Every time you pay attention to something, you are focusing into a belief; a belief system. That attention point of focus is a value system, that has experienced itself through measurement.
Gaze upon yourself as an investigator, an observer. The observer is not here to judge you. You’re observing yourself, as well as others. The observer is not a judge. The observer is a revelation, it reveals. So when you can approach your observation as a neutral party here in the world of separation from, All-That-Is, the observer, the awareness standpoint, your approach as an observer changes the frequency of the relationship to reality. The observer doesn’t feel good nor does it feel bad. The observer understands its relationship with those emotions, those belief filters, those truths that grow tiresome. The moment of observation, filtering through your point of view filters of the whole self of you, which is unfiltered, comes back to out as not your truth anymore. Vibration always speaks volumes, but your belief filters only let so much stuff in. But now the observer can see how much it is not and is letting in. When you consciously are the observer choosing to accept your manifestation and thus changing it by not validating it, then you let vibration in, where change ensues. You feel different. Vibration is never diminished. Vibration is always that which gives you this experience here and now. Your relationship with reality is the paradigm. That’s why nothing can make you happy. You shed everything that makes you happy, that makes you sad, by being the observer and understanding it intimately. Then, happy is natural. Should you set an intention for the future? If you are having an intention of a tomorrow, that energetically takes on vibrations of 1000 pasts, not only of your past but the intricate woven prism of the now of the human psyche. Each and every vibrational match to the current vibration that you are is a potential drawn to you, to use intention as a pallet of choice. To understand a manifestation intimately is to do nothing about it. Which is absolutely paradoxical to everything on the planet. Everything says change your reality and that must be done through intention. How do you change your life? The destruction of the known past, tired, vibration ceases when you are focused on the unknown, that is your Now, what is in your life right now currently. You are keeping the known around when you focus off into the past or future in Time. Your truth spoken in every moment, no matter what it is, absolutely expressed without any hesitation, creates an entirely new universe for you. That’s what your attracting. You’re attracting a whole new way to relate. Does this self, that you have all grown to love, need to become extinguished with a quick remembrance of who you are? If you remember the whole of who you are, does that self need to return when you are here? You are a new self-realized, a new God. You are birthing a reflection of yourself through the idea of limitation. You are creating an entirely new species - Homo Divinicus. The only way to change what is already in the Now, is by becoming the now and accepting it, investigating it, being honest with it. Dive into the feeling of your emotion. Let it come into you. Experiences with others, is just about knowing yourself. There is no one way to be. There is always the unknown to be, and you are unknown to billions. So when someone connects to you, you are not showing them a lesson, you are being a teacher of experience for them to understand you, through their translation. That’s why you can’t take things personally anymore, because the asleep who are around you, are being taught. You are being something and they are seeing something within themselves. When you change you, you offer change potential to others. You are simply Now. Where you go is immeasurable, because where you are is immeasurable. Once you are, then you will never go anywhere because you are everywhere already. You are being. What you are now is All-That-Is. The Intelligence Collective Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart 🌺
Choice & to choose
The bi-product of the now is determined by your relationship to reflection: how you are known emotionally as existence, as an experience. When you change your pace or tempo, you feel a different emotion about your now, your unique present moment. When you 'intend' to change something in your now, like a somber mood in a room, nothing can change since that 'intention' is filled with 'tension' and that vibration must remain the same. You get back what you put out. So when you want to explore yourself as a change of pace or tempo, you feel into the existing frequency around you and you will get the emotional equation of the movement of that frequency. It will speak to you subjectively, as you accept and allow it, not through an intention to shift it as an 'outside from you' idea. Everything you see in front of you is your natural intentional bending of the light, that gives you a certain frequency of redemption, that matches your senses in a certain frequency called a vibrational density, so you can have an experience. This is how awake humans create as 'choice' and no longer by engaging a 'to choose' intentional vibration. The thinking mind and the knowing mind You are now ready to know when you are creating, by thinking (effort, intention, 'to choose') and creating as the creator, by feeling (effortless, natural un-noticed intention, 'choice'). All light bends through you, and you change the frequencies to fit your certainties of life. Your whole self incarnated a fractal. Your whole self is in charge of your holodeck, your light show, your whole game. Everything that you are in your world is your whole self bending light for you, with absolutely no effort. All co-creations are instantaneously, synchronistically known in the moment to be that, as a co-creation. Creation is instantaneous, it is very fast. When you hear: 'cat, dog, tree, leaf, water, stream, waterfall', you immediately receive an image in your mind and that is creation. It is not done through thinking, it is created through your will of existence. That will doesn't speak to the 'slow mind' and tell you what's going to happen. What is happening is that you hear the word and you translate that vibration into a reflection, to know what you are conceiving. The fractal doesn't realize what it is thinking about, since that vibration was birthed from it's natural will of existence and not by human thinking. The fractal doesn't need to think, ever. That would be creating from a mind that uses a 'known' reference point, instead of relying on spontaneous vibrations that are always exploratory. By not thinking, you must see the palette of the 'unknowable', to bend and create the light into 'that', which is birthed from your spontaneous will of existence and given to the vibration truth of you, without aligning with an object of time reference, which keeps it that 'known' frequency. You can still attain goals as a human by thinking. You can get the things that you dream of, you just have to use a lot of permission slips to get there, through massive effort. The rate of frequency that you are in any now, with whatever idea that you have in your mind, will determine how fast that idea/ creation will show up in your reality. The concept of this now, non-intentional creation, is where the thinking mind is excluded. The knowing mind that knows itself instantaneously, is the bending of the light and it creates