This teaching is available on YouTube (Odyssey of Ascension Channel)
Premiered Dec 3, 2019 Link: All belongs to, Odyssey of Ascension channeled and taught by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed by Marilyn Holzmann Hi everybody, hi, hello, greetings! I am whatever. I want to give you some ideas on the personality that you behold as trustworthy. You have a situation, and that situation is relative (meaning qualified) only to you. There has been never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever…where? Never, ever, never, ever, ever, a cause. You gotta, you gotta really, you got to let that one go. You gotta let “cause” go. See, you receive what you understand, the stimuli (meaning provocations) in the now. When the now is calm, cool, collected. When your pain is managed, then everything is fine. And when it becomes simulated (meaning replicated) by probabilities (meaning chances) that take the conjecture (meaning guesswork or assumption) itself and you take it personally, whatever that is, and then you assign. Right? And you're sitting in your glory of as Rose said, “a pile of shit” as envy, jealousy, a betrayal, all of these things occur in your reality because they are personalities and you know this. Right? (1:52 audio time) We want you to see the personality. Why the fuck are you still doing it? “I have excuses. I have reasons. I have a way to create my reality.” When you start to really, really be that, then you are going to see the persona, not in a living reflection (meaning thinking or manifestation) but creating the reflection (meaning manifestation) of experience. Your attention is here and not on the other side of the mirror (meaning manifestation or reflection)looking back going, “what the fuck did they do to me now?” “What happened to me?” “Why do you do it?” And all because of an infusion (meaning blend or mixture) of vibration. And that energy disturbed you and you've made choices against yourself. Why? I'm going to say this once and I really want you to pay the fuck attention. Because you're afraid. But you don't want to admit it. Because you will have dulled (meaning dark or dreary) fear into commonality, reason and rationality, structures, safety, securities. You fight and make excuses for your life. If you're engaged in a conversation and the next thing you know your two hours later, that would be passion. If you're engaged in a reflection (meaning manifestation) on how your highest joy is supposed to create an idea of abundance. Meanwhile, you're doing something completely different and you love what you're doing completely different but your highest excitement it is a mind projecting what to do. Well then, you're on this side of the mirror. Your focus, your attention is in the reflection that separated itself looking back at creation going… “What the hell is wrong with you?” “Why aren't my things coming?” “Where?” Oh well because they're being reflected. “What's being reflected?” Oh…you. Your being reflected. YOU are a reflection of your own creation self-creator (meaning the conception of oneself) self (meaning identity, ego, character). And, and you want to know why things are struggling? Because YOU nobody else but YOU, “I choose my reality.” You choose not to do what your heart says. And don't be despicable (meaning shameful) in your unworthiness that you don't know the truth of you. And then…What are you doing? What are you doing? Okay, here it is ready? (Audio 4:45) When you start choosing your fucking pain that's the belief system soothing the probabilities of more pain into mediocrity (meaning weakness or common place) pain. So, when you choose what you don't want to do. You know what you're doing? You're negotiating with a level of pain (meaning distress or discomfort) to be received. Fear, pain, something of that matter. I can't do this, but I want to do this. I can't do it, because I would have a very, very bad time according to my mind. It's going to happen. There's nothing there. I need to know first before I take action in the now. I need to have my reality laid out according to the system of control that says, “Here's what is probable and here's what we need in order to move forward inside a reflection of the created self.” And you hesitate and you don't do what you want to do. What's going to happen? Life. What are you afraid of? Death. Afraid of being made a fool of? Afraid it’s not going to work out? Well your life isn't working out right now. You guys are fucking miserable. You are in your misery. Now has zero misery! Reflection, misery! The misery again has been dulled, negotiated with, become what? Tolerable. You can tolerate an amount of pain. See, your pain received in the futuristic idea that is in couched in the fear world. Over there as a possibility might workout, but you never choose that idea of JOY. Because the pain, the future pain, that’s not being experienced it’s so goddamn