea on a fucking bear. Bear goes about it's now. But as you keep hammering away at your own structure, your own portion of that self induced coma, that prison, that rock foundation, you start to crumble because you are representing change. Humanity is hard. They're set in their ways they want to be that thing because that thing is given them imagery of acceptance. Holy shit, what the hell am I? Oh, I'm a rock, I’m the foundation. I’m this law. I'm that law, I'm this truth, I'm that truth, I'm this standard, okay yeah, let's fight for it!!! Let's fight for my unworthiness. See if you are hammering away your portion of foundation that creates humanity psyche. You start to crumble that motherfucker. Then other people around you in your vibrational awareness where your little vibration is reaching their attention. They're like what are you doing? I'm taking away my image. And you, you see what they do you see how they react? What the hell are you doing? You have gone off the deep end. You're not working! You're not you're not being responsible! See, they're trying to keep you a fucking brick thick as a brick. They're trying to keep you as a foundation of their comfort! You are part of that entire psyche and you are destructing yourself. You're like look at me, I'm fucking up my world everybody. You're gonna die. You see it the right you can right now you got a good fucking image. Now you hold on to that truth and say I am deconstructing my truths! To know that I am beyond polarity. I am beyond the foundation of solid. I am constant change. I am God. I am creator. I am all that motherfucking is. And how do you know it's real? Well, let me tell you on the enactments of judgment, when the attempts have been stilling you back into the portion of solid as a human are made. And if you do that one wonderful thing, it's start to choose your passions, despite the fears of the foundation of humanity. You feel something. As all of you have felt your God damn glory. You know, then, that it's real, not real for them, not real to them. Oh, it’s real to you. My truth gives me my reality. My real is my love. Now that you've tackled relationships, everything else is the same idea. It's all relating to reality. The details are the expression of relationship to reality. Keep knowing yourself, keep relating differently. keep seeing the self exploration of love, the self ensued as a passion. Instead of an image. You need not be special or good. You need not be anything, but I AM. Get used to that as we continue. Start to get this weird fucking feeling. Okay? This weird image, right? That you know that you're such a complete badass, but you don't claim it. You know the creation is at your fingertips. You're invigorated, you're infused with energy, but not in the image of what it looks like or what is supposed to feel like. You're just allowing yourself to become a moment…fully. There is such a divine nonchalance that you can't even fathom fucking yourself up again. You just know. And that's when you are the spookiest to humanity. Not that image of I know “a secret” no, no, no. That exuding confidence that needs no measure or justification. You know you are. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. All right. So stride well in today's matters. We'll see you all tonight, if you choose. Know that the choice is immeasurable so stop, fucking beat yourself up. Love you ✨👾🧞♂️🦋✨UNDERSTANDING THE POWER OF PERSPECTIVE AND IMAGINATION ✨🎱🧙🏼♂️🦹🏼♀️✨
Your imagination mind is where everything is being created. Your human mind is the receiver and you are receiving and creating at the same time. Your mind can not go beyond what you let your imagination go beyond. And who let's it? You. The mind is ability. If you can see what you are able to do, then what you see is possible which means it's probable. It is a possibility. It's able to receive those realities. When those realities don't come true in reality, they are laying inside of a field you consider as imagination or not real. Where do possibilities in my mind come from? It is the frequency of relationship, or the number of times you've spent in a particular reality that gives the consequences to the conscience mind the reality of “REALNESS”. Because you were birthed as human and forgot you were still connected to God, the imagination mind was taught to be that just that to you- imagination. It’s something that lies out of reality. It’s just hopes dreams and desires. Your imagination is creating the reality. It IS the conscience that validates. But you don't KNOW it's the mind of your WholeSelf that is creating physical reality because you do not have any proof of it. Beliefs create reality in the physical. Beliefs can create reality in the nonphysical. It is the self AWARENESS that you ARE the WholeSelf that allows the perception of what your human, subjective beliefs are! YOU are the vibrational relationship to reality. And when you BE the WholeSelf point of view that is not human, but RELATING to humanity as a God, then the recourse must be the validation of outside reality in frequency will lead to the parallel worlds going on right now being just a matter of choice, a matter of focus. But as you are unwinding your human Ego mind, it's going to go 110 miles an hour. It will be filling you with everything and anything that keeps you human. As the focusing from a human point of view diminishes, your Ego mind will fill you with possible potentials of humanity. Stop asking the questions that keep you human. As soon as you interpret through the focus as a human you remain more human. There are no “meanings” to any occurrences. It all means nothing until you make it “mean something” by using your human memory reflections and interpretations of the past to assign it meaning and label what’s happening in your reality. Doing that only validates the reality around you as the only thing that you are capable of experiencing because what you expected in your human mind of potential isn't playing out in reality so therefore you will only validate that you are human and your imagination is not real. You're not being a human, you're now relating to humanity from your WholeSelf’s point of view. So this is your “work” which has to be a constitutional relationship of freedom. That's the human allowing itself. Are you having problems at work? When you notice yourself donning “masks” of choosing to be an “image” be the “Self” unknown. In other words, In that moment you observe yourself reacting as you know you don’t want to in a work situation, don't be that today. Observe, be aware of what truth your human Self is employing in that moment so you can see how you keep yourself in the rut that your Ego mind created as “REAL” in your reality. You need to relate to your job as an unknown human. When you are crossing an Ego reaction to others at work, a “mask”, what do you think you were going to get? You're going to get the SAME interaction of vibration of interpretation potential by you because you say you ARE that and you must be that because you're afraid of the future. What you’re putting out comes back as a neutral idea and you say no it's the same scenario and it has not changed yet . You can't see your reality change until you change your frequency of the interactions with the things you consider valuable by relating to them from your WholeSelf awareness point of view instead of reacting from your human point of view. Probability Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart 🌺 ✨https://www.facebook.com/groups/199783527175934/ ✨ |