DATED: June 9, 2021 TOPIC: Intuition MAJESTICS CHANNELED BY: Roxanne Swainhart TRANSCRIBED (not edited): Marilyn Holzmann MODERATOR: Maximiliano Flores AUDIO RECORDING TOTAL TIME: 1:37:36 SUMMARY KEYWORDS: intuition, human, memory, observe, fuck, moment, identity, masters, birthing, knowing, journey, solicit, nature, ascension, feel, moving, question, life, creation ROXANNE SWAINHART CHANNELING MAJESTICS: As Roxanne has noted, there is always a resonance, a feeling, a way that the intuitive self knows what that is that is not made apparent in the immediacy of the now. You can tell things that are coming. Only your doubt skews the intuition of the human journey, a highly unused tool by the human incarnation as an experience. When you are about to die, it was not sudden. When you were about to do anything, it is never sudden…intention hides intuition. If you look at your life, the focus has been ahead of you. And understanding that, through what's behind you is your intensive world that you struggle with navigate manage control. On a daily basis to stave off the failures and the fear sold by the histories of humanity through every current generation. Yet today, in the worst time ever, repeated generationally since you've arrived on Gaia, there are still stands and you are still self-evident. So, this may offer an insight into the intelligence of creation. Knowing that there is no end there is only constant change, discovery movement of self without your plain sight seeing how often you change. Your memory complementing the moment skewing the change because the diversity of life commonality is not apparent. What is common is memory. You have been given many conversations by the channels participating in Roxanne's attraction. About the memory and what it does for you, how it complements you, as well as hinders you. Keeps you hesitated; delay debated. These things are the exploration of a singularity. This is life itself. I'm wondering humans, if there was a moment that you can live for a period of time of validation, whether that is one minute or five minutes, with absolutely no feeling of emotional content? Would that be enough for you to know yourself evident existence leading to a knowing of indestructible, invincible experiencer of creation as it passes through you in the eternal now, these ideas are not inaccessible. Your intuition is a large tool. Roxanne has said intuition goes to humanity to die and we understand that point. What she is giving you and herself more intuitively, is a knowing for all information is never regarded as false in existence, for all existence is therefore by nature it is true. The separate itself creates false from the birthing Mother of truth. So it is that that shows you the ability, that every ounce of information that flows through you as an experiential, receptive choice to know yourself, must by default, be true. What the difference is, is the journey of the moment that allows each singularity to move through its own consciousness without rendering time, or staples of memory standards are glorified of outcome in the future. To know itself, unconditionally accessible by you to focus for about a moment on intuition. She knows when there's a certain intelligence coming, I tonight and that feeling she likened me to the set. Sometimes she likens it to the trolls. Maybe the fairies? The Assassins making an appearance, the absolute Dragon of Sylvester, and the calming soothing of Ocyphius’s voice. These things are feelings that lie in the memory. But in this moment, they are not standards. They are a compactorie story. They give you a certainty. A familiarity that allows you to choose your intuitive self. So these are not necessarily things that your ego is desperately wanting to know the answer to. What we offer are mere morsels. So you may explore yourselves. To give you answers, would stifle your own evolution. answers in that fashion of desperation that are birthed from fear and a lot for self that uses no skill set of intuition to hope for a future of safety. If we were to give you those, and we would keep you in your pain since we don't like pain, to be as forward as we can, we will not offer these relationships. Questions and answers are magnificent truths. They are self-imposed, and then they are self-explored. If you change your toolset and you trust yourself and you observe that self and you validate that self through behavioral choices, then you will learn over a period of time that the emotional self has no relationship to the intuitive self. They are literally two different feelings. Feelings of hope and despair are distinct. Feelings of excitement and disappointment are distinct. But those in and of itself have a beginning and an end. As the now flows. That's it things we speak of, are in constant play as the recycled tools of a journeyman their human has given itself a set of expandable no edges or boundaries, ways to navigate its reality. This observer self for example, the intuition self, the meek self, self-honest self, Roxanne with brutal honesty. She loves to tear it apart. She's aggressive, she's much on fire. She wants you to see what she has. So she offers it in an expansive riled up way and many times. But see, that's a self that is off. But that's not an intuitive self. It's the non-self-knowing itself. And then offering that self towards masters that have joined in the journey of time. But the intuitive self is still infant yet wise but not quite ripen yet. So how does that feel? Would you like to know everything you've already done? But you cannot approach it masters from your desperate selves always soliciting others for that certainty. Nay masters, these are not outside validations these are times of musing, quiet pondering. These are the conversations inside of view. The expression of self is known through the behavioral actions of the mirror co creation constant reality. That's