We Are Not Creators of Reality, We Are Interpreters of reality A conversation with roxanne10/25/2017 "If you’ve studied any teachers focused on the idea of Law of Attraction or any new age thinker focused on the idea of creating your own reality, I’m sure you are familiar with the idea that your thoughts create your reality, therefore, each individual is a powerful creator of their own reality on a 1-to-1 basis.
Having personally started with the Abraham Hicks materials during my journey, I can attest to this being a good reference point to start from when it comes to taking responsibility in what’s happening in your life and being the master of your reality, instead of feeling like a helpless player subjected to the forces of Dod’s 'cruel will'. This idea has been critical for allowing people to step into the empowered state. But for any new age, law of attraction practitioner, you always come across a certain instance where you go: 'How the f*** did I attract this s*** into my life?!' And so begins the age old question…...You walk out to the parking lot only to discover someone dented your car, your wallet gets stolen, your coworkers are being assholes. Knowing that your reality is of your own creation, you immediately assume this is a reflection of you ('So I must be an asshole!!!'). This line of thinking tends to lead down a path of self judgement, control and measurement. You begin to think about where you could have possibly 'screwed up', in using the law of attraction, almost as if you chose the wrong power-above idea earlier on, in a role playing game. This could be the case in some situations, but ask yourself this: is it always this way? The truth is that even though we do shape and influence our reality, we are co-creating and interacting with other individuals in the world. So it is certainly possible to stumble upon 'not preferred' vibrations from others, without it necessarily being a direct reflection of you. In other words, just because you run into an asshole doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an asshole too. It’s also important to understand the inherent neutrality in all of life’s occurrences. Nothing is good or bad unless we say so, but the fractalized human always wants to judge and judge and this is where our true power lies. As a fractalized individual, we are not in control of creating our life circumstances, and if we are, it is in a confused, egoic way, birthed from our focus on lack. Our higher selves are the ones in the driver's seat of our exact circumstances. However, by simply not interpreting the current circumstance as 'bad', 'good', or by using any other judgemental term in the english language, we shift the quality of experience emanating from that event. This is why we are not creators, but interpreters of reality. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, it’s all a matter of perspective. If all you did was just not see the situation as 'bad' or 'awful', the next time someone runs your dog over, you immediately allow for a much more positive outcome to be potentialed, by simply not seeing the situation as bad. By applying negative judgement onto the event, we only further reinforce that vibration. But by letting go of any judgement or desire to control or change the situation, we allow the miracle to come through in it’s purest form. The next time a difficult experience comes about, just accept reality as is without any desire or intention to change it or judge it. The process of acceptance will allow you to stop energizing the negativity and allow different potentials to flow in. Much love! Roxanne🌺" ✨https://www.facebook.com/groups/199783527175934/✨