fearful, it keeps you dormant. It's like someone came along and took a fucking nail gun in your fucking feet. And now you're ahaAAA! Because you're afraid to know you are ALL THAT IS. Right? And you keep doing this over and over again. Which means you love one thing, that self. Because it's not known to you when you choose different. Giselle, we're going to use you as an example, as an example: “Some are telling me to go to a psych ward. It was just my obsession with Wesley and I'm trying to control him. I still want him so much. But I know my work now. It feels hard and I'm shaking like death. I want to be me.” All of that is a statement of I'm afraid. Although she left Wesley, she's in Wisconsin. She did it. But the mind, now listen. Ready? The mind is an echo. You are echoing all your fucking thoughts. Right? A lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of words and then you grasp them, and you breathe them into creation. “I missed him so much. He's my sanctity.” No, he's your dependency. He's a narcissist that abuses you. But you can’t have, “I'm awesome.” Why? Please say it, cause I'm afraid. I'm afraid to know that everything that I have ever created is going to crumble. And I will know nothing but the unknowable now. And you won't believe how awesome that is. Okay, let's all look for example. Roxy is going to go on the road in January. She's got a couple places laid out. She has no idea how she's going to get there. She has no idea how she's going to pay for the places that she's already booked but see that's a NOW. Abraham said it. We said it in the class. You know what it is? We got it. Don't control your reality out of time. Because that only vibrates the lack of now and then everything that you know is coming, you create in the lack of not knowing it's ever gonna come, because you don't know how to do it. You can't. You know who can? WE. We create. “I” never create. We create, the divisional I the you as the reflection has an echo of itself. “I know I'm something but I'm not quite sure what it is. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But let me try. Let me go and look it up on Google. I’ll DYI, my reality through the systematic lack of others.” Hmm. I mean, Oh, sure, you could look up stuff and how to do stuff. But that's a moment of passion that you have not assigned a meaning to, to have some kind-controlled outcome of happiness or fear. Stop. We have no idea. I now here with Roxanne. Have no idea how any of that is going to happen. Now don't tell me that isn't the most exciting thing you've ever heard. Because when Roxy is Now, and all the ones that are joining in without the particulars of the details of time are just the passion of their life, then everything starts to attract in whoa. What does Roxy do? Oh, she's a channel. (Audio time 11:15) So guess what “they” universe “we” are gonna start vibrating in the match frequency of her joy and create different kinds of scenarios so she can do one thing, channel in the constant of change, not in the dependencies of now. Like slide classes are ending. Why? Because it's a dependency now. It's turning into something of a ratcheted system of reliability. And your expansion now is our knowledgeable self that goes, hey, yo, yo, I got this shit. Let's go. Let's go live. Let's go live. Come on. It's not that you'll never have another slide class again because see that's what's so fucking awesome about the unknowable because you don't know. And every time you think about what's supposed to be how is it going to happen? What about this? I'm committed to that and I can't do that might not work out. I gotta have everything in the room. Right? My ducks in a row. Is everything good? Before you take action…in which means what? I am this vibration (meaning a person's emotional state) relating to reality because of the stimuli I’m receiving. And I'm judging the fucking shit out of that stimuli as not potential but as a discredited idea that I have to control to maintain my chaos. A certain level of pain so I can feel connected. I know myself in unworthiness. So, who's the true narcissist here? Oh, that's right. Me. (Audio 13:23) As reality starts to become a unified with you and you start to really understand the WE of you, you may not access it in the way Roxy channels it just gets out of the way if you will…absorbs us. What you will do is vibrate at a frequency that attracts a different reality. It's not a higher it's not a lower it's not more it's not less and so NOW truth. Now truth, now truth. And if you are centered in the focus of, I am instead of I am not, that's the mirror the other side going, “AAAAah let me out! I'm not this!” When you are that sovereign being of I AM vibration takes place. You guys can start connecting with the unknowable at a higher frequency rate. And we're talking about an amount of times, not the higher frequency as in range, but the frequency is