how you get to know your work. But these things that we speak of on the internal movement of self they are relationship that does not require or demand any amount of emotion. So you must get rid of your bullshit. Stop it Roxanne says you fucking crybabies. Why? Because she doesn't want you to hurt yourself anymore. It's up to you though. Isn't? That point of view is Roxanne journey that's her mastery. We cannot intrude on just like we cannot intrude on you as you can never intrude on another and maybe when you realize that you can start to see this intuitive self-accessed. Why do we offer this today? I suppose you're evolving. Roxanne felt this idea, not intuition, the feeling of it the speaker of intellect the Seth like material things that boggle the mind and open doors just enough for light to start pouring it these kind of ideas, but the direction is always startling. And here, we are talking about something that human being has been attempting with an immense amount of shortcomings to know itself beyond time. So I would like to discuss that statement from one moment. How do you know yourself beyond time? The quick answer is now…easy. This is a moment, and the views of moment are limited by the access of vibration. Let's say for example you are looking off of your balcony and you see your distance, but it is out of focus and then you think, and you say, “I'd like to see that, that I cannot see it is unclear yet. I know it's present.” So being the savvy that you are you grab a pair of binoculars, and you look and see distance that's not happening with time is it… of course it's happening in the now. But you have to use different tools. Your physical eyes are an experience they are not what provide you sight, they are and they're interpreters of light in a frequency matrix of the third density. Giving the eyes and the body or co-creators in any given moment. The experience of this third density the eyes the ability to see you the ability to see each individual in that process knowing itself so in that sight, if you adjusted your sight using tools could you not see further and more clear into your now? Binoculars work quarreling to the now they were not accorded or tuned to time. You can use them anytime. So they must not have time. I have binoculars that have no time. So I have no time for binoculars. Isn't that exciting? I think so. So what is the tool? What brings in intuition? See, intuition is a gut feeling not to get on the airplane, the bus. Don't turn left. Don't go for a walk. It's the last time you're going to kiss your spouse or your children, goodbye. You know, it's coming. Everybody does. It's absolutely impossible for you not to know your nows. Especially with the surrounding vibration that humanity continues to value death as. And as you human species grows into consciousness, then you know it is a mere transfiguration. But in these times, it is impactful to humanity still. So, let's, let's use that as a red flag. Death is coming and you know it. So what do you do about it? Well, you change it if you want to. Because death are possibilities. If somebody is selling you an idea of time, well, then they're just selling pain once again. Time is created. Created in the now…there has never been before or after. These are concepts that will allow you experience time created. So if you know your NOWS, and you feel that uncertain self-starting to become certain of something, your intuition telling you…let's not do that today. I'm wondering if you're okay with that. We'll use something striking. So I want you to be okay with an ability to change what you would consider and most of your movies and your religions consider it destiny. Which is another pile of shit. It's a structure of experience that solicits purpose, fear, absolutely no choice. Fate is a great structures of humanity, unparalleled in all creative universes. To Know yourself is not creator, and claim it, and fight for it and die with it daily. So I would ask, are you okay, knowing the certainties of what's coming? When if you have emotion involved, which I can feel you guys, you want to know answers to desperate questions. You're like drug addicts. Selling your body for fucking one more hit. Gamblers asking for one more roll of the dice. Ah, wanting to know if you're going to be safe. Now knowing you're invincible, keeping yourself alive in misery. Because you don't trust the only kingdom you've ever known. The only truth you have ever known yours. But the logic of time and control and outcome and success and validated through the authorities of others. That you are granting us and must be respected, and you demand that respect, not only from your children, your employees, but the common person walking down the street that can easily disrespect you because you're not getting what you deserve… you cry baby. If you are humble enough, then you can know your kingdom. You can know intuition and you can know your death. And you can choose it and you don't have to either. I'm wondering who cares? A family member you will make them suffer. You don't make anyone do anything. This has been brought up 1000s of times. You guys think, think. And then you have that emotion to think in class. A human learning how to think, first grade think, second grade think, third grade, think, think, think, think. And then you think about things, and it becomes compassion, empathy, sympathy, blame, responsibility, dedication, trust in another. That's the human journey. But what of the self that knows itself and doesn't trust the outside and only trust itself and says I choose to die. And the death is not an experience of absence. The Death is an experience of life. As is waking up in the morning, using the restroom, making a cup of coffee or tea, reading the morning report pondering the day ahead. It is another flow of experience passing through you as you observe creation, experience it