The currency of life in and of itself is exchange. That's what it is. It's giving back-and-forth, with no intention and no receivership from either side. It just is the co-creation that you cannot help but to be.
Abundance? It's all the value of your self-worth. No one thinks they are worth that much money. And whatever that much money is, is whatever you think you're worth. Period. That's how it works. It's not about the money. It's the self worth that brings the idea of that allowability for the abundance of the universe, All-That-Is, to flow unto you, because you are not stopping it with your boundaries of unworthiness. Your money is losing its value as paper. It is gaining its value as electric. It's in the cloud, which is exactly what is the potential to have no more money, because it doesn't exist in your physical world. It's easier to release, because it's just a click of the button now more so than ever. You have to look at what you have as abundance. It's not the money, you gotta understand the birthing aspects of exchange. I am valuable, me. I am Whole. I am valued unto me. I am valuable, therefore I am and whatever I am, I am that value. I trust, I let go and continue and the value of myself is only realized, it's is never chased, it's never expended, it never runs out. Only you run out of your worthiness. You know how you run out? You are tired. You are exhausted from chasing it. People don't get rich because they have a Midas touch. It is because they love themselves. Evolution of separation always births more avenues of expansion, therefore, the diminishing idea of all money being grabbed by a few millionaires, will bleed in all directions because they can't hold creation. It's your value in the moment that creates the exchange of energies, that says 'I am worth it' and here comes opportunity and expansion for money. How many people post channeled information on Facebook of convincings ? Why aren't any of them rich? It's not the program or the information, it's the exchange of it. It's the value you consider yourself to be. The exchange of energy is the breathing of life, that cannot be bounded to the idea of dollar bills. It doesn't matter where you go or what you do. It's how you share yourself with the world, as valuable. You want to be abundant? Start spending your money. Start treating yourself like a king. Stop worrying about the bills of tomorrow. If you intercept yourself with the lack of the future and the dependencies of having that harboring safe and secure idea outside of the now then you will be only the limits of that until you die. You are an exchange of energy. The currency is: 'I am valuable'. If you are vibrating and breathing "I am valuable", then that value of your self will be the currency beyond measure. Abundance will come flowing effortlessly to you. Stop second guessing yourself. That is the same energy that is keeping the money away from you! You reject yourself when you question why something good has happened. Energy is everything. A minute thought in the now changes completely your reality. You will never know you are God, if you keep putting yourself outside of your self. Don't force yourself in any world, follow the whim of the Now. Be the lighthearted wanderer that carries it's own home on its back. There is only one of us. The only connection you have, is the voice in your head. The outside interpretations are vibratory enactments of compression, translated by electrical impulses synapses in your mind. If you cannot trust your own God mind, who can you trust? Every time you doubt yourself, it is a worthiness exchange of energy. Since the number one way to solve lack is money, that is the number one thing it pushes away, because that is the number one thing you value. Your relationship with your self is everything. The currency of value that you are, gives you the value of feedback in reality. You don't need abundance, because you are the Wholeness of it until you change your point of view. When the point of view of value of yourself outweighs the point of view of the Whole of you, this is when lack is experienced. This is the crossroads. Your value of 'I can't afford', that point of view, will always create realities that stave it off from you. Understand your journey. Understand your potential of vibration. Understand what keeps the worthiness at bay. You'll never know how you could live, until you stop putting everything in place in order to live. If you think you're not worth going beyond what is safe and secure in the future, then it is going to be limited to that. That is your version of your own self-worth. It's not about your job, it's all about your passion. What you have to trust is that vibration is your reality. When you are passionate in your Now, you will only be fulfilled with the exchange of co-creation and that is pure abundance, unknown to be realized by you. It's your world that doesn't exist until the Now of realization. So why can't miracles happen if there is no bank, until you create the bank? Everything is given in the moment including the memory. So why can't there be a deposit made of $10,000 in your bank account? You don't think that way because you think you have to earn money and you can't think beyond the measurement of what you scope reality to be. Therefore, your worthiness will never go beyond that, until you get the miracle. When you do get the miracle, you reject it. Why? Because you don't think you're good enough. That's why people that get money lose money. People that have money, always spend money. Stay in the Now and don't let the potential of a lack become you, and you become it only validating that reality. Don't be afraid of a mistake and that it's going to be consequential. The Now is the only thing that's the truth. In the Now, the memory of anything is that truth. You can't look at consequences in the future, because they're not there. They are only related to that, in the Now. The more you let go, the easier the ride gets. Choose yourself. Treat yourself like a King, a Queen. Be that idea unto you and you shall see the reaping of rewards of your own vibration. Relating limitation to an unlimited world, is like oil and water. There's a division. You can't bring that into the world and get abundance. And if you are unworthy, how do you think you are going to get the valuable things that the world finds worthy? Ophiuchus channeled by Roxanne Swainhart🌺 ✨✨
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