interactions with the NOW. And what you're going to discover is, it the life that you can't and don't the place that you can't dictate it absolutely naked to the self. Another thing is Roxy is tired of being a punching bag. See the dependency is to go to Roxanne or anyone else in the class and spill your fucking guts. “Why is this happening?” Really? “But yeah see I mean come on it's real.” Of course, it's real. But you that make it real, you that don't want to cut the cord with that self that is on the other side of the mirror that reflected that shadow self-echo self. Because you are the self that creates all of that. See, as that self the WE create the experience. Right? (Audio 17:03) It's happening anyway, but you won't believe it because you are afraid. You're scared to be God. You can say, “I'm God.” You can say, “I am a God.” You could say whatever the hell you want; is what you need to know. Is that absolute for you? Scariest thing you've ever said? When God picked out of the size of the galaxies that the Hubble (link: has exposed to you, quantum physics proving 100% that this reality is an illusion. It is a projected holodeck, a hologram. All of this true staring humanity in the face. And they pay it to a God outside. (Audio 18:16) You guys know, but you don't know until you choose to know and how do you choose to know? Choose the NOW. The self that is God creating and you the fractal has been spending all of its life looking back at itself, beating it up, crying, asking, “why?” “What about? And that self is called WE. And that means boyfriends, girlfriends, situations jobs, employers, creation, road, hazards, car crashes, plain, rain, everything is WE! All have it and it's all your perfect during it bringing them, bringing it, bringing, bringing in, bringing in, bringing in me. As I am and you are over here looking back at it going, “What the hell! I didn't ask for this shit.” Yes, you did. You came into a world of unknowable. And now you're knowing the unknowable. You want to know what the known is, through the perspective of now instead of the known to this perspective of memory, reflection, past. Or how about…being that now. How about…just saying, “I am.” How about…taking a chance on yourself? How about…shutting up with all your excuses. How about…don't worry about who you're going to disappoint. Because all you do is disappoint people, which keeps you paralyzed, and you keep wondering how to negotiate that relationship into a conformity of a mediocrity sustained pain. (Audio 19:58) Humans get attached to moms and dads, teachers, lovers, anything that gives them worth. They are seizing for a connection. And then they make excuses, “What he does love me.” “He loves me. I know he hits me. I know he abuses me, but he loves me. I do it. It's my fault most of the time. I just don't know why I do this to myself. Because sometimes I want to have fun in the end, but when he doesn't let me. Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. So, it's my fault.” (Audio 20:55) See that's a reality chosen truth. Attraction occurs, WE steps in in the now and gives God what God is, instantaneously without hesitation. Your relationship with beyond polarity, the work you've encroached (meaning to enter by gradual steps) in acceptance of all things leads to a self-regulation. That regulation is going to reveal what you've always been. See, it's not an image of what you’re going to become, it's the moment you are. And when you are NOW in your mind is thinking, come back to the now. And you're the now and in your mind is worried about…come back to the NOW. Yeah, should I say this? Fuck no because you know that its diarrhea, say it come back to the now. Be in the now start to passion yourself, no matter how boring it is and unrolling the new, not much going on. Let that beautiful, unknowable thoughts start to flow in. Let creation start to talk to you. And don't chalk it up to my mind is imagining things still. It's exciting engage. So, tell me about yourself. Well, I'd say I was born on plantonia five. Let's say I'm five foot seven inches are. Arcturion coffee phenomenal, draconian meat sandwiches with the brazen carry on, to die for. No but you got to think, and you think in the mirror. When you think, you think in the reflection. See the reflection sustains what it knows. Because that's what you're validating. So what do you think? We're not going to give you what you are? Well we can't. Because we are truth. We are not denial. (Audio 23:21) Life can be so funny. You can laugh every day. That's a silly your boss is so serious, and you look at him, look at him start to laugh and go a bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla and walk the fuck out. Because that's your life. The life unmeasurable and we attract so that means you are attracting passion when you are laughing at Blah blah blah man trying to make you deformed into the circuitries of his