interact with it in its consistency of change. So I would have you know that death is chosen. If you are intuitive enough, now we can lighten the load a little bit. Because death weighs heavy on your mind. For you think the unknown is scary. If you had no emotion, as we said, the absence of emotion for just but a few minutes, you would immediately know there is no death only life. So if we were to lighten the load to something else, intuition about a career choice. You live in time you have many probabilities of frequency. Your now is your ability of your sight and your memory. We're here to offer you the movement of the now to expand. Roxanne has done an exceptional job of kicking your ass across the fucking Texas. So you can see yourself in the now and observe that self through humility and surrender. So you can watch yourself behave in a mannerism of limitations and having the ability to transfigure those truths into the known self. So they may not solicit your emotional attachment any longer. To leave you now naked enough to ascend. Ascension to where? To nowhere. The unique journey of the unnamable Ascension you have no idea what's going to come but nor do you need that and lack but what about in the creator of the now that expands time? Can you see your future? Well, of course you can. Why? Let's ponder a minute masters. We live in the now intuitively. In this class, we are teaching that we live in the now naturally as the nature of us. We create incarnations of time, of space, of continuum in cyclic reincarnation. There's no boundaries to what we do. None…but we want you to know that you have a small amount of now at your grasp, your expanded now you can use whatever wider round or larger expand now will give your insight to many fathomable choices. Only vibrational choices, not memory choices. They are two distinct selves. You know how you feel as a human, you need to pay attention to that. A few classes ago there was a speaker who homed in on this for the entire two hours. Get to know how you feel as the human, the desperate, the needy, the lack the anger, the hopeful, the disappointed, the obligated, everything, all about that emotional status is a self that lives where, in the memory. The self and the now knows it's expand itself only through its intuition. And trust in that intuition. The self must experience itself because it is evolving as a creature of unknown proportions, that are not limited no longer by the memory itself. distinct. distinct as chocolate, and potassium. Two different worlds qualities, even comparable. So living in this observed itself creates a bridge to the unknown self. But the observation self has a tool, the one that observes its focus of lack, moving in and out, caught up in the moment and then realizing whoa, I'm in my shift. Move back into the observer and allow, feel this unknown self without the quantified memory, validating identity through pain. I sit with me I'm humbled to feel my transfiguration, my pain, my suffering, my sorrow, as the priceless evolution of self. I adore me, I gracefully hug me and allow me to love me without explanation without defending I AM. Now that itself is now familiar. It's birthing, it's growing, it's cultivated by your attention, only your attention, only your energy, nothing else feeds it, memory does not feed it. Hope does not feed it. Exercise and goal setting and execution and time does not feed that it, for that is feeding the known self that lives stifled or chocking on its own lack in the memory. Know this kingdom is evident. This self that you have birthed the observer that says I know my shit. I know this unknown. I'm afraid and I'm willing and I step make it into the unknown and you will start to glimpse your intuitive self. You will start to know conversations before they start. You will absolutely know what your partner is about to say, it'll be validated to thought. You're thinking about something and then one minute later they bring it up. But you're not thinking about it. You're attracting. Because you're not thinking about life, your being life. Being is the naked of the moment. It takes enormous work, to keep over and over, seeing yourself in your lap, moving out, slipping in moving out, slipping in moving out, slipping in moving out, not criticizing yourself along the journey, not putting an exercise of an outcome as you move through your own evolution. Keep reverting back to the neutrality of the self-observing, over, and over and over and fighting and begging for any identity but not choosing the mastery of ascension. You guys think it's a book, or a process a mantra shockless. purposes, needs, and desires. That's a hand job paradise…put it aside. And look at this creator unconditioned never known in any book, never written in any time. Because this self is unknown, discovered unknowable by nature, from the nature of memory, only validating itself through its own memory of experience. Only knowing itself only one way in time. But masters have chosen to observe themselves to see themselves to do the work and allow yourself a movement into sight…intuition. Knowing more so what's there as choice. A future, do you need to know it? No, of course not. We're not saying any of these standards of musts, a needs have to. Because, again, Roxanne has coined no one's in charge. How outstanding is that? So intuition wise, is so called as a visual aid for you ascenders tonight, the circle is what you see in your memory. If you close your eyes, you can picture your room. If you close your eyes, you can know your room. Knowing your room, which most of you have the ability to shift that awareness as you just did. As a level of uncertainty. It's a baby standing on the edge of the table. But standing up holding the edge of the table moving along in its newfound feet. Its leg power, its ability to have a different point of view, down here up here down here up