Whatever is coming back to you in life you must not measure it. No matter how much it hurts or how much it gives you hope, you have to experience it as an experience unmeasured so you can leave behind the relationship to reality that you hold as truth- which is measurement. What you put out is what you get back. The “mirror” of life doesn’t reflect positive or negative. This holodeck of reality doesn’t come at you with a set idea of a “negative” experience because you have a negative point of view. Your negative point of view is internal to you, it doesn’t affect reality around you. Everything is accepted into the experience of yourself. Everyone is unique in their truths, or what they believe about life. It’s just about how YOU relate to your own actions. Everything about the future is created by the “Now”. So if you are “Now”, can you imagine what your future will be like if you are embracing vibrationally and relating to your “Now” reality in acceptance. THAT is HOW change would happen. Every-time you measure your reality, you sustain it in the same frequency of polarity. Because polarity is where measurement exists. Or something you can move on a scale of emotional relationship. Your Ego or “Human Mind” that thinks, polarizes your feelings. Your existence is an unconditional state of awareness, it is beyond measurement. You can not feel literally as a standard good or bad. It’s your relationship to reality through the way you perceive your life that gives you the experience of it. Perception is your awareness. Awareness is immediately understood as a symbiotic relationship with experience. What you represent offers an attraction. Attraction matched is your representation of your relationship to your kingdom. You do NOT need to think about how to make anything happen. Because thinking will bring in memory vibrations of enactments of past action that will keep you maintained as where you are. The Human Ego in accordance with its own survival, to keep its image alive uses the resources of its own experience to dictate, control, and validate its self. So remember you ARE already thought, you don’t NEED to think. Thinking must come from a pool of consciousness that is already translated through memory, past vibration experienced, therefore your future can only come from solutions in equal vibrations to those past ideas. Engage in your belief systems. Look inside to see what you believe to be true. Look inside with absolute ownership and acceptance to change the vibrational relationship of the strength of the Ego. The Ego can’t remain intact because you are the creator of the Ego as it’s a reference point of existence. When you cease to exist in that mannerism then that relationship changes its vibration with you and no longer sees polarity, therefore, the emotional equation does not take place. BE the master in the middle. BE the observer of how your Human mind works from your WholeSelf, God point of view. The more you become Whole the more you will know remembering your reality already. Unum Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart 🌺 ✨https://www.facebook.com/groups/199783527175934/ ✨