cogwheel. Turn my wheel make me rich, turn my wheel, make me rich slaves, slave. Doesn't matter you can go to work or be a non-slavery relationship is that of course, but we're just showing you when you don't do what you like, you are becoming a fucking asshole to yourself. You're the dick because you're not worth the unknowable. So, let's talk about highest excitement. That's an image. The channels upon the earth have given you a relative scope of ascension, climbing the ladder to a certain particular point and then there's no more ladders and you all are here. Yes, you are. (Audio 25:31) When you become a self that is extraordinary in the moment…let me give you this, that's the passion (meaning it encompasses more than just that emotional feeling. It is including a direction, a drive, a commitment to a purpose or a cause. Passion is a slow fire that consistently burns inside of you verses an emotion, which is a “reaction” to an external stimulus that is temporary) of what you would of considered a past times of ascension, the work you've done as your highest excitement. Now I want your passion to be equal to and beyond your highest excitement because your highest excitement is no longer a category. Okay. Your highest excitement is the moment. So, Roxy knows she's a channel. You all know Roxy, she's a channel this is definitely her passion, but she is passionate in the now. And the attraction that she is, doesn't define her as a certainty on a timeline. What it does is allows her to continue to experience the WE of what she chooses her real to be, in her real is known in the now of the Creator as the creator. Your real has been reflection. That's why it's mediocre. That's why it's an echo. That's why it's full of pain, fear, right. So, when you are an observer of the self, and you start to look at your life and watch what you love to do although your mind never notices it can actually make an income because it's not going to work out. The markets flooded with those kinds of people. I couldn't do that but you're doing it every day. Except since you trust the reflection that you are impossible to create abundance through that route, you do it as a hobby. But you'd love it. If there was a model train builder, he can be a multimillionaire. You got a fucking kid on your planet that made goofy socks and now he's a multimillionaire. Everyone says, “Oh, he's lucky.” No. He's like, here's my joy. People said, “No, you can't do that. No one's gonna.” Okay. It'll be a little project. It'll be a little project for you to pick. Let's make a little project sock. And all of a sudden, ah orders fucking galore, hiring people hiring people more and more and more, you know, out there communicating with manufacturers starting to do that little 13-year-old kid becoming a monster in the sock world. And it can be anything. This planet has money. What the fuck you're doing? Go get some, but not through the reflection because that's contained in, what? Limitation, polarity, ups and downs, in and out, successes and failures, yeses and noes. NOW doesn't have those! NOW attracts TRUTH. Oh Roxy wants to be in a four star hotels, and do a presentation of her badass self in it. It costs some shitload of money to even put it on, then she knows it's already there because it's her passion. Now, in that comes she doesn't have to think about how it's gonna happen, when it's gonna happen, where the money is going to come from, how it's all going to play out? There are a billion possibilities running around investors, bank loans, something like how do I get the money? And then here's Roxy. Let's find out. (Audio 29:47) It's so simple as just find out being the passionate now. So your highest excitement is not a career, your highest excitement is gazing in your reality. Whatever that is. Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Make no excuses for your appetites of love, make no excuses for your appetites of yummy food, stop beating yourself up, you fucking narcissist reflections of the self that only looks at the self of creation in a polarized way giving you ONLY you not the fucking WHOLE self, only you an emotional reflection of pain. So again, it's always been you. Nobody else. There was a girl in a corner she did this for like six years. How do you this for six years? It stopped her. Later down fetter. She got back up corner, six years. Shocked her and then she stopped. These are the worlds you live in. Now doesn't have those worlds. This is the world of reflection. You are in a world of reflection time, knowing yourself and disconnection. Watch what happens when you center yourself as the creator of this world by embracing every moment. And when that moment becomes intolerable, let it go. And just because you let it go, doesn't mean it's gone if you keep fucking ricocheting around. Giselle, “I miss him so much.” (Audio 32:19) Check Oh, you got to stop. You got to accept that in