"I am what you would call, a conscious channel. My greatest passion is to channel different entities and share wisdom with the rest of humanity. I am fully conscious and aware all throughout my channeling sessions and I'm right in the middle of the action, as well."
How did you get into channeling? My awakening happened back in 2010. Prior to making my transition from Roy into Roxanne, I was living the life that everyone told me I had to live. I grew up in a Christian family, attempted college (lol), joined the army soon after, got married, and then eventually went into car sales, where I was making well over six figures. My life seemed well put together from the surface, but from inside I began to feel increasingly uncomfortable with living within the image and construct of being Roy, the successful working man putting in 80+ hours per week. In 2010, I finally made the transition and began choosing my own truth and joy above my pain and dependencies on money and security. Eventually, I stumbled across the infamous Abraham Hicks and Bashar works, where I immersed myself into their teachings. One day during meditation, I began using my imagination to reach out and have a conversation with the Hathors. I started getting small streams of feedback, which evolved into incredible, full blown dialogues, with a variety of different entities. Since I started channeling in 2013, phenomenal pieces of information have been delivered, that have transformed my perception of reality, abundance, and our relationship to others. This is the gift that I want to share with others. If I had to put your teaching in a nutshell, what would that be? Choose yourself, choose your joy in the moment and know that you are God. This may seem too simple for some people to accept, but as long as you choose your joy instead of your pain while remaining in a state of allowance, you will allow your higher self to present different potentials into your reality that your physical mind would never be able to comprehend, due to it’s limiting belief structure. Over the years, we've seen quite a few channelers and spiritual teachers with similar messages around creating your reality, using the law of attraction. Why do you feel so many struggle to make these teachings work for them, despite all of the recordings and seminars these people listen to and attend? Most people typically run into issues when they get into the mode of measurement and control. Many, in the Law of Attraction community, are typically attached to the idea of focusing on a specific outcome and result and they expect their reality to deliver that image to them in physical reality at a 1-1 ratio. This usually doesn’t work because the ego or fractalized-self doesn’t create, and if it does, it does so in a misguided way, habitually focused on confusion and lack. The higher mind has already created everything you could possibly need, your only job is to allow and accept what’s already been created into your reality. I’m not sure if I follow entirely, if I don’t intend and focus on what I want and desire, then how will the universe know to give me miracles rather than misery? You don’t need to focus on or intend anything. Notice how the more you focus on your desire and wants, the more it seems to reinforce the scarcity and lack in the situation? The truth is that miracles and abundance are a part of our natural stat of being. Our higher self and present reality is already handing us all of the miracles we can possibly want, but most are not allowing it. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve told people to just get out of their own way, but that control-based habitual approach always seems to be the norm for most of humanity to fall back into. So how do I get out of my own way? Simply accept everything and anything around you. Just continue allowing everything in your reality without trying to measure, control, or change the situation. So many try to go about fixing or changing the perceived “problem”, when in reality there is no problem, except for our own judgement. As soon as you stop trying to fix or criticize the problem and just allow and accept, you stop energizing it, then it eventually leaves your reality and sorts itself out. Just remember, vibration is what always creates. How do I learn more about you?
You can check out this interview for the general overview. Subscribe to us on our YouTube Channel Here are some good videos to start with to get into the material: Effortless Gods Sylvester on Lack The Will of the Now Sylvester - It’s Hard to be Now Sylvester - Because You Are God Jane Roberts - Get Out of Your Way! Also Check us out on Instagram to keep up with powerful quotes from the Channeling. |