or change your view. intuition. take a chance on yourself. Go through your mistakes. the horrors of humanity in my eyes is the value of mistakes. It's not that mistakes themselves are anything of less caliber than the glorified outcomes of successes. They are valid in their own realities as prices. But when I'm talking about is when it stifles the artist that you all are creating realities for your fear of losing what you have in desperate identity, for choosing the intuition that fear keeps you to say, I must say that must be painful. Oh, I'm sure it's safe and secure. I'm sure there's pride attached to a career. I'm sure there is things about being the same that gives you a sense of purpose or reliability or dependency. Well, I would have this to say about that. How very human have you. But this is not a humanity class. This is an Ascension class. So this birthing itself, ascending itself must make mistakes in a validated idea of human terms. So you may have a visual reference to gain its ability. It's remembered ability, not gifted because there's no one handing out any gifts. Santa Claus lives in your head. As a created valuable, I personally love Santa Clause. I'm looking forward to him again. So this self that knows and feels takes a chance on an idea. Roxanne is one to constantly finish ______ sentences. Sometimes she's think she's rude. Most of the time, she's right. A few times she's a little off, because that's a different self. She works on itself when she is known to it. But she uses tools to birth herself and evolve herself. Because if there's no one else in her universe, then who the fuck is she offending? Who is he hurting? Who is she causing an inconvenience to? Nobody. But those were her hindrances. Those were her fears those were her work. And now you look at your world masters and see the intuition self-knowing something's coming. And we're not talking about any life changing events. We're talking about the simplicity of the now not categorized by what the mind needs validation mind needs proof. Put that bitch away. Stand now and allow your intuition to be grown into you as familiarity by usage. All of you know if you knew something enough times you get good at it. Right. So Roxanne reported to the angelic last week about the probability she's down and we believe ____ and ____ is in the room tonight. These are friends from Roxanne since 2013 14. When she considered at one time saviors, for her fear was steeped in acceptance by these two into the life gave her courage to continue merge. These two she saw in her mind a summer meaning a cookout, maybe shrimp, maybe brisket. They're nice, lovely. Country home with the dogs about the beautiful night sky. A few musicians out there strumming and humming an entire day and night of for humans much needed communion games. I'm getting know that you've shaken off your shit. And she saw an opportunity. There was offered a movement a new place to live. She was so certain of this self. She saw every detail. She knows the lady who offers it. ____'s smile ___was over there cooking. But ______'s smile on was one just one of those other events that are memorable. And that is in the future as it were but is it no it's in the now. So she first glimpse that human as moving through the now let me walk over here she was using space was space has created and time is created now is so let's not that she was moving through there now but that was the way she saw herself looking at other potentials. Different things in her over here focus would be memory. Over here folks would be memory is a distinct feeling. Again, chocolate to potassium. You can taste the difference, but a little salt on your tongue, but a little chocolate on your tongue. Right? She felt the memory and she felt the slipstream intuition. What about you? Are you willing to use and be ashamed and make mistakes? Are you willing to forge yourself, hammer yourself in time, every now and then in banging on yourself in that forge of self-evolution. Time is what's going to give you the mistake. Time is your pain. That's where pain lives. But make your mistakes. So you grow in familiarity with what is already there to each and every creator knowing itself eternally. And all aspects of the now for it is the term. I dare say who is not you? I dare say? Where is privacy in creation in your illusionary head, behind the firewall, a cryptid, idea, password, stories, stories of creation knowing itself, but the nature of creation is one and all. So don't you know yourself? Wherever you are in the know. Yes, then how do you know what's coming? And how do you know it's real? And then well, if I know everything now what else is there left? All those things are time, aren't they? What else are always time that now is self-evident. And the now will reveal that of frequency vibration. The worth of the self-exploring matched instantly and without fail. The absolute abundance accessible to you. If you can choose it with the certainty of the unknown self, without parading yourself with proof I dare say you had this now. Because you can send ascension is not gaining. ascension is not a destination or an outcome. Masters ascension, the gift of humanity. The gift you given yourself is discovery of the nature of you. Really knowing this is not bullshit story. You don't need to buy CDs. There's no things to purchase no homework to be given in instructional manuals that give you an outcome. You do that with time as a human experience. Roxanne's practice with flute experienced with cooking, evolving those things. That's the human interaction, but the internal interaction is A DIFFERENT WORLD. And that self will make itself apparent in the day-to-day human relations. You can do the work as the observer to the human. The deconstruction or dismantling, to use any is the dismantling of the old self birthing, the observer, learning itself, then moving into the