the moment. But you can't become that reflection again because that drives the now into the passion OF YOUR TRUTH and if that truth is reflection of lack, where does your reality go? Oh? “What? Why is this happening to me? I thought I was following my highest...” You can't shut your fucking mouth. Because that's how you live your pain! Don't you see that? You've got to get that pain back. Because all of a sudden, you're free in the now and you have no idea what's going to happen. And you can't live a life of absolute freedom and glory because you are only knowing yourself as the unworthy bastard chosen to be forgotten. (Audio 32:36) Right. Now, all of a sudden, life is too good. And you got to fuck it up. Because you expect people to act a certain way. Because you're dependent and when they don't, it's your fault. And if you cut the cord with them, it's their fault, not me. I'm awesome. All that's reflection. There's a world of now. And it calls nothing to the table of time. Because it doesn't sit at the table, it doesn't use reflections to dictate it's tomorrow's. It's up and bes’ the moment everything changes. If you're the constant vibration of now, trust your Tesla. Trust your Nasim and trust Einstein. Vibration creates Reality. (Audio 33:42) Stop with this thing and become whole with it. You got to look what you're doing. What is Roxy doing when she is not channeling? Plays chess, watches some YouTube, sleeps, eat, drives around. Tonight, probably they'll go for a midnight drive. They love driving. Look around the Beltway here 1604 for 410 because it's just awesome to be quiet and let your minds go. Let your thoughts flow with a window down in your volume into you know a brisk evening. That's just a moment that's not to an escape. That's not to solitude, the self. That's not the ease. That's what the moment says. It's difficult, but you got to stop making excuses and get on with it. Or you're going to be left treading water instead of swimming through life having a great time. Right? (Audio 34: 55) Your highest excitement is no longer an image. It is now the passion of the moment. You must trust that the unknowable will show up. And until you let go of control, it is impossible for the unknowable to show up. Because you are the chaos that controls the known and the known is the reality you choose and the known be. Within reality I'm going to bring you to a new level of awareness. Within reality, there is no limits. So whenever you come upon a truth and you start to divine this truth within you embrace it, and we're talking as a fractal, and as a holistic because it occurs on both levels, doesn't it? Because there's only one right. But just right now you've experienced in the human self when you become a new known. Know that new known is not going to stay known as that forever. So, in particular, I'm talking about gender right now. See, Roxy has been feeling something else inside of her. Here on Earth, with the fairies. We have gender. Your animals have gender, and it's for an idea of reproduction as well as pleasure unless of course you're a worm and then it's a sexual or some people's wives. In the quality of humanity to unify the masculine and feminine is because that's what you validated undergoes beyond that it seems almost inconceivable to have a third gender but it's not a third gender. Humanity is making up a whole new genders gender, queer gender, this gender that and that's great, you know you guys are doing you're becoming male to female, female, the male is being whatever you're being other. You know, that's fantastic, fantastic way, because it's all birthed from the idea of separate itself. The Yin and the Yang is representation of masculine and feminine, right. So that idea has been battle on Earth. It's just, let's just tear ourselves apart and try to put ourselves back to which one is right. And, you know, you do that every day. Not just between men and women is between the vibrational self that's split, which is you, right? I want to shatter your image of gender, gender goes beyond it is a way that you relate is a blending. And there's other parts that you are not known to recipient. Roxy feels like it's a strange thing. See? I'm going to have her kind of like relate to me how she feels it. So let's look at let's look at a softer field. a softer grassy field. Right just a hill right here. Now you see the yellow wheat is blowing. Right and this is herself blending and then all of a sudden, right over here, there's this thing. What the hell is that? It's not a tree. It's not anything that belongs on this field of unity that she pictured as the unification of both selves the whole self in being either and all of a sudden or and there it is. It's like it would be like, like a black crystal that had like a mountain mountainous edges, you know, straight edge, very cut very defined with a little bit of jagged, black idea. Black idea of crystal. The