instantaneously. Time There is a claim that, 'over time' is how things were created. Your reality does show expansion, explosions, the Super Novas, that were created, because that is the only way you could see reality...in time. So you 'prove things', in time. But you don't understand the now. The now is already...all ready. Everything conceived is now, in whatever projected state you see it in. So you can see the beginning or the ending of the collapse of a Super Nova, all according to the eye of the beholder, who perceives that instant moment and places it wherever, according to their relationship to their tempo; how they feel about it and it becomes their vibrational match. Manifestation What you want to understand is, when you have a non-intentional idea about creation, things just start to manifest. These you consider, in measurement, as little. The reason for this is that you all fight moment to moment to uphold your unworthiness. You make excuses, reasons for not having things, because it is a very worthy master that sees how unworthy they are. This worthiness approach hurts the unworthy self. It hurts, yes, but it is truly unique to this journey of yours. When you deplete the ego, you reveal a frequency shift that allows you to experience a reality that manifests more things that match your worthiness as a God, all that is, as a Creator. Your whole self is putting on a light show, that's all. It's not solid, it's not permanent, and it is certainly NOT shared. It is unique unto you and all co-creators are all only sharing with the reflection of themselves. It is co-creation sharing, but not in uniqueness. To each his own kingdom to explore. Whenever a manifestation shows up, whatever it is, there is always a frequency, a feeling that you tap into. That feeling is always pure, it is a certainty that is open, until the mind starts to filter it and deplete it. That pure, open certainty tells you an entire story, a whole picture and you can feel all of it. That whole picture is the creator that you are, showing you everything about this moment. The mind cannot take all of that in all at once, it has to do it as an experiencer of humanity, with the element of time. So you see the unfolding of the pieces of the puzzle as they manifest, but what you feel is the manifestation of the total creation. This is where you should pay attention. This is where you feel the knowing, the will of the now...knowing. When you react to your reality by complaining or by calling it wrong, instead of responding to it by experiencing it, you miss the beauty of a complete, open and pure creation. With trust, the manifestation of the moment is already accomplished, without effort and it happens instantaneously. Each moment speaks the entire equation to you. You play it out in time, from your very own unique perspective. There is never any need to know where a manifestation comes from. EVER! Because it is your manifestation, created through your relationship to your own worthiness, that you CANNOT control. Allowance with no effort is truly boring to the human fractal. It feels like nothing is happening. When you pay attention to how you feel, you start to become alive in remembrance. This comes about gradually, through allowance. Be patient and don't get mad at yourself. Keep reaching for the feeling and it will remind you of what you are, a creator, not a distorted fractal. Each manifestation is truly unique. Disappearance of certain things in your timeline realities are also unique. They disappear because they are no longer a match to your vibration. Reality is not standardized. Reality creates and collapses in each now, each present moment. It is unstable because it is unknowable. It is related to as stable when you define it through a known filter. Its pure essence is unknowable and you are all agents of change, exploring yourselves naturally, effortlessly. The memory creates your relationship to the now, by using time. A memory given in the moment that is filled with two weeks of experience, gives you the experience to feel that moment, in that way. But that now truly stands everlastingly on its own. You use the element of time to enrich that experience in your own unique way. That manifestation, without intentional will, is a known thing in the moment and when you start to think about it to improve it, you devalue it and change your tempo; the way you feel about your reality to meet the emotion of your expectation, control, conformity, normality, history, yourself known. You have to be the observer and you will understand your relationship to allowance, trust, fear, uncertainty. You're going to live this forgotten God that has nothing to hold onto, yet it still manifests realities and it keeps its tempo alive with love, not with intention. Leave things alone, the whole of you is always creating, trust. The whole self The whole self is not thinking: 'I'm trying to give you a house, a car, etc'. It does not have intention to give anything to you, because your whole self is not in time, YOU are. So all your probabilities are already here and now. The way you feel about your now, your tempo, is the manifestation of a billion different probabilities. The more you allow, trust, embrace, be passionate and act on the things that you love, the more your vibrational state must act in kind. It is law! When you change those ideas, you get different frequencies, with different memories, with different timelines. You are NOT going to forget who you are, who your parents are, you will be in the now of perfect co-creation, always. You are always going to know YOU, because you are realized now. When you realize yourself as an individual singularity with a knowing, you will know yourself, somewhere inside of you, as a creator. This is who you are falling in love with, YOU. Your emotions are shedding your filters to get to that self that says: 'I deserve this life! I deserve this self! I deserve this experience!'. It sheds all of its crap to find YOU! That self is who you are discovering. That self never goes away. You are never going to give yourself a memory of not knowing you. You can't! The asleep fractal doesn't know itself as anything in particular, least of all a known creator. Once you know yourself as a known creator, you stay in your knowing self. The asleep have many different realities playing out. They are unaware of these 'knowns', these selves 'realized'. You have found your awaken self, you are realizing your existence as a creator. You cannot shed that, because you ARE that. That is the signature of: 'I'm falling in love with me.' You are relating to reality as an awoken God. This is your focused experience of this now, so you will never lose your memories. You never need to know any other self, other than this self creator. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by other incarnations that pull you away from knowing your own kingdom. The will of the now Feel, don't think anymore. The will of the now is starting to become understood by the reflected self, in time. As you become more now, you become more unified with your own will the now. That will of the now is going to give you a frequency of knowing, without the idea of knowledge (the thinking mind knowing through experience), but rather through the intuitive, knowing mind. Be the master of musing and allow your life to unfold. Accept all your realties and don't control them. Unless you want to experience a controlled reality. Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart🌺 |