,Trust is an intention. What are you trusting? What lies in a validation, outside of you, over the trust in you? If It is all birthed from within you, how could you ever possibly ever trust something else? Because something else IS you. Don’t you see that? Any object in your universe is YOUR creation and it is there because it is a vibrational match. Any judgments by any approach of any object that lies in your reality must be an ego Self, that is disappointed in itself, and you don’t trust that it should be there. Because if you did, you wouldn’t question it.
The reality that is reflecting back in vibration must be you. However, you are viewing it as your choice. Accept this game. Accept you are God. Accept everything is vibration and let go of everything. Accept all reality in the moment. What is wrong right now? Nothing. Because nothing is wrong in the Now. Everything will be wrong in time. Because, that is where wrong exists, where fear exists. Everything is off in time. The whole mirror 'law of attraction' concept, is where humans got it wrong. Why is this in my mirror? If I do this, I’m going to become THAT, you say. See? So someone at work is a jerk. "Wow, why is this jerk here it must mean I’m a jerk?!" You DO NOT attract things in your reality in the measurement of details. You attract the vibrational match and that is a neutral reality for you to interpret for the experience. That is ALL it is. It IS NOT cause and effect. Everyone took the mirror concept as a 'cause-and-effect' way to measure reality in progression. "Why did I attract this fear into my life?", you say. Realize it is not fear. YOU say it’s fear. It is potential. If you feel something is doom and gloom, accept it. Go into that vibration and it will no longer be the same vibration, because you’re the master of allowance. The translation of doom and gloom is breathed into the circumferencing you. The conscious you that says: “this is reality”. You accept it, then what it does is it seeps into you because there is nothing, nothing in reality that is bent until it is perceived and chosen by the mind. So all reality is perfect harmony and bliss always. If you don’t mess with it trying to find a solution and you allow it, the doom and gloom you will see is just a 'filter'. A belief filter or a translation of the mind, sustaining the filter by validating it. But, now instead, you allow it. The filter now becomes the vibration. Should I save money? Does it make you feel safe? So you have money, but you never get to use it. So the things that you want to buy, you never get to experience. So your vibration contains the ideology of things that will stay the same, because you’re not worth spending the money. You earn because society says the responsible thing is to have a failsafe. But what society doesn’t know is vibration. Saving for a possible car accident? Wherever you put that money in your mind, becomes its usage in your reality and a probability of an outcome, because it’s law, because you are the God here. So saving money says: "I am mediocre, I’m not allowed to enjoy my life. I have to enjoy my life, according to the ability of my potential to earn money and save a certain amount of money. I will budget my life." Keep spending money any way you want to. You can save money, but understand it’s your relationship to it. If you save money because you feel like it, that’s fine. Spend money as you choose and the only thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to have every single thing you need, in every Now. That is a promise from God. Period. Don’t believe it? Test it, but you have to test it, because it’s never been done. Trust. Get your value up to yourself and you’ll have everything you need. Since abundance is the medium to get that exchange of currency to get things, it will come, because you’re God. You can’t try. Trust and let go. Trust your whole self knows what you want and let it come to you. You are God. There is no process to being God. What you want is coming, let it come in whatever way it does. The more you start to allow and release, every single ounce of vibrational ease then starts to become accustom to your frequency, because you’re allowing it in. Then, you become that vibration in frequency or number of times and then it becomes your algorithm of life. But you have to start. Its not that you need to earn it back, it’s your worthiness that’s allowing it in. The more worthy, the bigger the miracles. Let it go and trust it. Let go and the miracles will come in. Incorporate the vibration into your IS-ness, it will speak the truth to you. Release yourself from the imprisonment of the distraction world of polarity and now look away into the unknown. It’s all about how you relate to reality. As a God, not as a human. Marmosal Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart🌺 ✨https://www.facebook.com/groups/199783527175934/✨
You have the ability to understand everything within the reality you are experiencing. Every vibrational thought of a potential of experience is attainable, by the DNA that you currently have awoken inside of you, and available for the usage in the deployment of those vibrations to receive with the conscious mind.
Your DNA is relative to the idea of your worthiness. Your DNA is relative to the idea of the allowance of the occurrences of 'Now', to accept more unknowns into your reality without the fight. You fight, you push it away. You allow it, you embrace it. What you are waiting for has already happened. Leave things alone and accept them, so you can see the view of those idea relationships to yourself, as a fractal, and have them shift to the relationship to yourself as a God. Sit back and observe your thoughts, because there is not one God that ever judges itself. And whenever you are screaming at yourself in your mind, that’s the Gods of separation, the ego 'Selves' that you have created. The replicas of you, that are separated and you are here to become whole. You have an illness or an 'issue'? It’s not going to be healed through medicine. It has to be healed by accepting it and for you to know that it's not a problem. It's a reality that doesn't need to be chosen, anymore, because 'my worthiness of accepting it' shifts the vibration of 'myself.' Acceptance of all vibration tells the two matching signatures the truth of the algorithm, within the framework. Then the framework must change, because the acceptance of the new signature of wisdom has been employed within the conscious mind. The conscious mind heightens its awareness of that and then automatically the reality is interpreted differently, with no effort from you. The idea of accepting it as you, means allowing it to be what it is and never judging it. Always accept it in every single Now. It will rear its ugly head and then you will know the peace about it, because your relationship to it will never be the same. Compassion is taking the passion about someone and compressing it. Their passion is a pain but you're compressing into compassion, because you see pain. If that passion is not labeled as painful, then you will have no compassion. You will join them in their passion. You choose the way you want to relate to it. You allow it. Your self-worth is absolutely in conjunction with the frequency relationships you can have. The DNA you are now awoken to has an ability to fine-tune realities around you, that are already there. The DNA will let the conscious mind know there's something here. The conscious mind can't go after it, because that becomes thinking. The conscious mind accepts the awareness of that and allows it, and that's when the frequency match becomes more and more accepted, so the relationship to the reality becomes more open. You hold yourself down with the same current vibration. That vibration is the idea of everything you've known. If you hold onto the known as truths, you can not let yourself be a higher vibration automatically. You can allow yourself to be a higher vibration automatically, by being an allower of what is in your reality. Now the vibrations of potentials start to shift, and that's when miracles come. Isabelle Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart 🌺 ✨https://www.facebook.com/groups/199783527175934/ ✨ |