hell are you doing here is coming out of the sky. It pierces through the clouds of serenity it's blocking off the sun. This conformity she found in the unification of reality is now moving. And I just say gender because it gets your attention. But this is everything my friends. You're allowed to have an earth that is your own. You've only made it to Earth of others because you didn't know. But you did the work, and you're here. But as we've said in this class, a lot of times we can't take it any farther. You have to become sovereign to the self. You have to accept that I am. See if those points of measuring yourself, take the approach of working on it, accepting it, laughing about it. Don't make it serious. Don't make it a job. Make it a relationship of I'm being the now about it. But not using the emotions of humanity or reflect itself to spite the self that knows itself is still envying bigger boobs. You get it. You got to stop beating yourself up. Stop being a fucking process. Be the now and all this stuff your relationship with changes, your changing relationships, all the beliefs that you've ever covered. When you become a moment, a moment says, “I am.” There's a distinct feeling that is a measurable and it's very unknown to you because you've been so taught not to pay attention to the feelings. That would be awesome you ever remember when you were little? Why can't we do that mom and dad? What Why? Why can't we do that? What do you mean? Well because and they start because of you to death, because it might happen this might happen, because of this, because we don't have the money, because so you, because yourself to death and then you got dull to the sense of your sensibility of the screaming demon that you are as an unknowable God. So that instantaneous moment self is now being revealed. When you spend now's in that moment. And not time there now. Someone said that the chemicals were not natural. Wow. Anyway, okay, um so this instant moment you know it and you're gonna get your stomach's gonna drop. Sometimes it might feel like you got to go to the bathroom. Because you get this overwhelming feeling of Holy shit. What the hell is that? And then your mind scrambles What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? Stop, stop, stop. So put the brakes on. Let's go back to pain. Okay, open pain. Thank you Right, you've had that before. See, when you were a child, you had that all the time, but you didn't know you weren't allowed to have it. You didn't know there was another way you were supposed to live. And then well, you know the rest of the story because you were taught to no longer imagine, no longer create, no longer be you, you were dictated into a conformance just to be safe, and secure, and successful, in the eyes of a gloating parent, whatever that representation was, and of course, very many parents are supportive. So you get the attraction of addiction from some other input, some other stimuli reality, but either way, you are not God. And when you came here, as a child, you had no memory, but you had connection dulled with the reflection, because reflection became over here, because you start looking at your reality as a possibility of already. And might be right. So that disconnection occurred. That reflection started becoming truth to or forgotten me. And now you are in the mirror reflecting back to reality as opposition. Yeah, but as you embrace this now you will become encumbered with a vibration oh my god everything's feel so fucking good I don't know what to do let me fuck it up, and you do ,and you do, it again and again and again and you can get used to it but you got to stay in the know and you got to realize when you're whoa why I'm ranting I'm ranting let's not rant about what's wrong. Let's not get offended I feel like this you guys are doing this to me. No one is doing anything to you. You are creating a world through acceptance, acceptance of the stimuli and you run it through a filter, and the filter says assign it here so you can feel better in your idea of pain. Because you're in too much pain, you're offended. So, you got to fix it with blame. It's so simple, so simple to see. Because you guys did the work. And if you guys aren't accepting, you're here, and you're still running around on the reflection, well, then you're up to an idiot and an abuser of the self. You don't have to be that narcissist to yourself anymore. You can do it. I know you can. If you have a passion for other than what your highest excitement is, please be the passion of moment and let it unfold. So if you are thinking your highest excitement is something you haven't done, or you make excuses why you can't, then you're bullshitting yourself because that highest excitement is the most valuable idea that you can attain something of certain comfort and financial needs to be to be gotten. And that makes you high. So now you're awesome. But you