You can’t get mad at your thoughts.
Those unwanted thoughts must be accepted. When you divide yourself from an idea that IS God, then you’re screwed. You don’t have to say yes to it, but agree that it is plausible. Everything in you and around you, all of it, is God’s creation. If you measure it and guard against it, saying to that thing that you objectify it as unwanted, then there is nothing else you will be except that and you will have a very difficult time. You have to see that that idea is you, making it that. If you notice your ego self, that self has the ability to not know anything but that ego self. Your thoughts, the ones you cringe at, must be accepted as God. Your relationship will change with it, as you accept it, and it will be less valued to the point where it becomes another forgotten ego self. You won’t even remember it. What you are attracting in what you label as a 'negative aspect', is what you ARE vibrationally. YOU'RE JUDGING IT. You’re not attracting it as 'negative'. The reality that is Now, is neutral. The belief filters you have, assign it meaning. The meaning is vibrationally felt through your emotional measurement ability. You think you are mad at an unwanted object, what you are really mad about is the discovery of an ego self. The meek master accepts that ego self, then you can no longer be mad at the object, because you know it IS you. To break the pain, is to realize that you are interpreting something AS pain to give yourself a life. The more you value Now, the more Now becomes your reality and time becomes magical. When you have your pain return, it’s not returning, it is you taking a neutral reality and assigning it meaning and choosing to be that ego self, that is emotional and feels the pain and the misery. Instead, you could choose the good and exciting about that neutral world. The honesty tells you the choice that you don’t need to do this. You don’t need to go down that road. When you are upset about something and saying it should be a certain way, is that not tyrannical? Do you recognize that as a tyrant commanding it’s reality to be what it thinks is correct? Do people have to be your slave? You feel: "if I get this certain object I’ll feel better", because you don’t have the worthiness about being just you. You are always going to be better with other things in your life. You are enough right now, only when you’re not seeking more. Shift that ego self into a different awareness, then how that awareness looks at things becomes unnoticed. You have the ability to see the world from two points of view. How can I trust my emotional guidance? Your emotions are the experience. The belief is the filter. Reality is neutral. You interpret it and as soon as you interpret it, you get the emotional feedback of it. The emotions are your experience of your belief systems, they filter through your perceiving mind. If you never trust yourself, then you’re always trying to think about what’s best for you and by that time, it’s gone. You're always looking in time. You're always trying to make the best choice. And this is the life you live. You believe the effort is going to get you somewhere. It’s why you haven’t gotten anywhere. You are the same person of emotional attachment. That’s why you’re the same you. You keep yourself seriously embedded in pain. Will you choose to be the new self or will you be the old self? You’re so afraid to know that you’re God, all that is. You could free yourself, but you have chosen not to. Are you reverting back to an old self? You never reverted back, you just haven’t accepted that ego self part of you, into your whole Self. That’s why it’s come up again. A self that can rely on its own love. You have contained yourself to a life of suffering, because you think if you suffer enough you will get your dues, that it’s going to come back around. You’ve suffered all of your life, by containing yourself. As soon as what you were hoping for is close enough, you push it away. If you ever got what you really wanted, you know you don’t deserve it and that’s why you crush the idea. There’s a sense in your reality, the sense of the ending of a Now. Humanity feels better in beginnings and endings, and therefore the relative reality of your Now has the appearances of those and that gives you closure. It’s like an unsolved murder. The family wants closure but if you accept it as is, then there’s no closure needed. That’s the easiest thing in the world. Just give up on it and let it go. Every time that 'monster' pulls you back in and says: "You have to take care of or solve something", that’s a recognition of an ego self. That’s why we've been saying let it go, because you were holding onto those ideas. Nothing is in your reality because it is 'your fault'. It’s there because you hold onto it, that’s why it’s there. You have to realize you are valuing those ideas. You hold onto them, let them go and they will go away. When they come calling and are coming back in your mind, you say: "No, not today. I’m going to be happy today. I don’t need to be miserable today". Always know that you are the pain creator, giver, and receiver. What is wrong in reality? Only that which you say. That is your measurement. When you look at someone and you measure them, that is you taking a neutral object and creating it as an object. But it is truly a projection of you, measuring it and placing a label on it. That label stirs in your heart an idea of an emotional feedback, therefore you get a life. Phineas Channeled by Roxanne Swainhart🌺 ✨ ✨
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