self that has the maturity and the courage to never see itself ever again because it is already itself. Intuition masters, there's no book on it. You have to explore it with humility. You have to explore it with raw gold, fuck it up and make mistakes and look at yourself and goes, I'm evolving. I'm worthy of this choice. I will not criticize myself, and those who criticize me, let them have their pain, for they are just deserve of their own evolution. Keep people from pain, keep them in pain, allow them to be painful. Watch them brighten their two colors where they must evolve by default, as they're knowing themselves as the enlightened owners that you most certainly there was a time when Roxanne observed herself observing the practice three presences of self. And then wondering how to manage that. And then seeing there still is an observer within that question. So it may take you layers of observation to find the neutral self. But that's the discipleship. discipleship is a kingdom it's a focus of experience. Or many humans representing the discipleship, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, musicians, artists, industrialist architects. They are focused on their relationship might be intensive for disciplined. Perseverance, hard work goals, the human aspect. But nonetheless, the birthing vibration is that the disciples discipleship the difference is your kingdom has no edges. So the discipleship allows you to move freely through yourself in every ounce of experience in the moment, observing yourself, gaining yourself a structure to observe that self uniquely again and again and again until it sickens you on how many layers you have. And then you sense it, don't you? It's why you're here tonight. You're not literally sensing Roxanne's intelligence, you're sensing yours. No matter what this says. You can feel the connectivity to you. Some say it speaks to the soul. I just have to listen. There's I can't help myself. But to hear this. I need to feel this I need to become alive in this. It's so right. Well, it's just the nature and this is not gifted. It's not special. It's accessible by any person any free When sees that the human incarnation for all the other incarnations in any aspect of all creation is already that you've created a certain mastery that has no instructions. Perfect. Roxanne loves every time she channels for it is not what is said for that is the byproduct of exceptional vibrational awesomeness. Or what it is more so is the discovery of that, as she journeys through the channeling now losing the absence of self, only leaving the experience she feels to have us here, me and her. But she knows something that me and her are the same. But we have unique perspectives. But she still has the presence of rocks in the human. So she learns to observe that self and moves into this self and then experiences me and the interpretation that I am is me experiencing creation, new. Roxanne she wants to desperately label it community to you. But as things are taught in time, they must be relatable. And she is still journeying in the uncertainty of cocreation or communion of channeling. The same information that flows lies nowhere in the memory. So the experience is alive. It's in flux right now. It's the movement of self. It is the unknowable passing through her lighting hard with life unsolicited incapable of measuring it to an emotion, for that would only doll it, because there is no value there. So of course it is not chosen because she needs not to know herself in time. So that is accessible by every master to observe and trust the unknowable self and choose it despite the value of the reflection in front of you that you called others for the experience of human separation. If there are questions this evening. It seems that in time, this would be a good time. We understand Maxwell is moderating. Hello. Can you can you moderate this evening? MODERATOR: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING: Wonderful. If there are questions, we should entertain with you, I suppose is the correct word. MODERATOR: Yes. that's correct. ROXANNE CHANNELING: Go ahead. QUESTIONER: So, first, we have ________. Would you say more about being humble and observing with surrender? ROXANNE CHANNELING: A little bit too much of a process there, _______, you're still trying to put it in certain points of a steppingstone path to get to the backyard. Without trampling the grass, you might be a little bit too delicate with your rawness. You're still keeping yourself in a certain equation of outcome. So you are burying yourself surrounding yourself with buffers that keep you on path with that question. So, let us give you this…when you have a conversation, and you are willing and humble enough to observe yourself speaking this conversational truth, just talking something, the first clue is emotion. Whether it is good or bad is irrelevant. There is always a sense of limitation within polarity. The nature of you is unconditional. The nature of the human is each subjective universe creating its barrier of suffering, and its limitation of love, or happiness or joy. put whatever you want in there. Emotional love is and limitation. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS A CERTAINTY. You can label love…you cannot label unconditional. You just can't fit it in. So we would say when you notice an emotion much like Roxanne pointed out to you in today's conversation. What's the point? And then you noticed yourself. So that is where humility takes place. Humbling to know that that externalism action by you. So you may have your identity with anger and pain and wrongdoing. That's the humility of acceptance of that belief system and not assign it to an identity or a definition of causality or blame. You see it as a belief. That's my shit. As Roxanne says, I own that belief system. They should have done this. They should have done that. That's wrong. This is better. Why do that? Why do that? I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch. I'm a fucking bitch. I love the bitch. So I know my bitch fuckin bitch self so I can have an identity. Because I'm not enough without my bitch, fucking self. The action, of bitching is a great word. So you are humble to that recognition. And you, you take it and say hello, you bitch. Come here and let me give you an embracement a hug. And you take that self and surrender to it. You don't get mad at it. You don't try to change it. You don't talk yourself into it with another self that is justified. You don't defend it. You are surrendering to the truth of that. And now you will swim in that absolute constitution of time. It is a democracy it is a nation that you must know that point of view that belief system that solicit a truth, bang, I'm alive in my pain. It is my pain and I own it. But these are works of masters. Not ones trying to escape pain. But the solitude of projection with the hopes of a safe and secure bounded by the defenses of its own limitations to fortify an impenetrable fort, a justice league a solitude of defense's so you cannot feel life because you fear pain. You fear humility, brutal honesty, that's my shit. I need to shut the fuck up and own me and swim in my pain. intimately get to know, this is me. I've been wronged, I need to make it right. But that is an identity, I need that for emotional status. I need to know I count. So I have to bitch, I have to make things wrong, I have to make things right, I have to be that person that everyone needs me to be. I'm going to live that identity for I know my love not. And so therefore I shall find my love externally and now you know it. Now you surrendered. Surrender is nothing about it. Absolute defenseless integration with the truth of that moment, knowing that's yours, you create it as an experience for yourself. In the journey of humanity. I don't know that anyone sell you a fucking story, it was easy. It's effortless, because choice is effortless. And isn’t easy. It's painful. And then as you stay there, by default of nature, you will change it from the knowing now into the known self. And therefore in that moment, that part of yourself that relates to that reality in reactionary standards of time, only soliciting an imaginary identity called the human fractal, and imaged self very valid, never fake, an image self-projected, disappears, becomes less than start to dismantle, deconstruct, start to be integrated back into the self. And you have to stay in the now and consistent about it. I don't know if it's going to take one year or six years, I have no idea because I'm never and never, never, never, never will know your world. That's your job. That's your journey. And your journey is you don't have to choose. Do you know a more exceptional truth than that, that you don't have to choose any of this? But now you know something, what you have been chosen. Choosing in time is why your life is that way. Because it's a relationship of vibrational truth that solicits that idea. obstruction. self-evident now. The Awakeners are starting to see this. The ones that are leaving the ideas of the last eight 9,10 years of repeating the same thing saying okay, we're the same fucking people what no need to change now. Awakeners can see that's an internal relationship. And that's surrender. humility and taking no action against it or for just letting it be you dismantles it in wisdom, intelligence. And it takes no amount of thinking. Because only that will what sustain it. Because the thinking mind is a human mind and vibrating that humanity in the now sustains the moment of human and that is not a sudden event of collapse. That is an evolution. You must work at it in the now daily if you want to add time. Take your breaks, relax for a while. But when you feel the calling of the Now move into yourself. And the more you do it, the more familiar. The less you focus, energy follows awareness. Sow reap sow reap. You know, I choose not to sow this today. And it breathes itself into change and you become known, and intelligence comes in and settles into you and you just feel good. For no reason, feel more without explanation. feel less impossible. That's how we’d answered that. Miss _______. MODERATOR: So next we have…Hello, there you go. QUESTIONER: Yes. Greetings in the NOW. Last week, I made a statement question which got skipped over, because it's way more appropriate to the exploration of intuition. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Excellent. QUESTIONER: Which is happening now. And the statement was that when I find myself in the now, truly knowing itself, I tap into parallel realities, which are also now and they overlap and almost become visual, like digital streams overlapping at the same time. And most of the time, it's of what appear to be in future moments. And then, what I've noticed is ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Future to who? QUESTIONER: Yeah ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Very good. You see that, right? QUESTIONER: Yes, yes, yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: That statement in and of itself, lies in the time-based reality of the human understanding the relationship to this newfound feature of being a creator. What you would consider timelines or parallel realities, or bleeding into the now. But you can see them through differentiation, which is an ability. Agreed? QUESTIONER: Agreed. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Perfect. Continue master. QUESTIONER: How and then what I've observed is that I seem to choose the more to manifest and collapse, the more seemingly the dangerous, challenging growth opportunities rather than a timelines which already match what I would perceive to be my perfect preferred reality. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: So you like to fuck things up? Take chances live on the edge. QUESTIONER: Yes, yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: So what does that tell you about things? What does that tell you intuitively, not intuition, in the mannerisms of possibilities to come in the now intuition in the accented focus of self-awareness. So does that lead you to twofold? One, that's what you are by nature. or two, that's what you are by identity. Is the nature of you to be the more softer self is the nature of you to be the more dangerous self? Well, the only way to know that is to go and investigate. And when you're investigating, be the brutal honesty of the discovery. Because one might feel awesome to be the edge, and you find yourself repeating, only do discover, that's not my nature. But it feels so damn good to the human, to give it up would be ludicrous, suicidal to the identity, to choose the mediocre self, but I have not explored it. So I really don't know what I'm perceiving it from the human from the two selves, which has an observer realizing itself in its own evolution and its choices. It looks like a lot, but it's all handled in the now never in time. Because once you know this, then you'll know that, but you have to know this. So I would say to that it is the discovery of the persona, in this case. Your intuition opportunity here is to know the nature of the self by using what you discern as probable realities. Are we one on this. QUESTIONER: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Anymore have thoughts on this? QUESTIONER: Yes. On the other side, I once got asked a question. Someone asked me, What is your favorite memory from your childhood? And then that moment, the idea of one timeline collapsed, and for two weeks, I was just seeing memories that I didn't identify as my own but were my own in the now because my perspective is there. And I was I was unable to answer the question because I felt well, how am I authentic? They all feel true to me. If I choose one, is it not in a sense a lie or wills? My identity all of them? ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: All of them? Yes. Fuck the questioner have that person go pound sand, you don't have to live up to the standards of expectation unless you want to diminish your light to the dependency of authority above yours. And there is no authority above yours, because you're the only fucking dude here. Yes. Right. QUESTIONER: Yes ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Yeah. Beautiful. QUESTIONER: Thank you. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: You're welcome. MODERATOR: So we've gone through all the questions ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: thus far. MODERATOR: this far. Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: How are you doing? ____? MODERATOR: I'm doing great. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Wonderful. MODERATOR: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Would you have any questions? MODERATOR: No, not questions. I have more. That's an observation related to the question of ____, with an experience that I just had. I saw I was I was in the, in our town, train station. And I was waiting for my train. And as I was there, I was observing two people walking by and this and as I was doing that, I was just watching everyone and being very bitchy. everything that we're doing. And I'm just judging everything saying that they are doing it wrong, they shouldn't do this, they're too close, there is a pandemic, why don't they stay more separate, and then this and then that and that I was keeping doing that? Until, until I realized I was doing it. And, and as I didn't realize that I just felt that I was out of me. I was not there. And I realized that I was right. I was feeling aggressed by everyone was doing absolutely nothing. And then I realized, okay, I'm I asked myself what are you what you're absolutely acting like a bitch, and an idiot and you're not there. So, then I sat in my think of breathing and this coming back and in the next morning, as I was, I was coming back to that analyzing it, I just realized one thing is that I was acting with a complex of superiority. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Wonderful, you I guess identified the belief system that gave it a what an identity, superiority, another domination of separation, to be separate and intense to be superior for itself of emptiness, only solicited superiority for validation. Before men rule the world women did. And what did women do the same thing mended superiority. But this is just a journey of explanations. If you look at it that way, but they are good tools. In this case, you realize your deficiency of worth your existence that stands alone needs nothing by its side to validate its own self. Much like superiority. Yeah, excellent insight, continue with your story. MODERATOR: Yes. And as I realize my complexity, superiority I also realized that when we express superiority, we are in reality, feeling inferior. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Of course, so simple. MODERATOR: Yes. And so as I realized that I just kept okay, right, that's it. And as that goes together, I just go in Okay, I have, I'm accepting it and I, I am just said I, that's it right. And as it goes through the price process of acceptance, being humble about it, and letting go of any judgment or any anything I that I just feel the oppression I had in my heart chakra go away. It just disappeared instantly. And so I know that Okay, that was the point that I had to see in that moment about my experience. And to accept it. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Let's say it's not a point you had to see. Remember masters, no one gives a fuck about you. No one is fixing you. You are opportunists, yourself through the everlasting law of attraction in your terms. So you can visualize it once again, a movement of self. It's not there for you in any explanation of lesson airy ideas to make yourself better when you are already all that is in-comparable. So that was Max's opportunity of expansion. And if he doesn't choose it, here it is again and again and again. And again. Why? Why does it keep coming? Because he's sowing it. He's interested, you guys are sowing and reaping this class, because you focused on. So you're interested in you're getting these transfigure rubble ideas of Ascension through this moment because you're interested in it. So if you don't choose this idea, it'll come in another fashion until you just don't look at it anymore. So remember, ______, your verbiage is correct, in one fashion, but it also can use some expansion. It's not what you needed. How can you need existence? There's no lack in wholeness. Always remember that masters? Roxanne says. Excellent. Excellent story for _____. Another point of view. And we go in anything else? QUESTIONER: Yes, there is _____ saying, when I am jumping in and out of my bullshit, then awareness, which vibration am I sowing? ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Well, it's not that you're sowing the bullshit until you act on it. Like, let's say, Hmm, let's say you get an unexpected thing happened to you, that shakes you up and gives you a reaction of fear. There's no details, we don't need to assign them we everyone here is familiar with sudden change of unexpected surprises that don't feel good. Maybe an unexpected bill or an obligation of looking forward to something but it has to change. So you are not sowing that necessarily, you're attracting the version of change in that. That's why it's there, too. So it would be taking action on it to fix it. Let's say you got an unexpected bill; your car breaks down and does it again. Now you know, it's I don't have the money for it. Okay, you take it to the shop, it's gonna be $1,000 to fix and you're upset, so you don't have the money for it. So you want to take action to prevent the fearful future. Now you're sowing the problem. Now you're saying I need to fix this. And instead of allowing it, because at that moment, you don't need the $1,000 at that very moment. You don't need that money and not now you have to journey to allow creation to show you the miraculous that you all are by inherited bright of priceless reality is the nature of creation, of course. So, so, in that instead of asking friends getting alone, maybe asking family members, maybe going into your savings, blah, blah, blah, whatever to fix and remedy the situation that is having a negative vibration and giving you pain. You want to escape it; you want to fix it. And you can replace that with 1000 things getting fired from a job and instead of accepting the new change, you get upset and go and drink your sorrows away because you fail. You escape right down there you go get a pity party from somebody feeding it. That is what we're talking about taking action on that to change it. Keeping it independence and keeping in real anger. Oh, this person cut me off. I'm going to go cut them off. Move on remember, where am I where your fucking child, right? That kind of thing. Don't feel it. You see it and you have the ability you're not sowing that idea until you take action on the front. That's what keeps you. You recognize it as ______look at me. I'm being a superiority, right? So _____ goes, wait a minute, I'm looking at me, I see me, I accept me, I surrender to me. And I'm not going to go and make myself I'm going to observe and allow creation to be itself. And then he feels a release. And a transfiguration, it might burn, you might get mad because you got to fix that wrong, what gives them the right to cut me off? That kind of bullshit, you sell your story and identity, right? That right there is not necessarily sewing it unless you take action on that. What you are sowing is the entrance of transfiguration. So you're showing yourself an opportunity to revolve that relationship of that belief system, seeing being cut off is a negative aspect, an egoic structure challenging your existence, to say, wow, that person must got to go to the bathroom or go on with your bad self, hope you don't pee your pants, and you allow it to pass through with no interaction. But if you have that interaction, then you choose not to take the action on writing the wrong or wronging the right from the other point of view. You don't do anything you allow and observe it and then the action stings with you and it causes great fear. You don't do anything about it, you stay in. Now that is sewing because that's the behavior relationship, you're creating in the moment with that. That's what brings in evolution of self-awareness discovery of the nature of you. We are unconditional. We don't give a fuck what anyone does. Because it's not doing anything to us. It's not doing anything for us and purpose and meaning. It is us by nature. It's the constant experience of forever. We are creators. We create realities, life so that's how we would enter that. Miss _____there is nothing… QUESIONTER: Thank you. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: You’re welcome. Hello. Are we good then ____? MODERATOR: Yes. ROXANNE CHANNELING MAJESTICS: Okay. So before we depart, I'd like to graze over something maybe. As I change my personality, by the movement of vibrational change, there's a notable expression of self in the idea of the cocreation with Roxanne the channeling changes. Maybe the tone and inflection but there's always a certainty, isn't there? There's always every moment to self or recognizable truth. Don't discount that. Even though I change expression I'm still constant in my existence is still evident. Don't try to label me just feel me when you shall feel the constant of self, we bid you good a good day masters. We are the Majestics, good evening, Thank you.