don't need to be high in the stimuli that lies and time. If you observe yourself and watch what you do on a daily basis, that just turns you the fuck on. And when you take a break, and you're like, okay, well what about this? Then you can see that self. Right? That's what you're gonna notice, says, “Well, I was just doing before I started getting a train wreck? Can I get in tune with myself? Can I do that here? Oh yeah, there's only me fuck it. Okay, let's do that. So just a minute ago I was having a good fucking time and all of a sudden a thought came and I paid attention to it. I paid attention to it and it told me this story and I said, oh you're right now I feel shitty.” (Audio 48:18) Yeah, it's normal. It's normal to be shitty New Yorkers, every New Yorkers God given right to be miserable. Well but, but, then you don't have to that's not you as a holistic (meaning as whole, complete, universal) that you as a reflection (meaning manifestation, thoughts). So, you are must be looking, you are looking in the now at yourself. But not as the observer that we did in processes that guy's gone. Now you are in the moment going wait a minute. “What do I love doing? Look like love peeling potatoes I mean I'm having a good time my hands dirty my mind's clean I’m peeling potatoes.” Fuck me I need a potato pillar and someone's gonna come knocking on your door. You're gonna read an ad “potato peeler needed” and you're going to go and you're going to go and peel potatoes because you love it. I know there's something better for me.” See nor you, nor your children, nor your wife or husband would ever doubt your passion, because attraction doesn't bring in doubt, that's you! (Audio 49: 53) When you were in love with you, do I need to remind you of the fucking law again? Well will you not attract that of equal? Yes, you will. But you got to work out the kinks. You got to work it out by saying oh, here's another fucking thing. Cool. Bring it in and keep going don't sit there and go okay. But when you engage in that all okay instruct to be the now is about that what do you think is going to happen? So, you're not losing ground, you're not gaining ground. See, that's a mindful thing of humanities comparisons. What you are doing is being Now, either your passion and a lack of passion and whole. We're in a separated world. So, we're going to use those distinctions. And as time moves on, you're going to see the difference in you. But you need to be in the now. Take a chance and stop gutting yourself. For the we have like to feed on ya. What do they do? Clean the bones and then move the fuck on. When you have no lack to offer, they're gonna go away. I promise you that. So, if you're being passionate, you're going to lose a shitload of people. And you're going to gain a shitload of people. Because they're everywhere. There's an equal because we are here. You will never be without your reflection. Questions anyone? Brandon: You said when you think, you thinking the mirror? Channel: What? Brandon: When you think you think in the mirror? Channel: Yes. When you think you are a reflection you are in the reflect itself, the echo itself. Do you remember yesterday's classes? Brandon: Yes. Chanel: Okay. So, you understand the self in the reflected self. The ego the separated self is the one that thinks about its reality. So, you can think that you're going to go out and get up and go to work tomorrow. But if you are true to yourself, and the moment calls for don't go to work, and why would you ever go to work? Because you're going to think about why you have to. Why you can't stay at home? Why you can't go and do this? And that creates reality. Both realities are created, there is truly no reflected self. That is the illusion of a created truth. That gives you the experience of reflect itself called separation, but you are still creating all of it from the whole of you. And you are spending time in the reflection? Wondering how to get back to the hole, when all you got to do is be in the NOW. Make sense? Brandon: Yeah, thank you. So, in the realities of attraction, you must understand that the unknowable is present already. In every time you slant it to what the conformities of your past self, the one that lies in the reflection the reflected itself, then you know, the equal of that will remain. In other words, the way you feel about it. Don't be awesomely shocked because you have the ability to make yourself feel so fucking good, without any effort because that's shock value you add into it is a contorted reality possibility of a human nature because you don't deserve the awesomeness of you. You just gotta keep going in the NOW. Alright, that's all we got. These teachings are available on YouTube (Odyssey of Ascension Channel) All belongs to, Odyssey of Ascension channeled and taught by Roxanne Swainhart Transcribed by Marilyn Holzmann
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